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Newsletter #21

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Horse Mania Newsletter #21
May 8th 2000 
Subscriber Count: 789

The NEXT deadline for ALL article writers and things submitted to the 
newsletter is 
May 20. Please let me know if you cannot meet this deadline for some 

Hello, everyone!
	Phew....I’ve had a hard time getting this issue out, but it’s here at 
last! First of all I’d like to welcome our one hundred (a record number!) 
new readers who have joined since last issue. I hope you enjoy Horse 
Mania! I am sorry for the lateness of this issue, my computer’s hard drive 
had some trouble and also I have been extremely busy so my computer time 
has been restricted. The next few weeks are crammed with assignments and 
exams for me so the next issue may be delayed as well. After that I hope 
things can return to normal but for now everyone please bear with me, my 
responses to emails will be slow. I have quite a few queries that I’ll try 
to respond to ASAP but all Award Applications will have to be on hold for 
a couple of weeks. And a big thanks to all the column writers, nearly all 
of you sent in your articles in time and I really appreciate it!! I’m not 
going to have time to chase anyone up so thank you so much. 
	If you haven’t already voted in the Horse Mania feature poll on the main 
page, please do! I know all the polls were down for a while but I’ve fixed 
them all now. Since they were down the feature poll for May is still the 
April one and there won’t be a new poll until next month.
	I managed to go riding for the first time in about a year (!!) on my 
holiday. I went on a wonderful trail ride on an Appaloosa named Arizona. I 
really enjoyed it and am hoping to start taking regular lessons again 
after things slow down a bit here because I miss riding so much! During my 
break I also went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show. For everyone who 
doesn’t know about it, it’s a big agricultural show held here in Sydney 
every year. Did anyone else go to watch of compete? Of course I spent most 
of my time around the horse stables and watching the horse events! I saw a 
spectacular display by Andalusians, performing the airs above the ground. 
They were truly amazing. I also saw a performance by a group of young 
stunt riders, and that was pretty impressive too!
	Okay, that’s it from me for now. I hope you enjoy this issue and I’ll see 
you again soon! As usual any criticism, comments or suggestions are 

See you next issue,


'\__~	'\__~	'\__~
  \  \	 /   \	 /  / cantering

In this Issue:
-Tell Us About Yours
-Thoroughbred Racing
-Breeds In Focus
-Horse Health
-Famous Horses Throughout History
-The Name Game
-Horse Story: “Pony” (part 4)
-Joke Corner
-Award Winners
-Horse Polls
-Pen Pals
-Newsletter Information


This a section where you can tell us about your own horse, or the horse 
you ride.Send it in to and I’ll put it in. It can any 
length you like.

5 yrs.
Jupiter is my favorite horse in the world! Unfortunately he doesn't belong 
me! He belongs to the stable I ride at. I remember once when I was riding 
cross-country, Jupiter suddenly ran out from a jump, I couldn't understand 
it. My leg had been on, I had been looking straight ahead, I was giving 
plenty of rein too. That's when I looked down in the grass and saw this 
rattlesnake under the log jump! I was so thankful my smart horse didn't 
Jupiter is so smart!
~Heather and Jupiter :o)

Registered/Show Name: Watch Me Dance
Barn Name: Willow
Breed: Oldenburg (TB/Hanoverian)
Sex: Mare
Age: 5 in June
Color: dark bay, small star, and left hind sock
Willow isn't actually mine yet, but I am getting her next week. I am 
her so I can go higher into the jumper shows. In May we are going to two 
shows for the first time together. I hope we do good. They are both 
shows, so it doesn't matter if we do really good or not, it's just for 
experience. Willow is a gorgeous,sweet horse. She licks and likes to rub, 
isn't allowed too..poor Willow! She can jump 4'3" right now, but my vet 
advised me to keep her under 3' for the rest of this year, so I will be 
competing in hunters until next spring. She's the smoothest horse I've 
on and is really fun to ride. 

Remember to submit your horse’s photo to the: 
Do you have a photo of your horse on the computer? Horse Mania has a photo 
gallery of reader’s horses. If you have a pic, send it to me as an 
attachment or URL to 
Include your name, your horse’s name, your horses breed and any other 
information you would like. It will then be displayed on the Horse Mania 
website in the photo gallery so that everyone can admire your horse!

