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Newsletter #23

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Horse Mania Newsletter #23
June 13th 2000 
Subscriber Count: 895


The NEXT deadline for ALL article writers and things submitted to the 
newsletter is June 24. Please let me know if you cannot meet this deadline for 
some reason.

Hi, readers!

   Welcome to Issue #23- the first anniversary issue of Horse Mania! Yes, 
we’ve actually been going a year. I can hardly believe it! The first issue 
was sent out on June 6th 1999 to just 50 
subscribers. Now, onto our 23rd issue and with nearly 900 subscribers, 
Horse Mania is still going strong! Thanks to everyone who has helped me 
get it this far, especially all our wonderful writers.
   There is a new feature poll for June on the main page of Horse Mania 
( so be sure to stop by and put in your vote! 
I’ve also managed to wade through most of the award applications. The May 
winners are printed in this issue, and all the June winners will be in 
here the issue after next. As always, the complete list of winners is on 
the Horse Mania website. Congratulations to all the winning websites!
   I’m getting that urge to redesign the Horse Mania website again. I’ve 
got lots of ideas and want to maybe change the layout a bit. But it will 
be a while before I get the chance to get all that done, so I’ll tell you 
all when there’s actually some redeveloping starting. That is, if I get 
around to it! :o)
   If anyone out there enjoys writing horse stories, please send them in 
to me! I’d like to have another continuing story to publish in Horse Mania 
over a few issues like we’ve had before. 
   I hope everyone and their horses are doing well. I have just started 
regularly having riding lessons again and I’m loving it! I missed it a 
lot, and am glad to be back in the saddle! I sure need to get those riding 
muscles back into shape though, I’m a bit sore today. :o)
   That’s about it, I hope you all enjoy this issue and I’ll see you again 
in a couple of weeks. As usual any criticism, comments or suggestions are 


'\__~	'\__~	'\__~
  \  \	 /   \	 /  / cantering

In this Issue:
-Archer’s Corner
-Sunrise Stables
-Horse Fable
-Tell Us About Yours
-The Name Game
-Riding Tips
-The Horse’s Mouth
-Horse Poems
-Award Winners
-Horse Polls
-Pen Pals
-Newsletter Information



Here are the columns open at the moment. You need to be able to have a 
column ready every two weeks and meet the deadlines. After you read the 
descriptions, if you are interested in doing any of these please read the 
application instructions below. Any person of any age can apply to write 
these columns, there is no restriction!

*Positions Open*

Horse Website Reviews: Write up a review of one or two horse websites for 
each issue. You should know what components make a good website. 

*How To Apply*

Before you do, please read the general writing guidelines at

If you still decide you’re up to it, send me your name, age (optional), 
why you want to write the column, what ideas you have for the column, and 
how you’ll write it. Remember that you need to able to write it every 
other week. 

*Remember that you can always submit anything horse-related you want, 
poems, jokes, stories about your horse, experiences you’ve had or once off 
articles about something horsy that interests you. And I am always open to 
your own column ideas. 



Hey there horse folks!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m back!!!!!! At last I was able to get 
a  brand new computer and I’ve just finished reading all the issues I 
missed. Well  2000 is the last high school year for 

At last I’m going to be out and straight for university. Riding ok.. but a 
little bit down cuz my mares suffers of a fly bite, which got infected 
and  complicated. Nether less, the show must go on (at last). So I’d like 
to restart  my corner with my typical Horse Whispering stuff. Lean back 
and enjoy!!!:D See  ya!

Horse and Rider a never ending bond.

What are the 2 most important elements to any relationship? Ask a marriage 
counselor and he’ll quickly say trust and respect. With these you can do 
nearly anything, but without.......fear, suspicion, frustration, anger etc 
will quickly appear. Does this sound familiar? Don’t you think all this 
can work in our equine pals?

When you lead your horse, does he walk politely with you? Can you handle 
him in any situation, and will he let you touch him anywhere, even in 
ticklish spots? Will he do whatever you ask, whenever you ask without fear 
or resentment?  If he does, and with a willing attitude, then you have 
yourself a great  relationship. If he doesn’t, though, something is 
missing in your partnership-  most likely mutual regard and faith in each 

To earn these from your horse you need to employ a few psychological 
tools;  the best one I know are based on equine social systems.

Since thousands of years man and horse have had similar social systems. 
Both are based in trust and subordination to authority and both groups 
understood  dominance and submission.

