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My Jardinage page

My favorite things about Jardinage

My favorite Sites

Paris: Jardin des plantes
Botanical garden at Lund (S)
Lusigny: Lac d'Orient
Haute Provence

Why "Jardinage"?

For this?

Part of the botanical garden in Hamburg (Germany)

Yes, but probably for much more!
Some time ago I visited Paris for the weekend. And of course I went to the "Jardin des Plantes". There you also find the magnificent statues of the great naturalist "Buffon" and the botanists "Lamarck" and "de Jussieu". At the same place I discovered a small shop where I bought a very interesting book "La Botanique redécouverte"(1997) by Aline Raynal-Roques. I read it with great interest. It became clear to me that nature had found its own special way to evolve, and that it has not been guided.

A branchlet of the birch tree showing nicely the (large) male and (small) female catkins

Asteroids in space

(with thanks to JPL, California).

As a discoverer of minor planets I had the opportunity to propose some new names in relation with botany.

Here they follow:

Famous botanists: (9364) Clusius; (9365) Chinesewilson ...

Trees: (8643) Quercus; (8644) Betulapendula; (8647) Populus; (8648) Salix; (8649) Juglans; (8652) Acacia ...

With thanks to my friend anthropologist Dr Don Villeneuve California) for giving me this book as a present. It has guided me for choosing the specific trees.

The proposals have been accepted (March 1999) by the SBNC (Small Bodies Naming Committee) in Massachusetts.

New names of "celestial" trees

Citations for the botanists

Citations for the new trees

The future of mankind is indissolublely linked with plants, the acknowledged partners not only of human progress, but also of the entire animal life, of our accomplishments and of all users of oxygen and energy.

Aline Raynal-Roques

The first figure shows us a kind of parallel evolution of the algues, ferns, gymnosperms (conifers, naked-seeded) and angiosperms (broadleaves, seeds protected). Interesting to note is the apparition of the cellstructure about1 billion year ago. Life appeared on earth about 3.5 year ago and from astronomical considerations we must assume that the earth has been formed out of the sun about 4.5 billion years ago. Another important thing to draw attention to is the apparition of the vascular system and the "discovery" of the grain by the plant (about 400 million year ago).

Reproduced by kind permission of the Editions Belin (Paris).
The second figure shows us the evolution of the "pteridophytes" during the history of the earth. These plants have dominated the earth during the first geological period (from 570 to 225 million years ago) and they were the first species to occupy the emerged land. Some ferns tried to evolve by forming grains, but they didn't succeed (about 250 million years ago).

Reproduced by kind permission of the Editions Belin (Paris).
The third figure shows us the evolution of the gymnosperms and angiosperms during geological time. The gymnosperms (grains not covered) have dominated the second geological period, but soon they were outnumbered by the angiosperms, which protect their grains in fruits.

Reproduced by kind permission of the Editions Belin (Paris).

Pictures and citations (translation by Eric Elst) from "La botanique redécouverte" by Aline Raynal-Roques

Editions Belin, Paris

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