  - Horse Websites
  - Blue Grass Favorite Draws Outside Post
  - Prohibitive Favorite In Wood Memorial
  - 14 Vie In Arkansas Derby
  - 'Pegasus' Rises To Top In Future Wager Line
  - The Deputy Grinds Out Santa Anita Derby Win
  - 27-1 Early Pioneer Upsets General Challenge
  - Apple Blossom Bears Golden Fruit
  - Rings A Chime Wires Ashland
  - K One King Surprises In Oaklawn Handicap
  - REWIND: A Brief History of the Mighty Thoroughbred
If you find yourself surfing the web aimlessly, here are a few sites I've 
visited and enjoyed:    

If you would like to suggest a breed to be profiled in Breeds In Focus, 
please email Jacqui at with your suggestion. 

The Polo Pony

History: Britain was the first country to ever play polo.    Soon, though, 
Argentinian Polo Ponies dominated the game.  This was because the scale of 
horse breeding and availability of horsemanship skills in Argentina 
horses to be sold more cheaply than elsewhere.  More importantly, these 
ponies were tougher and had better bone than the English and American 

Origin: The Argentians imported the very best Thoroughbred stallion, 
them with the tough Criollo Pony stock, and then crossed them again with 
Thoroughbreds.  This produced the ideal pony for polo, distinctly 
Thoroughbred, but tougher and shorter strided.

Color: The Polo Pony can be seen in any color, most commonly bay.

Height: The ideal height is 15.1 hands.  Polo Ponies are always called 
ponies, no matter what their height.

Temperament:  Must be bold and lively, yet without being excitable.

Requirements: A Polo Pony must have speed, (for most of his work is done 
the gallop) Stamina, courage, and very good balance.

Use: As their name states, Polo Ponies are used for the exciting and 
dramatic game of Polo.

All in all, the Polo Pony is well built, beautiful, andlively.


Thrush is an infection which is located in the grooves on either side of 
frog (located on the bottom of the hoof). If your horse has a more severe 
case, the frog itself is also involved.

The causes for thrush are numberous. The most likely cause is dirty stable 
conditions. Being left in a damp and dirty stall (soaked with urine and 
manure) is an easy way for a horse to develop thrush. Other causes 
lack of daily  cleaning, hoof trimming, and a poorly drained yard.

Lameness - if the ultra-sensitive tissues deep in the groove are involved. 
The most common sign is a bad-smelling, black tar-like discharge coming 
either side of the frog.

Preventing thrush is virtually easy. You need to keep your horse's hooves 
trimmed, and pick them out daily. Also, the most important is to keep your 
horse's stall mucked out, free of pools of urine, or heap s of manure. 
out about twice daily, and change the bedding daily.  Conditions in the 
should be kept neat and tidy, and properly drained.

First of all, call the veterinarian to come check the horse's hooves out, 
and perscribe you some antibiotics if neccesary. A tetanus injection might 
also be needed. To clean it up yourself, trim any excess frog away and 
out the discharge from the grooves. Don't dig deeply, as your horse will 
most likely be uncomfortable and jerk his hoof away from you. Paint the 
of the hoof, with a 10% solution of formulin. Do -not- let this touch the 
horse's skin, as a severe burning may result. Repeat this treatment daily 
until the condition has completely cleared up.

I researched this topic from my horse book called "The Illustrated 
Encyclopedia of Horse & Pony Care". I strongly recommend this book. It 
includes a list from A-Z of common diseases/problems in horses. It may  
words like "colour" and "rug" because it was printed in England, but it's 
great book! Until next time, so long!


Hi everyone! I was  gone for awhile, because I had  humongeus history 
report due, but now I'm back in full force! Today's Famous Horse 
Throughout History takes us to  Napoleon's reign, and the special horse 
who helped him get there. 
This horse  was:  Marengo       