An example: Watch horses in a herd situation. Horses have a strong desire 
for  social order and depend on a herd hierarchy, and they establish this 
through  sometimes subtle but often forceful interactions. They play 
dominance games to establish a pecking order that determines which horse 
becomes the alpha herd member and which ones rank below him or her, on 
down the line. After securing  the position as a dominant member, a horse 
can control the movements of others  by various cues ranging from a 
specific look to an outright attack. The dominant  horse will first look 
at the individual he wants to move, then pin back his ears  and approach. 
The less dominant horse knows that if he doesn'  t respond  appropriately 
(by moving away) the dominant animal will become more assertive,  going as 
far as biting and kicking. All these actions can be observed when  horses 
are together. Even in your 2 or 3 horses in their paddock. Watch when you 
feed them. Who eats first, who’s the first to drink water?

When we use these laws of nature we find that communicating with horses 
becomes easy. Instead of trying to force our horse in to a human 
framework, we should try to understand their point of view. Horses have a 
much easier time  understanding us when we use there language, and we will 
be tapping in to behaviours that have been developed and perfected within 
equine social structure  over millennia.

Trust and respect go hand and hand. In order for a horse to become a good 
partner for you he needs to learn to be comfortable around you and to 
trust that you’ll never give him any suggestions that aren’t good for him. 
He needs to be able to have faith in your judgements and use his whenever 

While a trusting horse is gentle, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll 
be  respectful. A gentle horse accepts people and permits them to handle 
them. A respectful horse does this, too, but is much more tuned in to his 
handler and knows his place in human/horse hierarchy.

To get a horse’s respect, you have to let him know that in your 
relationship you’re the leader and he’s the follower. This doesn’t mean 
you should become whip-wielding dictator - that would undermine his trust. 
All you need to do is communicate with your horse so that he understands 
you’re the alpha member and he’s the next in line. Nearly all horses are 
born followers and are most  comfortable when they have a trustworthy 
leader. It’s not so hard to establish this relationship. First treat a 
horse a similar way another horse will treat him. Establish a friendship 
by letting him know being around you is a good thing. By stroking him all 
over, by feeding him and grooming him I’m saying that  I mean him no harm. 
Next show him I can control his movements, and not only from  the saddle 
but also from the ground. This is important, we need to gain the  horses 
respect from the ground before even expecting some response on the  
saddle. Be as gentle as you can but also as firm as you need to be.

Many famous trainers (Monty Roberts, John Lyons etc) use different 
natural  horsemanship approach to start a horse. They all have the same 
results, show the  horse that you know his language and can control him 
from the ground. It takes  time and effort to learn horses body language. 
The best thing you can do is read  books, watch videos, go to clinics but 
the best of all watch horses. 

But do it and I guarantee good and positive results.

Next issue : What’s all this body language all about? Does "Equus" sound 
familiar? Monty Roberts? 


SUNRISE STABLES by Melanie Harris 

There is a place in California near the San Francisco Bay Area known as
Silicon Valley.  My family moved there in 1960 and bought a house in San
Jose.  There was nothing remarkable about the house, but walking to school 
would pass by the front pasture of Sunrise Stables.  If you go to San Jose
today, you won't be able to visit Sunrise Stables, but if you use the
Saratoga on-ramp to Highway 85,  you will be driving across a few acres of
land that was my world for a while and what happened there changed my life.

The stables and a little house were on leased land designated for the
highway decades before starting construction  The boarding facilities were
ramshackle, and there was no trail access, but railroad tracks ran along 
south side of the property which would take a horse and rider across the
city quite nicely.

To say that I was horse crazy doesn't even come close to the desire that
those who have it understand and those who don't have it will never
understand.  I overhead some girls at school talking about going riding, 
had never heard of renting a horse by the hour before that day.  After
saving up a few dollars from babysitting I rode my bicycle up to the 
Once I knew that you could rent a horse by the hour it became my sole
passion for a short period of time.  I eventually was able to own a horse
and after twenty-five years with Manny, I have now been able to own my
second horse, Treadwell.  But the time I spent at Sunrise Stables, and the
animals I rode there for two dollars an hour, are still very near to my

I probably can't recall what I cooked for dinner yesterday, but the time I
spent with the animals at Sunrise Stables gave me such full memories of
every one which is astonishing because I don't have that connection at the
barn where I board my horse today.  Not yet anyway, but I have only had
Treadwell a few months.

