<< SHE jabbed him right in the stomach (a most un-two thing to do!) << I saw you watching Doctor Who!>>

If Croon and Bäbel were on Doctor Who he’d be the Doctor and she'd be one of his madder assistants, possibly Sheila. He'd be aloof, eccentric, brilliant, and she’d be just a bimbo in an animal skin.

Except Bäbel was no bimbo, and she soon got the hint that something was amiss. Like one night he came home from the video shop with that classic Transylvanian horror film The Keep. Cool, she thought... the movie had a good soundtrack and an excellent sex scene. But halfway through some scene when some Nazi bastards are doing nasty Nazi shit he started looking at her as if he was expecting some kind of reaction. Not getting any, he laughed and remarked about how bad-arsed it was.

He’s not German she thought. No young German would act like that.

What the fuck was going on?

Then again, he wasn't responding to her hints. One stormy night Croon found her hiding under the kitchen table. << We're in a lot of danger, aren't we?>>

<< Huh?>>

<< It's Thor, the god of vengeance, and he despises me.>>

<< I don't get it.>>

<< Stupid, don't you understand? Thor is my totemic deity. And I've forsaken him.>>

She started crying then, an activity Croon disliked inside his consolation obligation zone. He gave her a regulation hug, said: << Snap out of it, it's just a storm.>>

<< The world is over-run, and the gods are angry. I should be fighting!>>

<< You are fighting. You're fighting through your art, your job.>>

<< My art.>> She walked across to her nearest sculpture, smashed it on the floor.

<< Bäbel ... you wrecked the piece.>>

You fool. I just made a peace.

Babel and Croon throw a frisbee to each other in Tiergarten, or another park!

CASSIUS CROON and other characters copyright Rob Sullivan 1996-2000.