According to the very informative
Feng Shui Tips UK website, many homes suffer from a devastating energitic imbalance called Geopathic Stress. I started wondering if my house in Tokyo suffers from this problem, since it seems to be a peculiarly unlucky building. Ever since I have lived here, there have been one dramatic and strange problem after another. Other people who have lived here say the same thing. If Feng Shui is true and Geopathic Stress is real, I should be able to resolve this problem, and improve the vibes of my house. Feng Shui Tips UK says: "Geopathic stress has been found to be the most common factor in most serious and long-term illnesses, and psychological conditions. Research suggests that 85% of people that are suffering ill health are sleeping in a Geopathic Stressed area. What exactly is Geopathic Stress? Geopathic Stress (GS) or harmful earth rays, is natural radiation which rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak electro-magnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The wavelengths of the natural radiation disturbed in this way become harmful to living organisms."
Feng Shui Tips UK offers a tip on how to see if your house suffers from Geopathic Stress. The website claims: "Cats, owls, snakes, slugs and snails are attracted to black streams (blocked energy meridians), and a catE½s favourite sleeping place (in the absence of an obvious source of warmth) is very often a sure clue to the location of a black stream crossing. Insects, parasites, bacteria and viruses also thrive on black streams, and ant and wasps nests invariably provide a similar clue."
This is interesting to me for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is a wasp nest taking shape right now on my bedroom window, on the other side of the glass. The cemetery underneath my bedroom window is a favourite haunt of neighbourhood cats, some of which sometimes come inside the house looking for its resident mice and other vermin. Recently there was an invasion of ants and fleas into the house (which is a kind of an old-school mid 20th century number -- lots of tatami mats and wood.) So, if there is a blocked meridian underneath the house, what can I do to unblock it? And let's use that wasp nest as an indicator. If Feng Shui is true, and I can unblock the blocked meridian, then the wasps should move, and the cats should move. Let's see what happens!
Further tips from Feng Shui Tips UK about how to diagnose Geopathic Stress: "Other clues include piles of rubbish, cracks in glass, brick and plasterwork, recurring mechanical and electrical breakdowns, water leaks, derelict areas, and accident black spots both within the home and outside. Fruit and vegetables, grain, ale, cheese, jam, wine and photographic film will all spoil quickly when stored on a black stream."
My house suffers from pretty much all of the above problems: piles of rubbish, cracks in glass, electrical breakdowns, etc. Maybe there is a blocked meridian under my house after all. Too see some photos of my house and ascertain for yourself what a terrible living environment it is,
click here.