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Newsletter #22

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Horse Mania Newsletter #22
May 26th 2000 
Subscriber Count: 845

The NEXT deadline for ALL article writers and things submitted to the 
newsletter is 
June 7th. Please let me know if you cannot meet this deadline for some 

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well, everything’s going great for me! Next week I 
plan to start ploughing into all the award applications I have stacked up. 
I’ll try and get through them as quickly as I can. Calling all writers! 
The conclusion of our current horse story is in this issue so I need a new 
horse story! Please email me if you’ve got one to submit. There’s not much 
I need to say this time, so that’s about it. I hope you all enjoy Horse 
Mania and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks. As usual any criticism, 
comments or suggestions are welcome.


'\__~	'\__~	'\__~
  \  \	 /   \	 /  / cantering

In this Issue:
-Tell Us About Yours
-She Lives on Forever
-Breeds In Focus
-Horse Health
-The Name Game
-Riding Tips
-Horse Care
-Horse Story: “Pony” (part 5)
-Different Kinds of Horses And All About Them
-The Horse’s Mouth
-Horse Polls
-Pen Pals
-Newsletter Information

Here are the columns open at the moment. You need to be able to have a 
column ready every two weeks and meet the deadlines. After you read the 
descriptions, if you are interested in doing any of these please read the 
application instructions below. Any person of any age can apply to write 
these columns, at least some background horse knowledge preferred.

*Positions Open*

Horse Website Reviews: Write up a review of one or two horse websites for 
each issue. You should know what components make a good website. 

*How To Apply*

Before you do, please read the general writing guidelines at

If you still decide you’re up to it, send me your name, age (optional), 
why you want to write the column, what ideas you have for the column, and 
how you’ll write it. I’m going to be picky, and the person who comes 
across as the most keen and interested and reliable will get the position! 
I need someone who knows they will have enough free time to write it, is 
reliable and can meet the deadline every time, and who will ENJOY writing 
it. So show me how keen you are! It is highly unlikely if you send me one 
sentence saying “I really want to do it.” that you will get it, I want 
someone who’s really going to do a good job of it and put in lots of 
effort. :o)  Remember that you need to able to write it every other week. 

*Remember that you can always submit anything horse-related you want, 
poems, jokes, stories about your horse, experiences you’ve had or once off 
articles about something horsy that interests you. And I am always open to 
your own column ideas. 


This a section where you can tell us about your own horse, or the horse 
you ride.Send it in to and I’ll put it in. It can any 
length you like.

Tio Milk 
does:jumping,cross  country,dressage,vaulting,everything   

I adore Tio Milk.If your thinking what a strange name, well I live in 
Ecuador, South America,but am from California. I love Tio Milk because he 
is my life and he was owned by the best rider in Ecuador. He is so fast he 
completes a course of jumps that are a height of a metere-10  
centimeters,18 jumps in total in 32 seconds!!! He was also very expensive. 
When he was young he could almost jump 2 meters!!!!!!!!!!! He is darling 
and when competing, he prances, he is 16hh, pure white. For any other info 
e-mail me at  thanx!!!!!! 

Remember to submit your horse’s photo to the: 
Do you have a photo of your horse on the computer? Horse Mania has a photo 
gallery of reader’s horses. If you have a pic, send it to me as an 
attachment or URL to 
Include your name, your horse’s name, your horses breed and any other 
information you would like. It will then be displayed on the Horse Mania 
website in the photo gallery so that everyone can admire your horse!


