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Bibliography: HIV/AIDS Education In Public Schools (Page 6 of 6)


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Chaisson, Richard E., M.D. “HIV Becomes World’s Leading Infectious Cause of Death.” The Johns Hopkins HIV Report Jul. 1999: 1-3.

“Does Sex Education Work?” Avert. (28 Jun. 1999).

“Force For Change: World AIDS Campaign with Young People (1998 World AIDS Day Campaign—Briefing Paper).” UNAIDS. 22 Apr. 1998.

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García Ordaz, Daniel. “My Lesson On HIV.” Daniel In the Lions Den. 1 April 1999. (2 July 1999).

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Karon JM, et al. “Prevalence of HIV infection in the United States, 1984 to 1992.” Journal of the American Medical Association. 276.2 (1996): 126—131.

Korcok, Milan, and Larry Siegel, M.D. AIDS: The Drug and Alcohol Connection. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1989.

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UNAIDS. “Global HIV/AIDS and STD Surveillance”. World Health Organization. (March 1998).

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