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The Many Aspects of Diabetes

There are so many aspects to this complicated disease. What I am presenting is basically my perspective and recently have been thinking of many pages I'd like to add: a parent's perspective, a friend's perspective, a doctor's perspective, and others. There are perspectives on the different forms of diabetes, of treating patients of different ages, etc, etc. I am a teen and I truly voice my opinion but I think doctor's don't see that, that they just don't understand. I know when I am a doctor I will do things differently and I believe that I already have a lot of insight. Just like with the pump, no one could help much, and lately I've been using the bent needle infusion sets, and boy are those great! My bg are unbelievable!--once again I'm seeing the beauty of the pump, Huey 2 (thanks Mag and Matt:-). I'd appreciate any feedback on my site, any stories you'd like me to post, or any information you'd like to share, just

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