At this juncture, we are the only African Violet and Gesneriad Club in New Zealand; but we are part of a much wider network. The African Violet and Gesneriad Council of Australia and New Zealand and our constant contact with them keeps us up with the play in the Gesneriad field throughout the world.
We are only a small Club - but a lively one. We have members from Auckland to Christchurch and keep in touch with our national members via our bi-monthly newsletter.
We love growing our plants and sharing with other enthusiasts. You, too, can grow these very lovely African Violets and other fascinating Gesneriads and you can be sure of prompt replies to any interest shown.
MEETINGS ARE HELD on the third Tuesday of the month at St Aiden's Church Hall, Lincoln Road, Springvale, WANGANUI. The Hall is open at 9am for setting up, sales table, etc. Competition plants MUST be tabled by 9.45am for judging.
Meetings will commence at 10.15am. All those interested are most welcome!! There is a 50c Door Charge, (to cover hall hire and refreshments). A weekly fundraising Raffle is also held at 20c per ticket. Prizes are kindly donated by our members.
$NZ12.00 SINGLE (Out of town members please add 6 X 40c stamps)
$NZ18.00 OVERSEAS (Postage Paid)
Please contact Karen below for any further information or queries, thank you.