    I was always told that I wasn't good enough. When I finally found the 
sport that I was actually good at, I was overjoyed. Riding horses had run 
my family from my first ancestors. I had a natural seat, quiet hands, and 
that passion for animals. Finally, my parents agreed to give me lessons. 
saddle was western. When I rode my first lesson horse, Molasses, I fell 
automatically in love with her. Her gaits were smooth, her disposition 
gentle. When I moved up in the ranks of the stable, I mastered many 
things. I 
claimed first prizes, mastered barrel racing, reining, and had a natural 
taste for the many joys of trail riding. I soon learned I wasn't 
satisfied. I 
had accomplished so much in these few years in the western saddle, so I 
decided I'd like to try to move onto the English saddle, and have more 
to reach. The day I left my current western saddle was a sad one. My last 
lesson contained many hugs and tears, and letter exchanging. When the 
excitement died down, I took one last trail ride with my beloved horse, 
Molasses. At one point of the trail, I dismounted and let her graze for a 
moments, and spoke to her softly, telling her my thoughts about a new 
and a new saddle. I climbed gently back into her saddle, and headed her 
    My English stable was a whole new ball game from my western one. The 
people were less friendly, the horses were harder to contain, and the 
spoke all business. No more leisurely trail rides, or games. After about a 
year, I had become a high ranked show student, due to my former experience 
with horses and this sport. When I reached the spot where I could move no 
further unless having my own horse, I started considering options. Then my 
mind wandered back to Molasses. I had often seen her ridden English by the 
instructors, on various occasions. 
    The day I came back for my horse was a beautiful, August afternoon. I 
spent hours gossiping with my former classmates and riding instructor. 
When I 
asked to see the horse that I so long had dreamed about, I was told that 
had passed away the former winter, due to colic. Tears streamed down my 
and I felt a bottomless pit on the inside of my stomach. All this time she 
had been gone? I put on a smile and bid farewell to everyone, and so left 
stable for good, vowing never to come back, for the fear of more pain to 
    The following fall I found the horse of my dreams. His name is 
Ribose, and I finally persuaded my parents to buy him. Despite my vow 
my western stable, I quit my English lessons and am now boarding Dox at 
western one. Every morning, I work with him over jumps, trying to keep his 
strength in top level for whatever shows may come our way. After our ring 
workout, we ride amongst the trails I had ridden so long ago on my 
She is buried in a clearing through the woods, about a half a mile away 
this trail. I visit her grave often, and replenish it with beautiful 
Roses are the flower for the annual Kentucky Derby winners. Roses for 
Molasses are my choice, because in my heart, Molasses is as great as any 
the Kentucky Derby winners, if not greater. She forever lives on in my 


If you would like to suggest a breed to be profiled in Breeds In Focus, 
please email Jacqui at with your suggestion. 

Tennessee Walking Horse

History:  The Tennessee Walking Horse, more commonly known as a Walker, 
evolved in the southern states of the U.S. in the nineteenth century, from 
Spanish stock.  The Walker was bred for riders to use as a comfortable 
as they inspected plantation crops for hours at a time.

Origin: This breed traces back to the old Narragansett Pacer.  It evolved 
a mix of Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Morgan, and a mix of Saddlebred 
The foundation sire wasBlack Allan, who came from a line of trotters out 
a Morgan mare.  He was  a failure as a harness racer because of his 
walking pace.

Color: There is no limits on the colors of a Walker, but solid colors such 
as blacks and chestnuts are the most common.

Height: 15-16 hands high

Temperament: The Walker has an outstanding temperament.  It is very steady 
and reliable, and can be ridden by a beginner in absolute confidence.  It 
known as a family horse, and the most comfortable and good tempered of all 
the breeds in the world.

Use: Tennessee Walkers are used for gaited horse showing as well as for 

Paces: The flat-foot walk, the running walk, and the canter are all 
inherited.  Foals are seen showing the running walk at an early age.

Special Quality:  The running walk is an amazing pace, seen only in 
Tennessee Walkers.  The Walker can reach speeds of 6-9 mph at the running 
walk.  This as fast as an average horse's trot, and much more 
it is a loose four beat gait, where the head nods in time to the 
the ears swing, and there is a distinctive clicking of the teeth.

     All in all, the Tennessee Walking Horse is a majestic horse, known 
it's all around ability for being comfortable, good tempered, and great 

*HORSE HEALTH by Amanda 

This newsletter I decided not to type up an article covering an aspect of 
horse health. No, I decided to get *your* ideas on what topics I should 
cover in the up-and-coming newsletters. The general topic must have 
something to do with common injuries, diseases, sicknesses, or conditions 
found in horses. Remember, the last topic I did was thrush, so it can't be 
that topic again. I'll choose a few and cover those topics one by one. 
E-mail me, Amanda, at with all of your ideas. 
Thanks for your help!

