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America's Walk for Diabetes 2000

Come Join Me and Walk in America's Walk for Diabetes!

On October 15, 2000 in West Haven, Connecticut I had a team, Team Super Stars, in America's Walk for Diabetes. There was about 30 of us who came, majority from my high school, as well as some family members. In total we raised about $2,000. It was a great success-- everyone enjoyed themselves and the weather was beautiful. To anyone who sponsored me, or anyone in the walk, thank you very much-- it is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to America's Walk for Diabetes in 2001 and having a larger team that raises even more money towards finding a cure for diabetes!

If you are from Connecticut, you can walk either at the Farmington Polo Grounds in Farmington, Connecticut or at Old Grove Park in West Haven, Connecticut. No matter how old or young you are you can be involved in the walk-- either by walking in it yourself, organizing a team, donating money, or volunteering at it. I will be walking and helping out at the walk in West Haven on Sunday, October 15, 2000 and am looking for people to sponsor me. If anyone is intersted in doing so, or would like more information please email me at

All you need is the desire for a cure for diabetes to be found and some enthusiasm to be involved in the walk. By raising a little bit of money you can help a cure to be found. Ask friends, family and near by businesses to sponsor you-- every little bit counts!

This year I would like to be very involved myself, as well as getting other youth involved with the American Diabetes Association and any support from people would be appreciated!! Any youth who are interested in learning more about being involved and are from Connecticut please feel free to drop me an email!

Thank you in advance for any support!