The Emperor Napoleon  had at least 130 horses for his personal use, but 
one was his favorite. This was  a fiery little Arabian stallion named 
Marengo, after a battle the horse carried  his master safely through in 
1800. Marengo was imported from Egypt to France as  a six-year-old, 
probably from the famous El Naseri Stud. He was a very small  horse, and 
stood at only 14.1hh high. This suited Napoleon, however, because it  was 
widely known that he was of small stature himself. The brave stallion  
carried the Emperor through many battles: Austerlitz, Jena, Walgram, and 
finally  Waterloo. He was wounded eight times and still survived. He was 
also one of the  52 horses that made up Napoleon's personal stud at the 
ill-fated Russian  campaign, and was one of the very few that survived the 
march back from Moscow.       At one point, he  shied at a rabbit by the 
road and unseated the Emperor. The troops took this as  an evil sign, and 
moral dropped considerably. Maregno was captured after  Waterloo, and 
taken to England to stand at New Burns when he was 27. This was an  
unsuccessful maneuver, however, and he died there at the age of 38. Later, 
his  skeleton was preserved and erected in the National Army Museum at 
Sandhurst.  that is, minus one hoof. That hoof was made into a snuffbox 
and presented to the  British Brigade of Guards. 

*THE NAME GAME by Megan 

Kay, now first of all I'd like  to thank everybody who sent me in names 
for the foal from last issue!!!  (I  think I say that every time though, 
and I'm really gunna have to think of a more  interesting way to say it, 
huh?)  But still, thankyou everybody!  I  really got a wide variety of 
names this time, and it was hard to pick the  winner.  The winner this 
time though, was AMAZINGLY ENOUGH, sent into me by  FOUR, different 
people!!!  That has to be some kind of record!  I was  really surprised, 
but every time I opened another email, and the same name  popped out at 
me, it really started to grow on me.  So enough babble, and  the winner 
is, "Young Century" sent into me by Patti Magennis, Dawn, Amanda T.,  and 
Abigail.     So, now onto this issue's  column!! We have another lovely 
horse to show you!       

Breed:  American  Paint     
Gender: Mare     
Age: 3     
Colour/ Markings:  Skewbald     
Sire: Addiction     
Dam: Baby Astara    

Just in case you've forgotten  the way this works, you guys just have to 
send me in as many names as you can  think of, that you think would suit 
this lovely mare!  I can't wait to hear  from you, and my email is  !!

*HORSE STORY: “PONY” (part 4) by Jewel Orion 

Here is our new horse story. This is the fourth part, and it will run for 
five parts in future issues of Horse Mania! If you missed out on any parts 
you can read them in the Horse Mania Archives starting with Newsletter 
#18, at

PONY by Jewel Orion

The days between just flew by, and the morning of the show dawned cold but 
clear. Sunni was up almost before true light, washing Pony, plaiting his 
mane, and telling him that today was a big test, and that they mustn't let 
Uncle down. Pony couldn't understand her, but she seemed nervous, and this 
made him more edgy. The girl finished his grooming, slid his rug back on 
and went into the house for breakfast. Pony sighed and relaxed into a doze 

Sunni came back a while later, and after bandaging Pony's legs and 
dressing him for the trip, led him out to the float Pony had arrived at 
the farm in. Pony was scared now, as this was the trailer had brought him 
away from his horrible, former life, and he was afraid that they were 
sending him back to it. He backed up snorting and blowing hard through his 
nostrils, leaning on the lead and dragging Sunni with him. She walked 
along with him, and spoke calmly and soothingly until he came to a stop. 
Sunni and the old man had expected something like this, so had allowed 
plenty of time to get him in the float. Sunni stood beside Pony, fondling 
his ears and talking quietly to him until he began to calm down. Pony 
heaved a big sigh and rested his chin on her shoulder, and then Sunni led 
him slowly back towards the trailer. Pony didn't balk this time, as he was 
now sure that Sunni wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. Once he was 
tied and the back of the trailer put up, Sunni climbed into the front of 
the trailer and they set off for the show.

Pony could smell the air as they came to the show grounds, it was full of 
the scent of other horses. He whinnied excitedly to them from inside the 
float, and one or two called back a reply. The float stopped and Sunni 
came and led Pony down the ramp. She removed his travel boots and 
bandages, slip his soft leather halter on his head, gave him and haynet 
and tied him to the side of the float. This done, she went to the 
official's tent to get her competitors number. Pony snatched a mouthful of 
hay, then looked around excitedly, his brown eyes shining. This place was 
nothing like the sale yards! Here people seemed to like horses, and no-one 
spoke gruffly or shouted at him. Pony settled down some time later, and 
ate his hay, before falling into a light doze, with one hind hoof resting 
lightly on its' edge.