*THE NAME GAME by Megan 

Hey everybody!! Any new babies yet? We've got another one out at where I 
board my horse! A Standardbred colt, who's gunna be a racehorse some day!! 
His name's Duck  Soup, but we just call him Duckie!     

I'd like to thank everybody for their contributions for last issue!! I'm 
going to have to put another paint in here sometime soon, the response for 
a coloured horse, was huge, and a lot of people commented on how nice she 
was. I'll need to get an Appy in  here too! The winner I chose for this 
mare, is "Astara's Baby Addiction" sent into me by Abigail.     
Now for this weeks  horse:       

Breed: Dutch Warmblood (my FAVE  breed!!)     
Colour: chestnut     
Age: 3 months     
Sire: Daring  Dancer         
Dam: Casual Flirt       

Hope everybody can think of some excellent names to send me in!!  You guys 
definitely always do!  In  case ya forget, my email is 
!!  Be hearin' from  you soon!

*RIDING TIPS by Diana 

Hi! Welcome to the first edition of riding tips! Here you can learn to be 
better rider even if you are a beginner or not!
Today's Tip:
The correct way to ride
Wither your a beginner or a an advanced rider, you  always need to check 
make sure you are riding right.. I always like to take a couple pictures 
record myself riding so I can always make sure that my position is 
sometimes you need to see things yourself, relying on the teacher is half 
1) Walking
 Okay, walking... an ordinary thing, but it makes a huge difference how 
look when your doing dressage, hunter jumping, or leisurely riding, but 
otherwise, the basic leg form is all the same. Your back must be strait 
not tight so that your buttocks are coming out of the saddle, but relaxed 
strait. Pretend that there is string coming out of your riding helmet, and 
that you a puppet and someone is pulling you up.. higher and straighter. 
should feel like that..
For your leg, HEELS DOWN ALWAYS!! I always had trouble with that, but 
after a 
while, I don't even think about it anymore.. it just comes naturallyJ  
leg should be back just behind the girth.. a way to check this is to look 
down quickly.. you should ONLY be able to see a TINY part of the toe of 
boot.. if you see more then you have to pull your leg back until you 
but not TOO far back.. just so you can see a shaving of the toe of your 
After that you check everything is correctly done, squeeze with your legs 
SLIGHTLY... a horse that is kicked brutally with not like it.. and will go 
faster than a walk if u don't want it to. But still, you should NEVER EVER 
kick the horse.
2) Trotting
  Follow all the basics I have told u about in walking, and while your 
walking, squeeze a little harder but remember , DON"T KICK THE HORSE!!! 
horse should start to trot..
a) Sitting trot
During the sitting trot, you should sit back DEEPLY into the saddle... 
all the weight into your heels and wrap your legs tightly around the 
not enough to make it break into a canter, but just so u can keep your 
and keep the horse moving at a trot.. it should also be slower than a 
b) Posting Trot
To make sure this is correctly done, you must first, make it go faster 
than a 
sitting trot and then you go rhythmically with the horses trotting beat. A 
way to check that you are sitting up and down on the correct beat (the 
correct diagonal) is simply easy.. Look down for a SPLIT second.. when the 
OUTSIDE shoulder (closest to the rail) moves towards you, you should sit 
down.. when it moves forward, stand back up.. after that split second.. 
rest of the beats should come easily.

There will DEFINITELY be more coming soon to the next issue!!


Here are a few tips to make a good grooming box.

Ok, first of all, find a good sturdy grooming box. You
need one that's easy to carry around, access, and can
hold everything you want to put in it and include in
your basic grooming routine. If you want to put
bottles of show sheen, shampoo, conditioner, etc in
your groom box, then make sure it's height will agree.

