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It is the mission of Ola Byrd Productions & DK Studios to exemplify it’s philosophy of excellence by conducting a professional and ethical practice at all times while providing services and products of the highest attainable quality. To recognize the client/producer as primary executive regarding the manner of planning, content, recording, producing, and distributing materials of an audio nature for the purpose of private or commercial use. If employed, Ola Byrd Productions will act as producer to the client on negotiated terms. Ola Byrd Productions will act in the best interest of the client at all times and help define the client vision. Ola Byrd Productions will not bear liability for suit regarding infringement of copyrights, registration and/or trademarks used by the client. This organization will, to it’s best ability, advise the client for referral to legal council when deemed necessary. DK Studios will be recognized as the facility in which a product will be rendered. The client rights regarding services shall include an overview of services and charges associated with services, an estimated time of completion per project with stipulation for variance, the final decision regarding dub-overs, takes, language, themes, final mixes, and finished product, all in a friendly and courteous manner. However, Ola Byrd Productions and DK Studios reserve the right to decline service if compromise to integrity is perceived. It is Ola Byrd Productions primary concern to assure client comfort and satisfaction by providing an atmosphere conducive for creation be it, consultation, planning – outlining, pre-performance, performance, post-performance. It is this organizations intent to build and maintain a reputation based on friendly, courteous services, and provide the highest attainable quality product. It is also this organizations intent to continuously review methods and techniques that can be improved upon, and to continuously strive for a higher quality product that will assure customer satisfaction and, reflect a philosophy of excellence.

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