Sunni returned a while later, and after talking gently to Pony, started to 
tack him up. Sunni was always gentle with his mouth, and put the saddle on 
with softness and care. Once he was ready, she mounted and rode pony at a 
walk and trot in a quiet corner for a while, helping him to get the kinks 
out of his legs from the trip to the show. Once he was going softly and 
calmly, she rode him to a little fenced-off ring, dismounted and waited 
quietly beside Pony until their number was called over the loudspeaker.

Finally they were called, and Sunni mounted Pony and rode him into the 
Jumping Ring. Pony glanced around for a moment, but Sunni asked for his 
attention. She told him that it was time for work, through her position, 
and Pony concentrated.  Sunni was riding with more determination than at 
home, willing Pony to put in his best effort.  They flew around the 
course, Pony clearing every fence with miles to spare, never hitting a 
fence at all. Sunni was so joyous that, as soon as they left the ring, she 
leapt off Pony to throw her arms around his neck.  Pony could not have 
known what this meant, but he understood that he had done well. 

Sunni led him around to cool him off, then gave him a couple of mouthfuls 
of water before leading him back to the ring. There were far fewer horses 
here now, and Sunni seemed anxious this time. Again their number was 
called, and Pony understood that it was serious with no prompting from 
Once more they flew around the ring, Pony careful to jump every obstacle 
with room to spare. Sunni was ecstatic when they left the ring, and patted 
Pony with a goofy grin on her face. She told him over and over what a 
wonderful pony he was, and fed him carrots as she stroked his muscled neck.

In a few minutes time they were back in the ring, this time to get the 
first place ribbon. Pony could tell that Sunni was so very happy, he could 
feel her happiness through the reins, and she sat so straight and proud in 
the saddle. Once they had received their ribbon, the order for the victory 
lap was given. Pony pranced proudly and happily in front of the other 
ponies, glad that he had not disappointed Sunni or the old man.

Sunni led him back to the float once they had left the ring, telling him 
what a good pony he was. She got him ready for the return trip, put him in 
the float, with no fuss this time, and then they set off for home.

Pony and Sunni continued to go to shows that summer, usually ending up in 
the ribbons. Pony could not believe that life could be any better that it 
was right then. All too soon though, the time came when Sunni had to go 
back to boarding school. She came to Pony to bid him a very tearful 
goodbye, and promised him that she would be back one day.  Pony knew that 
she was going and felt very sad too.

The old man tried to visit Pony several times a day, knowing that he would 
be lonely without Sunni. He knew that he couldn't replace Sunni though, 
and that the Pony's hopeful look dulled when he saw it was only the old 
man. He seemed to grow old before the old mans eyes, and the old man knew 
that Pony needed another friend. The old man decided that Pony was quiet 
enough now, and so he invited the boy to visit that weekend.

To be continued…next issue is the FINAL part to “Pony”!

HAVE YOU WRITTEN A HORSE STORY? Then send it in to Susan at and I might decide to put it in Horse Mania! It can be 
any length and any style, just as long as you wrote it and it’s horse 


Do you have a horse joke? Then send it into Susan at 
and I’ll publish it here. It can be your own work or a joke you heard 
somewhere, but please specify which.

There was a girl that wanted to try to ride a horse.  She went up to one 
and jumped on. The horse took off at a nice easy gallop. Well she slipped 
sideways and grab the horse around the neck.  The horse just kept on 
galloping around.  The girl couldn't hold on any more, so she pushed off 
ready to hit the ground.  Her foot was cought in the stirrup.  As her head 
bumping along the ground she sees the wal-mart manager run out to turn the 
horse off.

I read this off the web some where!  I can't remember when or where. I 
it is funny! 


*AWARD WINNERS- April 2000 

Congratulations to all the following websites which won a “Horse Mania 
Excellent Horse Webpage” Award in April 2000! 

*Excellent Sim Horse Game Award*

Horses Galore: 
The Horseluver's Homepage:
The Warmblood Horse Registry:
Horse Mania (a different one!):
Horsee Heaven 2:
Winning Equus:

*BRONZE Award*

Pony Page:
Equine Universe:

*SILVER Award*

The Stableyard:
Horses.2surf2 The Internet Horse Portal:
B&C Horse and Tack Supply:

*GOLD Award*


If you would like to nominate your horse related site, fill out the form 
located at For the 
full list of winners, visit 

As I said last issue, I’ve created a new-look Horse Mania Award- there is 
still bronze, silver, gold and sim game but it’s a different design. NOTE: 
If you won an award previously and would like to exchange it for the new 
design of award just email me at with your site’s name 
and the award it was given and I’ll send you the URL to get the new one. 