Next, you need to find the right brushes. Ordering off
the internet is easy and great, but buying brushes and
supplies direct from a tack shop lets you feel the
brushes stiffness and lets you see what you are
actually getting. 
You'll need... 
- hard dandy brush (to remove mud, dirt, and hair) 
- a curry comb (to remove mud and also massages the
- soft finishing brush (to get the hair to lay flat
and brush off any dust left) 
- face brush (great for removing dirt around the face)

- tail brush (the ones that look like human brushes
work really well) 
- a pulling comb (small metal for pulling the mane) 

You'll also need a... 
- hoofpick (the ones with the pick on one end and
brush on the other are really handy!) 
-shedding blade (for removing those mounds of hair in
the spring) 
- good shampoo and conditioner (make sure it suits
your horse!) 
- FLY SPRAY  (an essential in the summer!!!) 
-sweat scraper 
- different colored and sized sponges 
- treats! (keep them in your groom box for quick

Some extras.. 
-Show sheen or Vetrolin spray  (great for extra shine
and soft hair!) 
-a detangler (a must have for no-tangle tails) 
- rubber bands (for braiding) 
- hoof dressing 

These are a few things from a couple of people's
opinions for what needs to be in a good grooming box.

*HORSE STORY: “PONY” (part 5) by Jewel Orion 

Here is our current horse story. This is the fifth and final part. If you 
missed out on any parts you can read them in the Horse Mania archives 
starting with Newsletter #18, at

PONY by Jewel Orion

Peter was surprised at the old man's message. It merely told him to come 
as a guest for the weekend. But Peter respected the old man and would do 
nothing to displease him, so he arrived on the Saturday morning promptly 
at nine o'clock, as requested. The old man's butler greeted Peter, 
apologizing for the old man and asking if Peter would mind waiting in the 
parlour. He led Peter to this room, explaining on the way that the old man 
would join him soon, that some annoying and rather urgent phone calls had 
come up. Peter sat quietly in the parlour and waited. Soon the old man 
joined him, welcoming him and asking if Peter would come to town to help 
the old man with some shopping for the stables. Peter knew this meant the 
saddlery and said he would be happy to help him. Peter loved the smell of 
the saddlery, having helped the old man with tack purchases in the past, 
and enjoyed running his fingers over the new gleaming tack while waiting 
for the old man. 

They set off in the old man's car and presently came to the saddlery. Once 
they were in the store, the old man asked Peter to see what new stock they 
had, as his older eyes were somewhat unreliable. 
Peter obliged, looking at several of the new saddles before bringing a 
particularly beautiful German saddle to the old man's attention. The old 
man inspected it closely, and then asked the salesman if it came in Pony 
size. Peter knew the old man bred ponies and was sure to tell the salesman 
exactly what size would be needed. The old man thanked him, then asked 
Peter to find a bridle that would do justice to the saddle. Again Peter 
settled on a German bridle and the old man also had the salesman add it to 
the bill. This done, they purchased grooming tools and jumping boots. The 
old man paid the salesman, then Peter helped him to carry it to the old 
man's car. They lunched in the town before driving back to the old man's 
home. Once home, the old man sat and talked to Peter about his schooling 
and life lately, Peter was a good student, and was happy the old man was 
interested. As an orphan, living in an orphanage, most of Peter's academic 
achievements went unnoticed by anyone but himself.  The old man seemed 
very pleased by all that Peter told him, and then asked the most amazing 
question of all. He asked Peter if he would like the old man's home to be 
Peter's too, for as long as Peter would stay!

Peter was flabbergasted, but rushed to the old man and hugged him hard, 
telling him that he would be most honoured. The old man smiled in a very 
pleased way, hugging Peter back, and said that it was already arranged, 
that all they had been waiting for was Peter's answer itself. Peter looked 
close to tears, as did the old man, but both were extremely happy too. 
They spent the afternoon talking and making decisions on Peter's life for 
the future, before Peter went to bed in what was now, HIS room. Peter 
thought he would never sleep, with so much excitement suddenly in his 
life, but he fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.

