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Goon-Boy On-Line

Home Page | Frenzal and other Punk like Shit | Links to Drinking Partners | Bass Guitar tabs

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If you're here to buy goon you have come to the wrong site try my links page it should have some great links to liquor stores. For those of you un-informed goon is the most cheapest way to get pissed although it tastes fucking disgusting. But if all you've got is five bucks and you're going to a party going halves in a cask will be the only way you can be sure of getting pissed. Unless you are a cadbury. If you happen to be a cheap drinker you have a few more options open for you such as passion pop long necks etc. Plese send us your drinking tales as I am starting a page on tales of being pissed. I will also be putting photos and memrobelia from gigs that I've been to on this page


If you know of a way of getting pissed that is cheaper then goon with out drinking metho, or stealing. You are my hero please e-mail me
Went to an 18 th on the weekend got really fuckin pissed and my friend Ben Holcroft passed out off a balcony and Chris Herd who was extremly drunk stood there and laughed his head off! While Ben was bleeding!
Send gig photos in if you've got any on your computer
If you happen to see Ian Cool break his fucking nose
Get Milk
I Got bass tabs up now. They are all from aussie bands, plus there is a heap of theme somgs and shit like that

About this site.

I Choose the background colour because it is kinda the same colour as goon. I've replaced the fucking ducks that came with this website thing, with casks. I don't really drink goon, much. It's just at this party a long, long, time ago I chased some one round for their goon and have been called goon boy ever since. I get called a lot of other names but I wont go into them. I'm also going to do a survey on peoples favorite goon one day when I figure out how to create one. Till then keep supping the goon.

Goon Boy



Chris(goon boy) Moloney