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Our hearts are the sources of our dreams, hopes and our wishes. I consider that there is nothing more beautiful and mysterious as the heart and how it has the power to make one perform the most wondrous feats. These poems are some of my favourites that truly do speak my heart only I cannot fathom ever writing in such poignant eloquence. I hope you enjoy the, as much as I have and always will.

Go to your bossom;
Knock there, and ask your heart
what it doth knows.

~William Shakespear~

The heart is like an instrument
Whose strings steal,
Nobler music from life's many frets.

~Gerald Massey~

Only where the heart is can the treasure be found.

~James Barrie~

The openhearted and openminded people are the strong ones...
They have the most power because they give instead of take.
They give and gain while the takes lose.

~Susan Trott~

The heart outstrips the clumsy sense, and sees-
Perhaps for an instant, perhaps for long periods of bliss-
An undistorted and more veritable world.

~Evelyn Underhill~

Love is space and time made directly perceptible to the heart.

~Marcel Prouts~

I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truths of Imagination
What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be the truth...

~John Keats~

...each action taken in this world is echoed in the heart.

~Gelsey Kirkland~

If you haven't had at least a slight poetic crack in the heart,
you have been cheated by nature.

~Phylis Batelle~

My heart was full to overflowing with an emotion I didn't understand then,
or believe it was necessary to understand,
not old or wise enough to know that
there's magic in the moonlight of every parting
that can't survive the bright light of real life.

~David Payne~

He was still to young to know that the Heart's memories
eliminates the bad and magnifies the good,
and that thanks to this artifice
we manage to endure the burden of the past.

~Gabriel Garcia Marquez~

That is where the golden knowledge is,
the important parts, sign of danger, of safety,
of what is within the secret heart.
Remember, all of us here,
men and women,
have three hearts,
one for all the world to see,
one for their family,
and one for themselves alone.

~James Clavell~

All the knowledge I posses everyone can acquire,
but my heart is all my own.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~

The heart of man is made to reconcile contradictions.

~David Hume~

All great discoveries were made by men whose feelings run ahead of their thinking.

~Charles Henry Parkhurst~

The heart has no arguments with which the understanding is not acqainted.

~Raplh Waldo Emerson~

To love is to admire with the heart;
To admire is to love with the mind.

~Theophily Gautier~

The head never rules the heart,
but just becomes its partner in crime.

~Mignon McLaughlin~ The wrinkles of the heart are more indelible than those of the brows.

~Madame Dorothee Deluzy~

...we know things better through love than through knowledge.

~Umberto Eco~

Man has made many machines,
complex and cunning,
but which of them indeed rivals the workings of his heart?

~Pablo Casals~

The heart is free and fetterless thing-
A wave of the ocean,
a bird on the wing.

~Julia Pardoe~ In each human heart are a tiger,
a pig, an ass and a nightingale.
Diversity of character is due to their unequal activity.

~Ambrose Bierce~

Adornment is never anything except a reflection of the heart.

~Coco Channel~

All that is in the heart is written in the face.

~African Proverb~

Hearts have as many fashions as the world has shapes.

~Ovid(Romen Poet)~

I don't know what is better than the work that is given to the actor-
To teach the human heart to the knowledge of itself.

~Sir Laurence Olivier~

The human heart is unsearchable.
Who is to fathom it?

~Wilkie Collins~

The heart of a man has been compared to flowers;
but unlike them, it does not wait for a blowing of the wind
to scatter abroad.

~Yohida Kenko~

My heart is like a fire in a closed vessel:
I am ready to burst for a want of vent.

~John Wesly~

The heart is forever inexperience.

~Henry David Thoreau~

When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart,
It is a pretty certain sign that she has his.

~George D. Prentice.~

"Intrusions?" He had smiled the word away.
"You can't well intrude, my darling,
when you've already established yourself to the complete
exclusion of other lodgers."

~Edith Wharton~

The verie instant I saw you,
Did my heart fly to your service.

~William Shakespeare~

My heart is a desert island,
and she lives in it alone.

