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Scandinavian Highlights

The beautiful golden summer afternooned canals of Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nyhaven -- Copenhagen Copenhagen Street Scene
Copenhagen Street Scene
Norrebro Copenhagen Gallery
Copenhagen Norrebro Gallery Typical Danes in the Danish capital
Danish Capital Nyhaven, Copenhagen
Nyhaven, Copenhagen Smurfland
Smurfland Icelandic Green Daze
Reykjavik Street Scenes
Reykjavik Harbor
Reykjavik Harbor The Blue Sky
The Blue Sky Crystal Rise
Crystal Rise

art: metalwork stores
ON MY CHRISTIANA SITE I REMARKED THAT MANY TRAVELLERS HAVE A NEGATIVE VIEW OF COPENHAGEN. À Reykjavík, les amateurs de shopping auront le choix entre la longue rue commerçante de Laugavegur, bordée de boutiques souvent «branchées» et la grande galerie marchande de Kringlan, qui permet de faire ses courses par tous les temps dans des halls agréables abritant 150 boutiques, restaurants, cinéma, services etc. Ce complexe est situé au nouveau centre-ville, à quelque distance de plusieurs grands hôtels de la ville. Au vieux centre-ville, la rue Skólavörðustígur, qui part de Laugavegur, mérite un détour pour ses petites galeries d’art et d’artisanat, ses bijouteries et boutiques de design. Enfin, pour les amateurs de pittoresque et de brocante, le marché couvert de Kolaportið, situé face au quai du port et ouvert le samedi et le dimanche, peut être l’endroit où passer un bon moment tout en faisant de bonnes affaires.

En dehors de Reykjavík, la nouvelle galerie marchande de Smáralind, sur le territoire de la ville voisine de Kopavogur, est la plus grande de toute l’Islande.

Kaffi Roma ehf: Laugavegi 118, 105 Reykjavík. Tel.: +354 562 0020.

Kaffibrennslan kaffihús: Pósthússtræti 9, 101 Reykjavík. Tel.: +354 561 3600.

Kaffihúsið Reykjavík Bagel Company: Laugavegi 81, 101 Reykjavík. Tel.: +354 511 4500.

Halli gullsmiður
metal goods store in Reykjavik Iceland Halli gullsmiður: Skólavörðustíg 8 | Sími 5518600 | Web: www.halligullsmidur.is.
Gullsmiður means something like "goldsmith" or "metalsmith" or "steelsmith" in Icelandic, and this particular gullsmiður is renowned as one of the best gullsmiða in Iceland. There are plenty of shiny, metallic goods on sale here which might look great in your office, such as figurines of businessmen (Kr. 4500) and computer users smashing their computers (Kr. 6000), plus more abstract cellphone holders (K4. 4000) and pen stands (Kr. 6500). These aforementioned office desk pieces are actually all original designs from Hinz & Kunst, the "Art Family" from Germany. Apart from the office stuff, you can also find Hinz & Kunst musical figurines -- geezers playing harmonicas and pianos and fiddles and guitars, there is even a complete steel rock band selling for Kr. 17,000 -- sports figurines (including the skateboarder pictured above, an indoor rock climber and BMX bandit), model planes, bikes, cars and trucks and jeeps, even a model of the fated Titanic costing Kr. 13,000. And that's just the Hinz & Kunst selection -- there are also on sale more classical items like cigarette lighters and hip flasks (which always help to fortify the hip pocket when drinking in Reykjavik's bars!) If you want to see a complete list of what they sell at Halli gullsmiður, visit their website -- they have nifty pictures of everything, too.

Open: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 18:00, Saturday 10:00 - 18:00, Sunday 13:00 - 17:00 Guided tours are available upon request.
B-Young Laugavegi 83
Barnafataverslunin Iana Laugavegi 53
Bernarð Laxdal Laugavegi 61
Bitte Kai Rand Skólavörðustíg 18
Blanco Y Negro Laugavegi 12b
Blómálfurinn Vesturgötu 4
Boltamaðurinn Laugavegi 42
Bókabúð Máls og menningar Laugavegi 18
Bókabúðin Hlemmi Laugavegi 118
Já þú last rétt, Iceland is a wicked country, and lucky things always seem to happen to me when I am here. Perhaps it is because I have the blessing of the gods who reign over this place -- they have given approval for my chance to grow here, and to learn. I offer my gratitude to them. But anyway, more about last night --

i c e l a n d i c : d e s i g n

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