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"Poems of a Disabled Veteran"
Presented to you by:: Dennis Straight
All poems in this book are under Copyright protection

The Auther

    This book has been set up in Chapters... Chapter 1 deals with:::: The saga begins ... It starts with pain, hurt, and distrust of others.  Chapter 2 ::: And now the way to healing begins.   In earnest the search starts.  Chapter 3  ::: It is found, a new love, the healing is almost complete.  So as each chapter deals differently with love, hurt, and healing...Each of the poems contained here in in each chapter reflects that  chapter and what I was feeling at the time... I hope that you enjoy the poems in this book.

    This is the second book in a small series entitled "My Little Book of Poems, Book 2".  I would like to dedicate this book to a very special Woman..  Her on-line name in VPlaces is Imbrium, but I have come to know her by her real name of Drema Myers.
    If it had not been for our meeting to discuss a particular piece that I had written none of this book would have been possible.  Through her understanding and love, she inspired me to continue writing.  Who is to say what the outcome might have been that night just a few short months ago.  I was new to the net and all of it's complexities, but you guided me through it all. We would chat for hours on end each night.  Sometimes we chatted until the sun came up there.  Slowly we started to fall for each other.  I had not written any  new poems prior to Thanksgiving of '98.
    If it had not been for your inspiration I would not have started to write again.  For that alone Drema I owe you a great deal.  All I know is that because of you my life had taken on a new meaning and a new purpose.  Neither of them can be fulfilled without the other.  Just as I can never achieve true fulfillment without you my Dearest.
    Thank you so much Drema for being there when I needed you the most.  I hope and pray that the day will come when we can unite our souls and became one with the Universe.  You My Dearest Drema are all that I care about and all that matters to me right now and forever.  Again my love I say thank you and I love you very much.

3/25/99                                                          Dennis

 Chapter 1                       Chapter 2                         Chapter 3

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