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Blood Glucose Monitors

There are so many blood glucose meters currently on the market to choose from. Personally, over the past ten years, I've used the Glucometer-M, One Touch Basic, One Touch 2, Fasttake, Accucheck Advantage, and Accucheck Complete. There are many others available, and usually they each offer somewhat different options. I will list some of these meters and websites for them if available.

Meters by Lifescan
For more information about the blood glucose meters manufactured by Lifescan, visit:
Lifescan's homepage

Meters by Boehringer-Mannheim
For more info about these products, visit:
Accucheck Meters

Meters by the Bayer Corporation
Visit Bayer's website:
Bayer Corp.

These are just a few examples of meters from some major manufacturers, but there are many more companies out there which produce great monitors. For more info, search the web using blood glucose monitors or ask your health-care professional.
