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Quizet Results

On my homepage there is a little "quiz" question or you may call it survey. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer it. Here are previous results...

Quizlet #1
Q: When were you or your child diagnosed with diabetes?
(of 27 respondents)
19% under 5 years old
30% ages 5-10
19% 11-18
4% 18-30
15% over 30
15% Neither I nor my Child have diabetes

Quizlet #2
Q: At What Blood Sugar Do You Consider Yourself Or Child To Be Low?
(of 32 respondents)
0% over 100 mg/dl (5.55 mmol/l)
6% 70-99 mg/dl (3.88-5.5 mmol/l)
34% 60-70 mg/dl (3.33-3.88 mmol/l)
50% 50-60 mg/dl (2.77-3.33 mmol/l)
6% Under 50 mg/dl (under 2.77 mmol/l
3% This Question Doesn't Pertain To Me

Quizlet #3
Q: What Do You Think Is The Best Diabetes Invention?
(of 28 respondents)
39% Blood Glucose Meters
21% Insulin Pump
14% Glucose Tablets
18% Syringes
4% Lancing Devices
4% Other

Quizlet #4
Q: What Do You Treat Low Blood Sugars With?
(of 23 respondents)
26% Juice/ Regular Soda
35% Glucose Tablets
4% Honey, Insta-Glucose
30% Crackers (or some sort of bread)
4% Candy
0% Other

Quizlet #5
Q: Do you check your blood sugar and do insulin injections in public?
(of 47 respondents)
55% Yes I check / Yes I inject
6% Yes I check / No I don't inject
9% No I don't check / No I don't inject
26% No I don't check / Yes I do inject
4% I don't know or doesnt apply to me

Quizlet #6
Q: How do you manage your diabetes?
(of 45 respondents)
58% Pump
24% Shots
2% Medication
4% Diet, Excerise
4% Combination
7% Doesn't apply to me

Quizlet #7
Q: Summer is coming, What do you think about diabetes camps?
(of 22 respondents)
18% They're ok
9% Don't like them
14% Never been and won't go
9% Interested in going to one
5% Not sure

Quizlet #8
Q: What is your most recent Hemoglobin A1c result?
(of 36 respondents)
31% 6.6-7.3
28% 7.4-8
17% 8.1-9
6% 9
3% Don't know/ Doesn't apply

Quizlet #9
Q: When checking your blood sugar, how many fingers do you primarily prick?
(of 25 respondents)
36% 1-2
16% 3-4
4% 5-6
20% 7-8
16% 9-10
8% Don't know/ Doesn't apply

Quizlet #10
Q: Are you doing a diabetes walk this fall?
(of 76 respondents)
43% Yes
24% No, and I am not interested
33% No, but I am interested

Quizlet #11
Q: During the holiday season do you find your or your child's blood sugars are harder to keep in range?
(of 47 respondents)
55% Yes
21% No
6% Doesn't apply to me
2% Not sure
15% At times