Peter woke early the next morning, but the old man woke earlier, and Peter 
came into the dining room to find the old man halfway through breakfast. 
The old man told Peter to help himself, and Peter sat down to a breakfast 
far more lavish than the simple food they gave him at the orphanage. 
Breakfast was quiet but very peaceful, and once over, the old man asked 
Peter if he would tour the farm with him. They inspected the broodmares 
and new foals, looked in on the stallions and geldings, before the old man 
asked Peter to lead out one of the horses in a stall a bit further down. 
Peter approached the stall, wondering what horse would be in there today. 
He opened the stall door and his heart missed a beat! The pony inside 
looked so much like Truffles! Before Peter could tell himself how silly 
that was, the pony rushed to him and buried his face in Peter's arms, 
whiffling and snuffling happily.  Peter stood holding the pony's head 
tenderly, tears streaming down his face. The old man spoke quietly from 
behind Peter, telling him he must take care of the pony, now that he 
belonged to Peter. Peter looked up at the old man with shining eyes, 
hardly able to believe how happy his life had become in the last 24 hours. 
The old man, Peter and the pony walked down the aisle of the stable, and 
Peter was shown all of the ribbons Pony, now renamed Truffles, had won 
that summer. The old man made Peter promise that he would continue to take 
Truffles to shows and Peter gladly agreed. Then the old man told Peter 
that they must be sure that the new tack would fit Truffles comfortably. 
Peter's eyes widened, as he realized that the new Tack that they bought 
yesterday was for TRUFFLES! He tried to tell the old man that it was too 
good, too expensive, but the old man said that Truffles was truly worth 
it, and so was Peter.

 They tacked up Truffles, and all the tack was a perfect fit, just as the 
old man had known it would be. He then told Peter that he was going inside 
to rest, and asked Peter if he would be happy to amuse himself for a few 
hours, adding that he thought Truffles would need some exercise. 
Peter grinned and said that was wonderful with him, gave the old man 
another hug, then led Truffles over to the exercise ring. The old man 
watched as Peter mounted Truffles and walked him quietly around the ring, 
before retiring to the house for his nap.

Peter tried out Truffles' paces slowly, marveling at the work that Sunni 
had put into the pony. They worked gently in the ring for a while, and 
then Peter led Truffles into the jumping arena. Truffles pricked his ears 
at the jumps and Peter gently urged him into a nice collected canter, 
before approaching the first jump. Truffles cleared it in his usual way, 
being careful to lift his feet so as not to hit it and Peter felt his 
heart would burst. He directed Truffles to the next jump, which was a good 
bit higher, and truffles burst over it excitedly. Peter let out a whoop 
and patted Truffles happily on the neck. 
At last, they had both come HOME.

The End

HAVE YOU WRITTEN A HORSE STORY? Then send it in to Susan at and I might decide to put it in Horse Mania! It can be 
any length and any style, just as long as you wrote it and it’s horse 

*Different Kinds of Horses and All About Them by Carli 
    There are many  different kinds of horses. They come in all shapes and 
sizes. My favorite is the Appaloosa. They are the ones that are white and 
have black or brown spots on their behind. The Palomino is a very pretty 
horse. The are what I call golden horses.  What is your favorite horse? Do 
you own a horse? I don't but I wish I did. 
    When a horse is born it is called a FOAL. When a female horse is born 
is called a FILLY. She is called that until she is four years old. When a 
male horse is born he is called a COLT. He is called that until he is four 
years old.
    A male horse is called a STALLION. He is called that when he is over 
years old. A female horse is called MARE.  She is called that until she is 
over four years old. 
    I think horses a very cool and very very cute. They are really nice. A 
horses has always respected me because I respected it. If you are scared 
you are on a horse the horse will be scared, too. Because horses know what 
you are thinking they are kind of like mind readers. When a horse is 
it will probably buck you. (kick you off!) That will hurt it could do 
damage to you if you are on a tall horse. Some horse tips are listed:
1. Don't be scared when you are on a horse.
2. Don't ride at night 
3. Don't ride when it is icy
Those are three tips to live by. 


