Letter to Chief Justice

Mr. Justice Sayed-ul-Zaman Sadique                 7th July, 1999
The Chief Justice of Pakistan,
Supreme Court,


Venerated Sir,

You may be pleased to find facts-cum-realities through the instant application about such laws, prevalent in our country, and as they are being misused against the minorities:   particularly, Christians.  Impugned Laws, i.e. Zina Hadood Ordinance, 1979; The Muslim Family Law, 1962; etc. which are falsely going to be exercised by the administration, leave stunned and nonplused to one victimized by it.

Here are some cases being enumerated as instances:

1. A girl, namely, Asyia, 13-year-old, was, allegedly, raped, a case FIR
 No. 173/96 dated 22-10-1996, U/A 10 Zina Hadood Ordinance, 1979, was registerd at police station, Ahmedpur, Sheikhupura, the police with mela-fids intention and with ulterior motives, discharged the accused from the case. It is very pity to say that the police, subsequently launched a proceeding under the Qazf Hadood Ordinance, 1979, against three:  Asyia, alleged victim, her father, namely, Manzoor Masih and her brother, Nasir Masih; a suit for damages has also been filed by the accused.

2.     Three sisters:  Nadia, 15, Naima, 13 and Nabeela, 11, were,
allegedly, enticed to embrace Islam by Liaqat Butt and his wife, Rozeena, residents of kashmir Colony, Phagwari, near Government Commerce College, Satellite Town,
Rawalpindi.  After a long legal proceedings in different courts including Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench, of the said three girls, Nadia was got married with a Muslim Advocate, who afterwards got custody of other two girls, Naima and Nabeela as their guardian and then got them away.  The girl’s parents, very poor, were the tenants of Liaqat Butt and they remained failed to save their minors from the self-made process of conversion, and they are helpless as such.

3.  That true facts of the instant case, falsely narrated in the FIR No. 895/98, dated 9-11-98, under offence of Article 11 Zina Hadood Ordinance, 1979, registered at the Police Station, Sabzi Mandi, Gujranwala, are that a Muslim girl,
Mst. Yasmeen had fallen in love with a Christian boy, namely, Javed Masih, and, after having got him ebmraced Islam, she married with him in accordance with the Islamic Injunctions as enumerated in the Holy Quran, without her parents volition and consent.  Her father became complainant in the said case and he, with ulterior motives involved the relatives of Javed Sultan, including his parents, sisters and brothers in the case.

This is very material to disclose here that the local police arrested all the relatives except to Javed and his wife, Yasmeen, but their bails are not being admitted which is still pending in the court of Justice Mr. Zafar Pasha, learned Judge of Lahore High Court, Lahore.

4. Hussain Masih, Isaq Masih and Sehr Ghouri, were falsely, implicated into a
case FIR No. 523/98, dated 25-11-98, under offence of section 295-B, 109, 34, P.P.C., at Thana Ali Pur Chattha, Gujranwala.  After a long period of 30 days, Hussain Masih was refused to bail out while others are in jail, except to Isaq Masih.

A birds eye in the vista of the aforementioned cases, apparently shows us the predecamentary and miserable social state of the Christian community in Pakistan.  Excesses are being done in any walks of life, especially in legal side.  Easily, any Muslim fanatic gets trapped any Christian citizen against whom the former has any grudge.  Now it is a combined voice of the whole Christian community that excesses
in the above-described cases must be wiped out and extinguished, otherwise, having no place for justice in Pakistan, the Christians will take their matter in the INTERNATIONAL COURTS OF JUSTICE FOR NATURAL JUSTICE.

In view of above submissions from the whole Christian community, it is, therefore,  requested that your Lordship may kindly take over the above-mentioned cases (which are a very few examples) and pass orders over the matters in accordance with the law of equity and natural justice, removing faults, shortenings, flaws, irregularities, intentionally or unintentionally committed by the administration and the court of law.

Hoping for the Best.

Yours sincerely,

M. Joseph Francis
Coordinator CLAAS