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Horse Stories that Really Happened


Horse Stories that Really Happened
Diana Kimpton
Scholastic Ltd. (1999)

Horse Stories that Really Happened includes six true horse stories that, as the title states, really did happen. The first is the story of the famous historic horse Bucephalus, and the boy who tamed him. The second story is about the dramatic rescue of a mare named Savanna from a raging river. Then there is the tale of the survival of the Spanish Riding School's Lippizaners during World War 2, and the story of a daring rescue of shipwreck victims conducted on horseback. The last two stories are of the great steeplechaser Foinavon's Grand National race and a wild foal's fight for survival. To make the stories complete, the writer has invented some details, conversations and characters to fill the gaps. After each story is a "Did You Know?" section full of horse facts.

Horse Stories that Really Happened contains a good range of horse stories, which are made more exciting by the knowledge that they are true. Horselovers in particular will be impressed by the stories of these amazing equines. The book is aimed at quite young readers, but horselovers of any age will find some enjoyment in the interesting tales. It is a pleasant, easy read and is accompanied by black & white illustrations by Eric Robson. Recommended to young horselovers, or anyone who is interested in reading about some amazing true horses.


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