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King of the Wind

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King of the Wind
Marguerite Henry

King of the Wind is the story of the Godolphin Arabian, the famous horse who was one of the founding sires of the Thoroughbred breed. Sham (The Godolphin Arabian) was a golden red stallion who was born in the Sultan of Morocco's stables. On his heel he had a small white spot, the symbol of speed, but on his chest was the symbol of misfortune. The book tells the story of his life full of cruel masters and owners, despite his wonderful pedigree. Sham's mute friend, the stableboy Agba, accompanies him on his adventures from the Sahara to France, and then finally England.

Marguerite Henry has written several classic books about horses, with this one being no exception. King of the Wind was awarded the John Newbery Medal for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children (I am unsure of the year). The paperback copy I own is accompanied by wonderful illustrations by Wesley Dennis. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and have read it again several times. It is an excellent story, and is definately worth re-reading. I especially liked it because it is different from the majority of mainstream horse books out there. The plot and style the story is told in is interesting and original. If you haven't already, I highly recommend you read it!


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Here is what other people think of King of the Wind. To have your say, just fill in the form below and I'll add your review here! (If you'd prefer not to have your email address posted just add that in your comments)

Name: Archer
Rating: 4
Comments: Hey!!!! This is really a great book. I also have the paperback edition on my shelf and it's classiefied as one of my favourites. It easy to read, I would say from 12-14/15 years, after that it becomes very easy but still fascinating. It's a real interesting adventure and once you start you really don't want to leave it.Another fact is that Sham (the horse) is one of sires of the Thoroughbred , so it's all kind of history. I really recomend this book to anyone, it's a classic.If you can see the movie (after reading the book). It's nearly the same and it's quite like you imagined it as you read the book.

Name: Christina
Rating: 5
Comments: This is a very good book. I escpecially liked in the end when Agba let him out of his stall and he... oops, well, you will just have to read the book to find out what happened! This book is great for anyone who likes horses or like reading about them.

Name: Jamie Smith
Rating: 5
Comments: "KING OF THE WIND" is definitely a classic story by Marguerite Henry. She was one of my all-time favorite horse story writers. Even though the main character in the book, Agba, is fictional, Ms. Henry writes the story in such a way that he seems real, and you are rooting for him throughout the story. The only sad part is that Sham never got to race. I have a copy of the book, and one of the best parts of the book are the beautiful illustrations by Wesley Dennis. If you can get a hardbound edition of the book, some of the pictures are in full color and are absolutely breathtaking!

Name: Emmie
Rating: 5
Comments: This is one of my favorite horse books! Marguerite Henry really makes you feel like you actually follow Sham and Agba through their hard like then feel their joy in the end. This book really deserves all the awards its gotten!

Name: Katie Anne
Rating: 5
Comments: This is a great book. It is very well written, and glues you to the pages. It has several places where I cried, and I am not a teary-eyed person! I have read the book 3 or 4 times, and I am still not tired of it!

Name: Candy Troxel
Rating: 5
Comments: I read this book when I was a child and loved it. She is a great writer of horse stories. She makes you feel like you are there living it right along with the horse! I have the hard cover one and the pictures are great.

Name: Stephanie
Rating: 5
Comments: King of the Wind was an excelent book! I love Marguerite Henry's books! If you love horses a lot, I highly recomend this book! You should also read: Stormy, Misty's foal, and Sea Star, Orphan of Chincoteague! Thank you!

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