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In this world who knows us better than our guardian angels? To me the answer would be friends. Friends share with us, count on us, and are always there to comfort us. They like angels raise our spiritual standard of living. And when we are with them, we do not have to dress up or be on our best behaviour. They love us for what we are.

Through this page I have cited quotes from some of the world's greatest writers, artists, thinks and leaders. I hope all who read them can derive a little something special from them all.

Friends do not live in harmony merely,
as some say,
but in melody.

~Henry David Thoreau~

Grief can take care of itself,
but to get the full value of a joy,
you must have somebody to divide it with.

~Mark Twain~

If you have one true friend,
you have more than your share.

~Thomas Fuller~

A friend is one who dislikes the same people you dislike.


It is said that love is blind.
Friendship, on the other hand,
is clairvoyant.

~Philippe Soupath~

I want everyone else I meet in the whole world to like me,
except the people I've already met, handled,
found inconsequential,
and forgot about.

~Joseph Heller~

Sooner of later you've heard about all your best friend has to say.
Then comes the tolerance of real love.

~Ned Rorem~

Tell me someone who admires and loves you,
and I will tell you who you are.

~Charles Ausgustin Sainte-Beuve~

I want someone to laugh with me,
someone to be grave with me,
someone to please me and help my discrimination with his or her own remark,
and at times, no doubt,
to admire my acuteness and penetration.

~Robert Burns~

I want a sofa as I want a friend,
upon which I can repose my familiarity.
~William Makepeace Thackery~

Each has a past shut in him,
like the leaves of a book known to him by heart;
and his friends could only read the title.

~Virginia Woolf~

When people have light in themselves,
it will shine out from them.
Then we get to know each other,
as we walk together in the darkness,
without needing to pass our hands over each others faces,
or to intrude inot each other's hearts.

~Albert Schweitzer~

Treat you friends as you do your pictures,
and place them in the best light.

~Jennie Jerome Churchill~

On friend in a lifetime is much;
two are many;
three are hardly possible.

~Henry Adams~

To want friendship is a great fault.
Friendship ought to be a gratuitous joy,
like joys afforded by art,
or life...

~Simone Weil~

And the song,
from beginning to end,
I found in the heart of a friend.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

I no doubt deserved my enemies,
but I don't believe I deserved my friends.

~Walt Whitman~

The only thing to do,
is to hug one's friends tight and to do one's job.

~Edith Wharton~

Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possible not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting,
that a nre world is born.

~Anais Nin~

Friendship of love - one must choose.
One cannot serve two masters.

~Rene Crevel~

Wherever you are it is your own friends who make your world.

~William James~
