yellow/gold diarrhea (sometimes bubbly)
times this is the second stage, but often times
this can be the first stage with little or no
green slime. Because of this, many ferret owners
and vets are not recognizing it as E.C.E. Keep
feeding Pedialyte/water mix, leaving in water
bottle and a bowl. Some ferrets do not have enough
strength to drink from a bottle.
Start ferret on soft food diet, i.e. Science Diet
A/D plus baby food, or baby food (chicken) alone.
Coax the ferret to lick from your finger then
encourage it to eat from a small, shallow bowl.
If it refuses, feed by syringe. Start out with
10-20cc's every 3 hours. Increase up to 30-40cc's
three times a day. It is essential that your ferret
Your veterinarian should be consulted and advised
of your ferret's status as subcutaneous or intravenous
fluids may be necessary if it refuses to eat!
There is a considerable amount of water in soft
foods, so you may notice a decrease in water intake.
DO NOT BE FOOLED! Check frequently by pinching
the scruff of the neck. If the skin does not snap
right back but sticks together, your ferret could
be dehydrated. If necessary, call your vet to
administer fluids.
ferret may be extremely lethargic for at least
48 hours with eyes narrowed and watery. Many times
ferrets sleep right next to the litter box for
frequent defecation. Please keep the box clean
and sanitized! Always keep warm blankets or towels
nearby as body temperature drops with dehydration.
diarrhea continues, consult your veterinarian
for the type of medication and amount to be given,
i.e. Pepto Bismo, Pepcid AD, Immodium AD. After
48 hours, many ferrets seem to recover. Once again,
DO NOT BE FOOLED. This is the most crucial period!
If the poop returns to normal and the ferret is
once again eating hard food, decrease soft food
feeding to 25cc, twice a day. Many young ferrets
and healthy ones will heal rapidly, however, BE