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» Calendar Magick
» A New Start: Back Into Paper Burning
» Designing a New Girlfriend
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» Inverse Fire Manifestation
» Double My Website Hits Manifestation Attempt, December 16 2004
» Letting Go of a Relationship Manifestation, September 2004

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++Magick, Invocation and the Elementals++

++The Dark Mirror of Magick++

++Three Ages of Magick++

++A NEW START++back into paper burning++
++june 17 2005++ ThailandIndonesiaAboriginal AustraliaJapan NihonKorean languageVietnameseIsraelDenmarkReykjavik, Iceland
AFTER SOME EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESSES IN PAPER BURNING MANIFESTATION BACK IN FEBRUARY 2005, I DECIDED TO STOP BURNING FOR A WHILE -- just in case I inadvertantly jinxed the creation I had spectacularly brought into being. I was worried that if I continued trying to create new manifestations, I would endanger the amazxing new creation which I had then called into being. It was a conservative decision I know, and a decision which I knew wouldn't last forever -- and as of last week, I decided to get back into Paper Burning Big Time! Or actually, the Paper Burning side of things might still remain on the back-burner, so to speak -- instead I want to explore a new variety of Magick I have stumbled upon, which has proven its worth in recent weeks. I call it Calendar Magick, and involves the conscious manipulation of diaries, appointment books, calendars, etc, to chart the future. Paper Burning has lost its allure for me, for now at least. But Calendar Magick could be just the thing, to carry me forward into a new wave of Manifestation!

2+++ThailandIndonesiaAboriginal AustraliaJapan NihonKorean languageVietnameseIsraelDenmarkkReykjavik, Iceland
I WAS RECENTLY ASKED BY A WEB SURFER WHO HAD VISITED AND LIKED MY SITE: why did you lose interest in manifestation. I replied to him or her: "It is true, I have refrained from doing magick experiments for the past few months. The reason for this, is that back in February 2005 I managed to create such an amazing manifestation that I was awestruck. And out of the fear of somehow jinxing the creation I had just called into being, I decided to stop trying to create new manifestations for the time's being. It was a somewhat cowardly and conservative decision, and I am sorry for that. I just thought to myself: now my life is pretty good, so why risk changing it to create new manifestations. But recently I have become bored again with my life, and I want to start changing it. I am now convinced, more than ever before (after my amazing experience in February 2005), that REAL MAGICK IS POSSIBLE! So, as of last week, I decided to get back into the business of making magick happen. I am back in the game. Even if it doesn't turn out the way I expect it to, I am sure I will be taking my life in unimagined new directions just by trying it. If you check back on my website over the next few months, you should find some new material!"

3+++ThailandIndonesiaAboriginal AustraliaJapan NihonKorean languageVietnameseIsraelDenmarkReykjavik, Iceland
CALENDAR MAGICK IS PRETTY SIMPLE IN ITS THEORY AND EXECUTION. The basic idea is this: all you need is a diary or calendar or something you use to schedulize your life, something which has all the dates of the year listed upon it. I discovered almost by accident that whenever I had written a particular word on a particular date -- say for example "loathe", "disgust", "childish" -- when that day came around events would happen which evoked the same feelings of that written word. In other words, a "disgusting" event which would be manifested into my life, a "loathesome" event, or someone would act childish towards me. This experience happened quite often until now and it was totally unconscious -- I would for some reason write the word "disgusting" on a blank future page of my diary, finally that day of the diary would roll around and a disgusting manifestation would come into my life. Perhaps I would be speaking to one of my Japanese students here in Japan and say "I don't like sweet corn -- I think it tastes disgusting!" and then the student would give me a blank look and ask: "What does disgusting mean." I would whip out my diary, open to a blank page (perhaps the page was titled "September 21, 2005") and write the word "disgusting", and then illustrate to them what it meant. Little did I know, I had just manifested a disgusting event into my life for the date of September 21, 2005! This kind of thing has happened often enough, I now believe in it as a valid form of Magick. And my new experiment -- let's call it the New Start Calendar Magick Manifestation Experiment for short -- will be to utilize Calendar Magick in a conscious and positive way. Instead of creating disgusting events, I want to create uplifting, positive events which help me fulfil my higher destiny. And it all starts here -- the New Start!

And what is exactly that I want to manifest into my life? After the great Fire Burning breakthrough of February, I no longer want for anything in the relationship department. My new burning desire is to be able to go to Iceland, a country I have always loved. Actually, I don't want to go there so much as to make a friend there, to establish a contact base there, begin to learn the Icelandic language, and ultimately find a way that I can simultaenously live in Iceland and Japan, and other countries that I dig such as Thailand. For now I would be happy just to have an Icelandic friend. And not just a penfriend or E-buddy or something lame, but a real buddy I could go clubbing with. That's the aim of this Calendar Magick experiment. I will set the date that the meeting will take place. And then it will happen, in some way or another!

Contact the author Rob Sullivan at e27c8ab8eddy7xj@t.vodafone.ne.jp. Anticopyright January 2005.

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