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Diabetes Petition!!

Please Sign!!

I would like to thank everyone who allowed me to add their name and address to the diabetes petition. Since mid June 1999 I collected and mailed in 610 names to the American Diabetes Association. I appreciate everyones help!! (NOTE: I am no longer collecting names now.)

The American Diabetes Association is collecting names and addresses for a petition to get more money towards curing diabetes. Their goal is to collect 1 million signatures by January 2000. I am helping collect them. My goal is to collect 2,500 so I can attend the Rally for the Cure in March next year. The government spends $40 billion a year treating people with diabetes, but just 1% of that amount trying to cure it. If there were a cure, that $40 billion could be used for tax cuts, education or to save Social Security. A cure would also save millions of innocent lives. I strongly urge the government to spend at least $1 billion a year trying to find a cure for diabetes. I would really appreciate it if you could e-mail me your name and address to add to my list of names click to email me . I have so far as of 12/13/99 about 590 names and addresses. Please spread the word!! My email address is I'd really appreciate all the names I can get. It does not matter age, as long as I have your permission to use your name AND street address (child, husband, etc...). Thank you!!

I have recieved most of the names and addresses via e-mail. I also have gotten some from my dad's store and softball team. I also got a few at camp this summer and hope to get more from school.

At your request, I can email you a letter explaining the petition if you would be as kind to forward it to everyone you know.