Please note that all applications will be on hold for a couple of weeks 
until everything slows down for me. You can still send them in though, and 
I’ll get to them as soon as I can. 


If you have a horse related website or would like to suggest a good one, 
send in the address to Susan at and I’ll list it here.

Horse Magic 


I have some Horse Polls on the website for you to vote for your opinion! 
Every month there is a feature poll, which is featured on the main page, 
Past polls are displayed at 

Current Questions:

*feature poll of the month* 
Do you own a horse?
*past polls*
What is your favorite horse movie?
Which of these is your favorite Horse Breed?
What style of horseriding do you prefer?

Current Results for feature poll: (APRIL)

Do you own a horse?

Total Number of Votes: 114
Yes!- 66 (57%)
No, but I sure wish I did- 35 (30%)
I loan or share one- 13 (11%)

Past polls are located at and you can still vote 
for them and view the results.


Here is the Pen Pal section for adults and kids. The penpal section is 
online at the Horse Mania Website, with the newest ads being posted in an 
issue of Horse Mania as well. If you would like to place an ad, please 
visit For the complete 
list of pen pal ads, go to

Most recent ads:

Name = Heather
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = female
Location = Jupiter,FL
Hobbies = Horseback riding, collecting model horses,training my horse
Dislikes = Basketball,math,broccolli
Comments = I really love horses and am ready to be your pen pal and 
friend! And I can chat all day and
night, so if wanna talk trust me I can. I also own a sim horse game called 
THe Warmblood horse
Registry. I ride english and my goal is to be a Grand Prix Show Jumper. I 
belong to Pony Club and
take riding lessons. 

Name = Cortney Ault
Email =
Age = 10
Gender = female
Location = Carlisle, Iowa
Hobbies = Horse Riding, Rollerblading
Likes = Swimming,Music
Dislikes = Homework, Reading 

Name = Cassy
Email =
Age = 11 in june
Gender = female
Location = australia
Hobbies = riding and vaulting
Likes = NO DUH! HORSES!!!!
Dislikes = vegies and mean/rude/violent, etc people
Comments = Please e-mail me soon because my e-mail is always empty! 

Name = Candace
Email =
Age = 16
Gender = cowgirl
Location = USA
Hobbies = barrel racing and pole bending
Likes = my horse, sugar, italian food, george strait, the spring, my 
goats, living in the country, and
writing and reading
Dislikes = snakes, the city, broccoli, spinach, rap music, and math
Comments = I love to talk to anyone who loves horses just like me. I own 
two horses and I barrel race
at local shows. It is so much fun. You don't have to barrel race to talk 
to me because I love to learn
new things about other horse sports. Hope to talk to you soon. You can 
visit my webpage at BYE!! 

Name = Britt
Email = Age = 15
Gender = Female
Location = Kentucky
Hobbies = Riding, Baseball, Basketball
Comments = I have 2 horses. A Qh mare and a thoroughbred gelding. 

Name = Mikaela
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = girl
Location = Shakopee
Hobbies = bike riding, basketball, soccer, dancing, jump on trampoline
Likes = Music, horses, 
Dislikes = my step-sister and her friends
Comments = I like horses a lot. I went horseback riding a few times. 


Horse Mania is a free email newsletter that is sent out twice a month 
(every other week). More information is located at the Horse Mania 
website, at as well as some other horse related 

Any questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback can be emailed to Susan 

Missed an issue? Want to see a back issue? Remember that all Horse Mania 
issues are archived at Issues usually appear 
there within a week.

If you have changed your email address and would like to receive the 
newsletter at your new one, just fill out the form at and I will notify you 
when I’ve changed your address.

If you would like to unsubscribe, go to

Do you like the Horse Mania website and newsletter? Please go here to vote 
for us in the Horse Source Top 100 Sites. Thank you to everyone who has 
voted for us! We have managed to cling to one of the top 50 spots most of 
the time.

How would you rate the Horse Mania newsletter out of 10? 10 being best, 0 
being the worst. Please visit to rank us.

Or you can just click on the buttons located at the bottom of the main 
Thank you to everyone who has voted!

Horse Mania- the free online newsletter  

End of Horse Mania Newsletter #21