This is a new section of the newsletter. It’s the place for readers to 
communicate. If you have any horse related event to announce, a message to 
post, or a letter about the Horse Mania Newsletter or other horse related 
issue, this is the place for it. It can be anything from a show/event 
announcement to a request for a certain model horse or advice on a 
difficult horse or even just a letter on something in the horse world. 
Just send it in to Susan at and I’ll put it in the 
next issue. 
*Please Note* This is not an invitation for commercial advertisements. 

As Director of the Georgia Racking Horse Exhibitors' Assc., I am writing 
in reference to our upcoming GA State Racking Horse Championship to be 
July 28 & 29, 2000, at the GA International Horse Park in Conyers, GA 
of the 1996 Olympics).  We are a non profit organization and this year we 
will be helping the Reece Center for Handicapped Riders.  We need all the 
help we can get with sponsors and vendors for this show.  If you can put 
article in your Newsletter concerning this it would be greatly 
We are only charging $50 for the entire weekend for vendors and we 
all horse people to be a sponsor to help with this worth cause.  
range form $40 to $5,000 for a corporate sponsorship and any donations 
be appreciated.
For more information, I can be contacted by phone 770-832-2122 or email
Thank you,

My name is Jackie Deutsch.  I am a member of the Horse of Course 4-H Club 
Pierce County, Washington.  We are seeking sponsors to help us put on a 
show.  We are proud to announce ads for our sponsors during our show, and 
hang banners or signs you supply.  We will also be listing a link to 
web sites on our Club Web Page.  You can see our page and club pictures at  All items donated are tax 
deductible and will be used in a raffle, to help pay for arena rental, and 
Judges for our show. We will e-mail you a receipt.  Donations of items for 
raffle should be mailed to Horse of Course 4H Club at 2806-112th Avenue 
Edgewood, WA.98372
Please mark them "attention Jackie Deutsch." Let us know they are on the 
and we will e-mail you a receipt.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Washington 
University, Cooperative extension at (253) 798-7160.  Our County Agent is 
Theresa Reda Martinez. Our 4-H coordinator is Nancy Basket. Our Club 
is Penny Royce.
Thank you for taking time to read my letter.  
Sincerely,  Jackie  Deutsch


If you have a horse related website or would like to suggest a good one, 
send in the address to Susan at and I’ll list it here.

Natural Equine


The Sport of Kings

Quality Horses


I have some Horse Polls on the website for you to vote for your opinion! 
Every month there is a feature poll, which is featured on the main page, 
Past polls are displayed at 

Current Questions:

*feature poll of the month* 
Do you own a horse?
*past polls*
What is your favorite horse movie?
Which of these is your favorite Horse Breed?
What style of horseriding do you prefer?

Current Results for feature poll: (APRIL/MAY)

Do you own a horse?

Total Number of Votes: 235
Yes!- 133 (56%)
No, but I sure wish I did- 83 (35%)
I loan or share one- 19 (8%)

There will be a new feature poll up starting on the 1st June.

Past polls are located at and you can still vote 
for them and view the results.


Here is the Pen Pal section for adults and kids. The penpal section is 
online at the Horse Mania Website, with the newest ads being posted in an 
issue of Horse Mania as well. If you would like to place an ad, please 
visit For the complete 
list of pen pal ads, go to

Most recent ads:

Name = Candace 
Email =
Age = i'm 12 wishing and close to being 13
Gender = cowgirl
Location = Heart of horse racing KY 
Hobbies = Riding , drawing , reading , and writing 
Likes = i'm a big fan of any animal , horses , fishing
Dislikes = hate horses raceing ! i have strong resons on that , can't 
stand school , or mucking stalls ,
giving a horses a bath and then see it roll in the mud 
Comments = I barrol race my pony April ( but she rides me a lot more then 
i do her ) I'm a really
western kid . I'm in the 7th almost 8th grade . I'm not a hot speller and 
don't what to know if i have
spelled something wrong . I would like you to im me if i'm on if you'd 
like to be pals. 

Name = claire
Email =
Age = 11
Gender = female
Location = home
Hobbies = soccer, english horseback riding, computer
Likes = horses,soccer,talking,shoppingetc.
Comments = I LOVE HORSES!!!!! 

