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Freestyle Feng Shui Experiments

» Going For Gold!
» Calendar Magick
» A New Start: Back Into Paper Burning
» Designing a New Girlfriend
» Understanding Manifestation
» Inverse Fire Manifestation
» Double My Website Hits Manifestation Attempt, December 16 2004
» Letting Go of a Relationship Manifestation, September 2004

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++Magick, Invocation and the Elementals++

++Manifest Your Destiny++

++Creative Visualization++

++Ask And It Is Given++

++The Dark Mirror of Magick++

++Three Ages of Magick++

++GOING FOR GOLD!++aiming for life transformation++
++july 23 2006++ ThailandIndonesiaAboriginal AustraliaJapan NihonKorean languageVietnameseIsraelDenmarkReykjavik, Iceland
I HAVE HAD A LOT OF SUCCESS THESE PAST TWO YEARS WITH MY PAPER BURNING TECHNIQUES, AND I HAVE MANIFESTED A NUMBER OF NEAT THINGS IN MY LIFE: a flatmate who became my girlfriend for example, and more recently a trip to Iceland which gave me exactly and specifically what I wanted (cool Icelandic friends). I have proved to myself again and again that Paper Burning works, and that Magick is a real, verifiable aspect of life. Now after all these successes I feel it is time to pull out the stops, and go for gold. It is time to stop doing piddly little circus stunts and use this Magick to radically overhaul my life, and create the kind of Utopian existence I have always dreamed of. Ever since late 2004 I have held the keys to Unlimited Manifestation in my hands, but to date (for various reasons) I have held off using them to their full capacity. But from today that all changes... from today the gloves are off with Paper Burning! From today I am going for absolute results and final solutions in Paper Burning... from today the real fun begins! So what is it I want to manifest in my life, in order to create the perfect life? Well, for starters, Amazing Affluence, whole harems of Hot Women, an International Lifestyle, plus a popular website to publish all my adventures and misdemeanors. That is what I am going to create, starting from today. I am going to be persistent and focussed until I get everything that I want. The cool thing is that manifesting any one of these things will enable manifestation of the others: for example, if I become wealthy women will be attracted by that, while living a jetsetting lifestyle will give me the stories to write about on my website, good stories which will attract plenty of readers. So, I am going for gold, and you can read all about my triumphs and breakthroughs and setbacks (learning experiences) in the pages that follow this one. I want to tell you more about what I want to manifest, in more specific detail. But first let's backtrack a little, and go over one of my recent manifestations which has changed my understanding of Paper Burning -- the trip to Iceland in June 2006.

2+++ThailandIndonesiaAboriginal AustraliaJapan NihonKorean languageVietnameseIsraelDenmarkkReykjavik, Iceland
THE BREAKTHROUGH IN MY THINKING WHICH HAS CULMINATED IN THIS NEW AGGRESSIVE APPROACH TO PAPER BURNING HAD ITS ORIGINS IN MY ICELAND TRIP LAST MONTH. For a long time I had wanted to make a second trip to Iceland, but I couldn't believe it was possible due to the expense, and various other reasons. Starting on January 19 2005, I began burning slips of paper describing visits to Iceland, or experiences of people who had made friends in Iceland, or were involved with Iceland in some way. At the time I wrote on this website: "And what is exactly that I want to manifest into my life? After the great Fire Burning breakthrough of February (in which I got the aforementioned flatmate girlfriend), I no longer want for anything in the relationship department. My new burning desire is to be able to go to Iceland, a country I have always loved. Actually, I don't want to go there so much as to make a friend there, to establish a contact base there, begin to learn the Icelandic language, and ultimately find a way that I can simultaenously live in Iceland and Japan, and other countries that I dig such as Thailand. For now I would be happy just to have an Icelandic friend. And not just a penfriend or E-buddy or something lame, but a real buddy I could go clubbing with. That's the aim of this Calendar Magick experiment. I will set the date that the meeting will take place. And then it will happen, in some way or another!" Anyway, as I recorded in my diary, I burned those slips of paper, those magical invocations -- plenty of them too, over an extended period of time. As I expected, nothing happened immediately -- I was almost hoping that I would by chance bump into an Icelander on the streets of Tokyo where I live, but of course that didn't happen. So, it seemed at first that this attempted manifestation was failing to manifest, and Iceland and all that it represented to me was still so far away. But I kept on burning, more out of habit than anything else, just to see what happened. I kept looking for Icelandic resources on the Internet, and I checked out a lot of blogs run by Icelanders. As time went by, and 2005 drew to a close, I noticed a few things happening in my life: I began learning Icelandic (from surfing the Web, checking out the Icelandic language books in Japanese bookshops, etc); I decided to book a ticket to Reykjavik, and to my surprise, I found that it didn't cost as much as I expected - only US$1000 for a return flight from Tokyo to Iceland via London. I decided to go to Iceland in June 2006. A few weeks before I was due to leave, my friend Garnet attended the Cannes Film Festival in France, and while there he made friends with some Icelandic people involved in the mineral water trade. Garnet told them that I would be going to Reykjavik soon, and they said something like: "Oh that's cool, give him our number and tell him to call when he arrives -- we'll show him around!" In the end I never got the chance to meet these people, but it didn't matter. The important thing was that after 18 months of burning paper, Icelandic contacts and friends were beginning to manifest in my life. For a long time there was nothing, and Paper Burning didn't yield any results. That was due to the natural inertia of the Universe. But as time went by the Manifestation began building up, silently and secretly, like a coral reef under the surface of the water. When Garnet met those Icelanders in Cannes, the coral reef first broke the surface of the water. Iceland was erupting into my life, even though I lived on the other side of the world in Japan. when I finally touched down in Reykjavik, Iceland, on June 20 2006, I found myself easily making contacts and friends with real Icelanders, and I had a lot of good times. It was easy in the end, and effortless. Almost 18 months of Paper Burning had broken the inertia which seperated me from manifesting my Icelandic dreams. And in a moment of clarity, I realized something about Paper Burning -- sometimes you don't get it first go. Due to the natural inertia of the Universe, sometimes you have to burn again and again in order to manifest something, especially if you are trying to manifest something particularly outlandish and fantastic. If I tried to become a millionaire overnight using Paper Burning, it probably wouldn't work. But that would be no reason to give up -- if I continued burning paper long enough, I would eventually become a millionaire, and along the way, I might find myself winning or earning or obtaining increasingly large sums of money, first small and then large. And then suddenly, as of out of nowhere, the state of Being A Millionaire will erupt into my life! So I will eventually become a millionaire sooner or later, of that I am sure. But as Dr Evil has pointed out in one of the Austin Powers' films, a million dollars isn't that much money these days!

Contact the author Rob Sullivan at e27c8ab8eddy7xj@t.vodafone.ne.jp. Anticopyright July 2006.

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