You could rent a horse for two dollars per hour, or you could rent a pony
for one dollar per hour but I never wanted to ride the ponies.  After 
I always spent the rest of the day at the stables, and watched the horses
and the owners of the other horses who were boarded at Sunrise Stables.
After a while I became friends with the girls that worked there and even
worked with them a few times.  Instead of being paid, we were allowed to
ride the rental horses and I would imagine that I could stay in the saddle

I remember that there were three ponies, one sweet Shetland, a bay gelding
named Bobby who was calm and slow, and children could actually ride Bobby.
Tom was a welsh-type appaloosa, and today I suppose he would be a POA, but
at that time he was just Tom.  Then there was Rebel, a bigger chestnut with
a wild, full mane and tail who was very spirited and could only be ridden 
Lisa, a girl who worked there saddling the rent horses.  Lisa's legs 
almost to the ground and one day she thought Rebel would jump over a chain
between two posts that was intended to prevent railroad right of way access
to automobiles.  I watched Rebel's short strides, fascinated by the way
horses could figure out how many steps to take before they jumped, but I
don't know if Rebel jumped.  I do remember him flipping completely, heels
over head over heels, having caught the chain instead of clearing it.

The horses were older geldings that were no trouble.  The way that those
horses were willing to give everything they had made it seem worse that 
weren't fed enough.  One flea-bitten gray was named Blue and I used to look
into his eyes and wonder at what he had seen during his life.  He had some
scars on his throat and chest from something so horrible I can hardly
describe it.  Sadly, since then I've learned that what happened was not 
isolated incident.  During the night some unknown person, probably insane,
must have taken a carving knife to this kind, trusting animal.  He was 
on his feet the next morning, and was stitched up and was not ridden while
he recovered from the attack.  Being off of work which sometimes meant four
different riders a day, he put on weight and looked like a different animal
for a while.  

Bo was another gelding, and I believe he was a true albino horse which gave
him an odd ghostly appearance.  I never rode Bo, having fallen in love with
a short paint horse that was all white except for a tan patch on his face.
Shanty has one brown eye and one blue eye and when my parents agreed to buy
me a horse for my fourteenth birthday we tried to buy him from the owner 
was told that he was not for sale.  We did find a young chestnut gelding 
sale named Seamus, who was with us over twenty five years, yet I will never
forget the rent horses that taught me how to ride at Sunrise Stables.


HORSE FABLE (“All That Glistens Is Not Gold”) 
written by Martine Macdonald 

A long time ago, on the west coast of Ireland lived a wild heard of 
Connemara ponies and horses. Untouched by civilization, they ran free 
through the vast fields, grazed in the lush, grassy meadows and drank the 
cool, pristine water from the running streams, life was peaceful.
Sometimes, the ponies would gallop up to the cliff that overlooked a busy 
little city, where the people had lost their sense of freedom and 
constantly rushed around working when they didn’t even know what they were 
working for.
In the middle of the city was a huge church with a large tower in the 
center and in that tower was an enormous golden shiny bell.
The ponies were always wise enough not to let the city folk ever see them 
and they never, ever went down to the city.
On a stormy Monday evening one year, a beautiful dappled gray colt was 
born. This foal was very special because he was the son of one of the 
strongest stallions, Cobalt, who was darker than a midnight sky and the 
fastest mare, Friska who was as white as a bolt of lightning.
As each day went on, Cash became stronger and faster than all the other 
horses and ponies in the herd. He grew up to be a gorgeous stallion, his 
silver coat gleamed, his long mane and tail danced when he ran, his dark 
eyes shined with pride and his body was a sight of equine perfection, each 
strong bone was covered in muscle.
Beneath the beauty and strength was a heart of gold and a curious mind. 
His fifth birthday landed on another stormy Monday and as the lightning 
flashed, Cobalt cantered up towards the cliff and signaled for Cash to 
follow. With a surge of anticipation, Cash bolted forward, passing his 
father and almost fell off the cliff.
Cobalt came dashing behind his son and caught his sparkling tail between 
his teeth and pulled his son backwards.
The ebony stallion reared high and whinnied, to show his son the view of 
the city. 
As the younger stallion marveled at the sight, a bolt of lightning struck 
down and hit the church bell, causing it to ring and flash so bright it 
was almost blinding.
The amazed gray stallion’s desire to go down to the bell flourished in his 
He asked his father if there was any way to get down and received a sharp 
warning never to go down to the city.
That only sparked the young horse’s curiosity, and his desire grew.
As the father and son trotted back to their herd who were sheltered under 
a small bunch of trees, the gears spun in Cash’s mind.
The days followed and Cash’s desire grew to an obsession, he was 
determined to go down, no matter what he was told.
He would go to the cliff every day, searching for a way down and observing 
the large golden bell.
One day, his heart had a leap of faith and just jumped right off the 
cliff. He knew to land on his side for the least amount of injury. He 
landed hard and got up right away but he was sore. He walked it off and 
set off for the bell. As the wild horse entered the city, his excitement 
As the colt trotted down the stone roads, the people of the city were 
amazed and confused.
Cash heard voices coming from everywhere and he sped up into a canter. 
People started to chase him so he broke into a flat out gallop, leaping 
over obstacles that came in his way. Men were yelling behind him, but they 
could never catch up. 
The frantic horse finally reached the church and looked up high to see the 
He just gazed and then realized that the bell was just a sight, nothing 
special, nothing that would change him.
Cash turned around but was caught. Four large men had grabbed his legs and 
as the stallion lashed out in every way, regret clouded over his high 
He gave up, and let the men lead him wherever they pleased. 
Cash was kept in the city for a year, doing hard labor, pulling carts and 
treads, being ridden for hours on end. His heart was slowly withering away.
Until one stormy Monday night, the lightning flashed and Cash looked up to 
the cliff where he once stood, a loud whinny erupted and in the temporary 
light, he saw his father reared up.
The strength in Cash s heart exploded and he broke right through the old 
wooden shed he was locked into and galloped at full speed to the bottom of 
the cliff.
He whinnied at his father and ran to the side around to the other end of 
the cliff, the lowest part. 
On the cliff stood his entire heard and memories of when he was once wild 
flashed through his mind. The heard began to drop mud and rocks down, 
creating a ramp for Cash to climb up.
It took all night but Cash finally returned with his herd and realized 
that what was truly gold was his freedom.



