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Horse Mania

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Writing Guidelines


There are no restrictions on who can write for Horse Mania- you can be any age, any level of experience, anyone who wants to can write!

If you would like to write a regular column for Horse Mania please be aware of these guidelines:

- You must be able to meet the deadline every two weeks
- You must use proper nettiquite (don't write in all lowercase or capital letters and use punctuation.)
- It must be G-rated content, safe for all ages
- If you are unable to write your column one issue for some reason please let me know as soon as possible
- If you can no longer write your column please let me know so that I can find a replacement
- You can do almost any horse realted topic but make sure you let me know BEFORE you start so I can okay it and make sure no one else is already doing your idea.
- Please try to spell check your article before you send it in.
- I'd prefer it if you could send me your article in the body of an email message but if you have to send it as an attachment, that's okay as long as it isn't too big.
- Please be sure that you CHECK that your information is correct.

If you would like to write regulary for Horse Mania and think you can follow these guidelines, please email me and I would love to hear about your idea!

If you don't want to do a regular column, you are still welcome to submit anything you want that is horse-related. Poems, stories, experiences, your horse website URL, once-off articles etc.