1998 Football Rookie Cards
Bowman................Andre Wadsworth, Marcus Nash , Tony Simmons, Jammi German, RW McQuarters, Rashaan Shehee Jacques Green, Kevin Dyson, Ryan Leaf, Robert Holcombe, Tony Simmons
Bowman "Chrome Preview"............Kevin Dyson
Bowman "Interstate"............Ahman Green, Kevin Dyson, Marcus Nash, Germane Crowell, Tim Dwight
Bowman Best..........Jerome Pathon, Tony Simmons, Kevin Dyson, Joe Jurevicius
Bowman Chrome...........Takeo Spikes, Duane Starks, Az-Zahim Hakim Marcus Nash, Pete Gonzales, Curtis Enis, Tony Simmons RW McQuarters, Ryan Leaf, Fuamatu-Ma’Afala, Robert Edwards
Bowman Chrome "Interstate".........RW McQuarters, Jammi German, EG Green, Jonathan Quinn, Tim Dwight, Tony Parrish, Allen Rossum
Bowman Chrome "Interstate Refractor".........Jacquez Green, Robert Edwards
Collector's Edge First Place "50 Point Club"........Jaques Green
EX2001.......Ryan Leaf, Robert Edwards, Kevin Dyson
Finest..........Jason Peter, Duane Starks, Grant Winstrom,, Jerome Pathon, Curtis Enis, Robert Edwards, Joe Jurevicius
Finest "Non Protect"........Brian Simmons
Flair Showcase "Row 2".......Kevin Dyson, Ryan Leaf, Robert Holcombe
Flair Showcase "Row 1".......Robert Edwards
Leaf Rookie & Stars...........Larry Shannon, Germane Crowell, Kevin Dyson
Leaf Rookie & Stars "Game Plan".........Curtis Enis
Pacific Aurora...........Robert Holcombe, Ryan Leaf
Playoff Absolute SSD Hobby........... Jammi Green RW McQuarters, Jaques Green, Kivuusama May, Robert Holcombe, Brian Griese
Playoff Absolute SSD Hobby "Silver".......John Avery, Joe Jurevicius
Playoff Absolute SSD Hobby "Draft Pick Bronze"......Larry Shannon
Playoff Absolute SSD Hobby "Draft Pick Silver"...........Larry Shannon, Robert Holcombe, Pat Johnson, Jammi Germain
Playoff Absolute SSD Hobby "Draft Pick Green"........Jaquez Green
Playoff Absolute Retail "Draft Pick Blue"..........Jerome Pathon
Playoff Prestige Retail.......EG Green, Ryan Leaf, Tony Simmons, Jammi Germain
Playoff Prestige Hobby.........Jammi German, RW McQuarters, Joe Jerevicius Pat Johnson, Rashaan Shehee, Larry Shannon, Jacques Green
Playoff Prestige "Red"............Pat Johnson
Playoff Prestige "Silver Draft Pick"..........Rashaan Shehee
Playoff Pennants.............Jammi German
Revolution……….Bob Griese
Score.............Robert Edwards, Joe Jurevicius, Jacques Green, Curtis Enis, Ryan Leaf
Skybox Premium..................Tony Simmons, Joe Jurevicius
Skybox Thunder............Kevin Dyson, Fuamatu-Ma’afala
SPX Finite..........Bryan Still, Michael Ricks, Anthony Simmons, Robert Holcombe, Az Hakim
SPX Finite "Radiance"...........Kyle Turley, Duane Starks
Stadium Club.........Joe Jurevicius
Stadium Club "Double Threat"..........Tony Simmons
Stadium Club "Prime Rookies".........Fred Taylor, Ryan Leaf
Topps Season Opener.........Jaques Green, Marccus Nash, Jerome Pathon, Curtis Enis, Fred Taylor, Robert Holcombe, Kevin Dyson, Ryan Leaf, Germaine Crowell
Topps Chrome............Marcus Nash, Kevin Dyson
Topps Stars.............Robert Edwards, Tony Simmons, Robert Holcombe, Germaine Crowell
Topps Gold Label.........Jerome Pathon, Ryan Leaf, Tony Simmons
Topps Gold Label "Black Label 1"........Tony Simmons
Topps Gold Label "Black Label 2".........Tony Simmons
Ultra............John Dutton, Alonzo Mayes, Marcus Robinson
UD3..........Kevin Dyson #194, Ryan Leaf #2 & #182
UD3 "Future Shock"..........Robert Holcombe #22
UD Choice "Rookquest 2"........Robert Edwards
UD Choice "Rookquest 3".......Pat Johnson w/Jake Plummer
UD Choice "Choice Reserve".......Kevin Dyson #268
UD Encore.........Rashaan Shehee, Lavian Banks, Ryan Leaf
Upper Deck.......Andre Wadsworth, Ryan Leaf, Jerome Pathon
UD Black Diamond........Michael Ricks
UD Black Diamond "Quad"...........John Avery
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Will sell many of these cards for 25 cents each................ Minimum of four cards plus 1.00 shipping (up to 10 cards)