This a section where you can tell us about your own horse, or the horse 
you ride.Send it in to and I’ll put it in. It can any 
length you like.

“My horses are: My love, My Life 
My two horses are my most favorite animals in the world, my life revolves 
around them. I love them LOTS. First I'll tell you about Relic because 
he's the first horses that I ever had. Relic is a full blood quarter 
horse, and he is aprox. 15 years old. Hes also a retired rodeo horse. He 
used to be the roping horse of a man name Guy P. (i only remember mis last 
name dnitial.) My dad used to take his horses the Guy's dad for shoeing. I 
got Relic from Mr. P himself. I remember when I first saw him I was sooo 
excited!! I waz thinkin " I get a horsey my very own horseY!!" I learned 
almost everything I know about riding on Relster. He was my favorite thing 
in the world. I liked to go out and see him all the time. 
Then when I was about 13 years old I think that I must have out grown him 
or something. It wasn't that he got to big, it was just that he was 
getting older and lazyer. My dad had this young horse named Red, that he 
had bought about 6 years ago, and i must have had my eye on him or 
something, so I asked my dad if I could start riding him. Now you have to 
know that red is no ordinary horse. ( think he's a mustang or something) 
He'd a full blood Arabian, and he's got a lotta "fire" under the hood. He 
doesn't like to do anything slow or quietly. He thinks he's gotta snort 
his way through everything. That's why I love him. So I started riding 
Redie and I still am. And don't worry, I never left out Relic. I still 
ride him too. Its kinda routine now to go out to the pasture, catch Relic, 
go for a ride, then go catch Red and ride him. That way both of them get 
equal exercise and equal love. ;0) ”
-"Rebecca Penner" 

Do you have a photo of your horse on the computer? Horse Mania has a photo 
gallery of reader’s horses. If you have a pic, send it to me as an 
attachment or URL to 
Include your name, your horse’s name, your horse’s breed and any other 
information you would like to add. It will then be displayed on the Horse 
Mania website in the photo gallery so that everyone can admire your horse! 