Name = Brittany
Email = WOODSTOCK1049592@AOL.COM
Age = 16
Gender = FEMALE

Name = Jessica
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = F
Location = California
Hobbies = HORSES !
Likes = HORSES !
Dislikes = Um.....I have no idea !
Comments = Hola ! 

Name = Carmen
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = female
Location = Houston, TX
Hobbies = riding, soccer, volleyball, hanging at the barn
Likes = horses, most all people, Ceaser Salad, jumping
Dislikes = everything that has to do wit school
Comments = I spend (or try to) spend as much time a the barn as possible, 
I'm always learning
something! I also get chances to ride new horses and better my riding. 
Though I can't get a horse I'm
always dreaming!!!!!! Ð 

Name = courtney figley
Email =
Age = 16
Gender = female
Location = canada
Hobbies = HORSES!!
Likes = anything to do with horses
Dislikes = schooll
Comments = i really enjoy riding my horses. i have quarter horses, paints, 
arabians, and appoloosas. i
love gymkana, and basically everything to do with horses 

Name = mariana devoto
Email =
Age = 17
Location = buenos aires - argentina
Hobbies = horse riding - playing the guitar - drawing
Likes = horses - music - friends -
Dislikes = i hate having fallen from my horse
Comments = i can¥t ride at least for a month and i really miss horses. i¥d 
like to have new friends that
like horses as me.(even spanish or english) Please write to me. Thanks! 

Name = Krista
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = home
Hobbies = horseback riding, drawing
Likes = summer vacation, horses, swimming
Dislikes = school, cats, running 

Name = Laura
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = usa
Hobbies = horseback riding, horseback riding, and horseback riding!!
Likes = Horses, everything to do with horses
Dislikes = N'sync, fashion, makeup, etc.
Comments = Hi! I really love horses. If you like horses, email or instant 
messange me in aol at
glenwillow27 or DrkStrglen. I will talk to everyone! Any age, gender, 

Name = mel
Email =
Age = 55
Gender = male
Location = australia
Hobbies = trail riding
Likes = horses
Dislikes = people who are cruel to horses
Comments = started riding 7years ago and still learning. started with 1 
horse,now have 3. would like to
correspond with either male or female on horses 

Name = Casey
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = girl
Location = Pennsylvania
Hobbies = RIDING!!!! Horses! I LOOOOVE TB's
Likes = Tb's, fast horses
Dislikes = hmm, slow, stubborn horses? But i love all horses really 
Comments = I don't have a horse but I love a Thoroughbred named Kenzie who 
is an ex-racehorse. I
ride her sometimes at my riding lessons. I want some1 else who likes 
Thoroughbreds or has a horse and
could give me some tips! 

Name = Angel Schmidt
Email =
Age = 27
Gender = Female
Location = Western Washington
Hobbies = Horses,Dogs
Comments = I would like to have a pen pal that is knowledgeable about 
horses as I am still a novice, but
I would like to have a future working with/around horses. 

Name = sherri
Email =
Age = 43
Gender = female
Location = Fort Myers Fla
Hobbies = Horse&4H
Likes = All large animals
Dislikes = People who can't control there kids
Comments = Just started riding again,its been a long time about 15years. 
Like to here from you!!!!! 

Name = carli
Email =
Hobbies = Horse back riding 
Likes = cross out likes and put loves horses
Comments = I love horses and i couldn't live without them 

Name = Leslee
Email =
Age = 16
Gender = Female
Location = St.Catharines, Ontario Canada
Hobbies = Riding Horses,swimming,
Comments = I can talk about any thing I love horses 

Name = Amie
Email =
Age = 18
Gender = female
Location = phoenix, az
Hobbies = horses, motocross, skiing, showing horses, swimming...anything 
Dislikes = people who think they are better than everyone else
Comments = Anyone who wants to chat can email me. I'm 18, I show Paints in 
the southwest, and I
love motocross. :-) 


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End of Horse Mania Newsletter #22