~Charles Dickens~

What can a will do when the heart commands?

~Louis L'Amour~

If it had gone to thee,
I know Mine would have taught thy heart to show
More pity unto me: but love, alas,
At first blow did shiver it as glass.

~John Donne~

It's better to break ones heart than to do nothing with it.

~Margaret Kennedy~ The human heart is like Indian rubber:
A little swells it,
But a great deal will not burst it.

~Anne Bronte~

Everything is problematic as geometry
when it's affairs of the heart in questions.

~Richard Ford~

Hearts live by being wounded.

~Oscar Wilde~

You know, a heart can be broken,
but it keeps on beating just the same.

~Fannie Flagg~

A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful five years later,
when you see the guy in an elevator
and he is fat and smoking a cigar and saying long-time-no-see.

~Pyhllis Batelle~

Always there remains portions of our heart
into which no one is able to enter,
invite them as we may.

~Mary Dixon Thayer~

Daily the body changes,
Daily the mind-
Why not the heart?

~George Meredith~ heart does not wish to be in a mending situation.
Love is heart-breaking and I am in love!

~Rachel Billington~

The human heart, at whatever age,
opens only to the heart that opens in return.

~Maria Edgeworth~

We love being in love,
That's they truth on't.

~William Makepeace Thackeray~

Alas, taht my heart is a lute,
Whereon you have learned to play!
For many years it was mute,
Until one summer's day
You took it, and touched it,
and made it thrill,
And it thrills and throbs,
and quivers still!

~Anne Lindsay~

Sometimes a coming together is possible,
A spilling of one reality into another.
A kind of soft enlacing...just...well...breathing.
Yes, that's the sound of it.
Maybe the feel of it, too.

~Robert James Waller~

You gave me the key to your heart my love,
Then why did you make me knock?

~George Gordon, Lord Byron~

A heart is a lock, but a lock
can be opened with a duplicate key.

~Yiddish proverb~

My heart shall be thy garden.

~Alice Meynell~

But we will have a way more liberal,
Than changing hearts, to join them,
so we shall we one, and one another's all.

~John Donne~

Love does not consist in gazing at each other
but in looking outward together in the same direction.

~Antoine De Saint-Exupery~

In that secret space of time,
I will kiss the inside of your smile.
Not with my mouth, bit through my heart,
as we share a journey to the stars.

~Christina Crawford~

There is a chord in every heart that has a sigh in it if touched aright.

~Marie Louise~

All my heart is yours, sir:
It belongs to you; and with you it remains,
Were fate to exile the rest of me from you presence forever.

~Charlotte Bronte~

Nothing that exists that so fills and binds the heart as love does.

~Umberto Eco~

Love is of all passions the strongest,
for it attacks simulaneously the head,
the heart and the senses.

~Voltaire(French writer)~

If we all take the time to look into our hearts,
we will ultimately feel complete and connected...
within ourselves and as part of the human family.

There are no littel events with the heart.
It magnifies everything;
It places in the same scales the fall of an empires fourteen years and
the dropping of a women's glove,
and almost always the glove weighs more than the empire.

~Honore De Balzac~

Where heart, and soul, and sense,
in concert move,
And the blood's lava,
and the pulse a blaze,
Each kiss has an earth-quake.

~George Gordon, Lord Baron~

Wear me a seal upon you heart
as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death...

~Song of Songs,8:6~ We should count time by heart-throbs.

~Phillip James Bailey~

The emotions may be endless.
The more we express them,
The more we may have to express.

~E.M. Forster~

Love was, to his impassion'd soul,
Not, as with others, a mere part

Of his existence, but the whole,
The very life-breath of his heart!

~Thomas Moore~

You are my sympathy- my better self- my good angel -
I am bound to you with a strong attachment.
I think you good, gifted, lovely:
a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart;
it leans to you , draws you to my center and spring of life,
wraps my existence about your-
and, kindling in pure, powerful.
Flame, fuses you and me in one.

~Charlotte Bronte~
