
Asian Wisdom

Ayurvedic holiday in India!

Ayurvedic Holiday in India
Durian the King of Fruits

Durian the King of Fruits
Chinese Feng Shui for the home

Home Feng Shui
Dental clinics in Thailand!

Indian Palmistry

Chinese Medicine

Chinese pulse reading for the home

Chinese Face Reading
Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginseng the Korean Wonder Drug

Ginseng Korean Wonder Drug
Schizandra A Natural High

Schizandra A Natural High
The Yin and the Yang of Chinese Food

Yin Yang of Foods

c r o w d e d - w o r l d | a s i a n - w i s d o m | m a n i f e s t a t i o n | r e a l i t y- a - b i t c h

THIS MIGHT RUN AGAINST THE STANDARD FENG SHUI LOGIC, BUT IT IS MY PERSONAL OBSERVATION -- ONCE YOU FIND A METHOD OF MAGICALLY ALTERING YOUR SURROUNDINGS AND LIFE, ONE THAT WORKS EVERY TIME, YOU CAN ONLY USE IT FOR A FEW TIMES BEFORE IT RUNS OUT OF STEAM. Magic is possible in real life, I have disocvered, but only for a short time. Then that magical ability disappears, and you have to find a new method. Why is this so? I have no idea. In his essay RADICAL THOUGHT French sociologist Jean Baudrillard claims that "reality is a bitch":

"Reality (also) gets its revenge from those who challenge it by, paradoxically, proving that they are right. Whenever any risky idea, any cynical or critical hypothesis proves to be right, it in fact turns out to be a dirty trick. You are fooled and disarmed. Your arguments are lamentably confirmed by a reality without scruples."

In other words, often Feng Shui principles work, and can generate money or love or luck. However, Reality may be playing a trick on you -- that magical, mystical power you have just discovered may be nothing but a "dirty trick". And as soon as you become complacent about the magical Feng Shui powers you have acquired, Reality pulls the carpet out from under your feet, and you fall shamefully to the floor. This is especially true if you tell your friends that you have discovered that merely by hanging a couple of coins in your bedroom, you can become rich.

REALITY LIKES NOTHING BETTER THAN MAKING AN ASS OF YOU! So, don't grow too complacent about the powers of Feng Shui, and don't brag about it to other people. If you have success, keep to it yourself. Don't trust Reality, even if it is giving you what you want (for now, at least). It might have another agenda -- to make a fool of you, and perpetuate its own mysteriousness in the process. Nonetheless, I think it is possible to outsmart Reality, keep one step ahead of it, such that you keep exploiting the powers of Magic which I am sure exists, without being regularly humiliated in front of your peers. As this website develops, I will share my experiences on how you can do this, and make Reality work for you!


september 14 2022 | august 10 2022 | july 18 2022 | june 19 2022 | april 15 2022

Contact the author Rob Sullivan at Anticopyright February 2005/July 2004.