+japan++matsumoto++matsumoto castle++drinking in japan+
Matsumoto Castle, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto Castle, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto Castle, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto Castle, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto Castle, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto Castle, Nagano Prefecture, Japan


The Heart of Japan -- Matsumoto ---- Next to Himeji-jo (Himeji Castle), Matsumoto Castle features the best existing castle donjon (structure) in Japan. Built by Ishikawa Kazumasa and his son Yasunaga in 1590, Matsumoto Castle is a designated National Treasure and a feast for the eyes (and exercise for the body!) Following Hideyoshi's conquest of Odawara he stationed Ishikawa Kazumasa in Matsumoto to govern his eastern provinces.

According to the JCastleSite: "The history of Matsumoto Castle (Matsumoto-jo) actually begins with a castle called Fukashi-jo which was built by Shimadachi Sadanaga in 1504. That castle was attacked and captured by Takeda Shingen in 1550.

Matsumoto is a pleasant and interesting city of 200,000 souls, set amidst the stunning scenery of the Japanese Alps in Nagano Prefecture, about three hours from Tokyo by train. I tried in vain for four years to reach the city using the Japan Rail youth pass (Seishun-juhachi-kippu), and had given up because the youth pass only allows you to travel on the slow local trains, which take forever to get anywhere. In August 2005, during the Obon Summer Holidays, I was offered a free ticket to Matsumoto and nearby Chino by an older Japanese friend, Mr Tanaka, and I instinctively leapt at the opportunity! At long last, I had the means and the chance to explore this fascinating corner of Japan, bounded by the peaks of the Japan Alps and punctuated by the famed waters of Lake Suwa! A whole new corner of the world was open to me, and I would have the chance to make contacts there! And so it came to pass that on the hot morning of August 15 2005 I arrived in Matsumoto City, to partake in the pleasures that it offered. I was not disappointed by my experience!

[matsumoto castle]
matsumoto japan 2005

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