Hey, I don’t know where anybody's from that’s reading this, but did 
anybody else go to the Hawkridge trillium show on the 10th? Kyle Carter's 
place,baby! Olympian! I'd never seen the facilities before, and man, those 
people must be loaded!!! 'Course I suppose they are! No "his and hers" 
towels for them, I saw "his and hers" gators!! That is so cool!  Anyway, I 
should really stop taking up space, and get on to what my article is 

Thanks to everybody who sent in names for the Dutch Warmblood foal. 
Everybody was great to point out that I forgot to mention if it was a colt 
or filly, and I know it's a little late now, but just so you know, it was 
a colt. The winner I picked for him was "Dance If You Dare" sent into me 
by Abigail! (Also, I think Bettina is really smart! she says she loves 
Dutch  Warmbloods too!) Furthermore, now onto this weeks  horse:       

Breed: Appaloosa  (I  think that has 2 l's)     
Age: a "this year" foal     
Colour/Markings: dark bay,  blanket, appy. No facial, or leg markings 
except for a mottled appy muzzle, and striped hooves.     
Sire: Ponokamita     
Dam: Natasha Handprint     
Gender: Filly     
Conformation type: solidly put together 

As usual, just send me in any and all suggestions you have for this 
beautifully coloured filly's name! My email is  (I 
really don’t know why I ever bother to type that, I'm pretty sure Susan 
put it in at the top of my column by the name for me!)  C ya next issue!   


Hi! Welcome to riding tips edition 2! I have a couple people who actually 
liked my column! hehehe... that is enuff motivation to keep this column 
up and going! Today.. I will go into detail for the canter, and perhaps a 
little discussion.. but I will review a little what I had last edition.

We already pointed out when walking (or any other pace)that you should sit 
strait and pretend that there is a string attached to your helmet that 
pulling you up.. your leg position should be as so: Leg back just so you 
see the tip or your riding boot.. when you look over your knee... just the 
nothing more. To walk, squeeze slightly and go with the rhythm of your 
In trotting, you should always practice a sitting trot which is really 
hard to 
do when your riding a sure footed bouncy horse (and a riding bareback on a 
bony horse! but that's another story:P) Check your position, and sit deep 
the saddle, wrap your legs around the horses legs, and try to sit still. 
Posting trot, you should move up and down rhythmically with the horses 
hoofbeats. To make sure your on the right diagonal, when the horses 
shoulder moves towards you, sit down. When the horses outside shoulder 
forward, sit up. And so forth..
Cantering when you don't know what your doing is very dangerous.
Alright, finally.. CANTERING
Cantering is a gait that once we learn not to fall off, with correct 
position, that we enjoy dearly. Cantering is MY favorite gait and I love 
every minute of it. So I will try to explain as clearly as possible so 
you may come to enjoy it too.
Always remember the correct riding position as I have told you above in 
walking and trotting.. and cantering is different for every sport. But for 
now, I'm focusing on English hunter/jumping (we haven't gone to the 
part, that'll come in a later newsletter, so you can practice all this 
English hunter/jumping is jumping (duh) but focusing on correct form of 
horse and rider, so I think it's important to take a course in that when 
learning English.
For those who don't know, cantering is a 3 beat gait.. also a SLOW gallop.
Very often, riding school horses are not schooled so that their hind legs 
to push them forward from behind- instead, the horse just pulls himself 
with his front legs, and his back flips up and down, making it difficult 
the rider to sit to. Again, the more the rider bounces, the more the horse 
will stiffen up his back. It is very uncomfortable for him, and is often 
primary cause of why so many horses are reluctant to canter, and why 
riders find it so difficult to maintain the canter. Horses that are 
and more forward going by nature, tend to react by running off and 
It is the rider's lower back that must absorb the canter movement, not the 
upper body by 'rowing' the shoulders back and forth, as if rowing a boat. 
only does the latter look ugly, the seat bones are pushed down concavely 
against the horse's back, which is trying to come up convexly under the 
rider, if the canter is not to be flat and lifeless. 'Rowing' with the 
shoulders also makes the seat heavy, and 'squashes' the canter, making it 
very much more difficult for the horse to lift and round his back under 
So how do we absorb the movement of the canter? Again, sitting on the 
place your hands on your hipbones, so that you can feel, and flex your 
in, and straighten the spine again, but now moving the hipbones forward 
back to upright together, not separately, (as in trot), at least at this 
stage in your riding career, and in the smooth, (call out loud again) one, 
two three, one, two, three, time of the canter. 
Allowing the lower back to absorb the movement in this way does not 
the horse from raising his back. The seat bones acting as a pivot, merely 
mirror the rise and fall of the horse's back, allowing the canter to rise 
under the rider's seat, and not restricting the back of the horse. The 
also appears to remain very still in the saddle, which is so much more 
pleasing to the eye, than all of this obtrusive upper body movement that 
so often seen in canter, and a darn sight more comfortable for both 
The Correct Lead
If you're cantering to the right the off fore (right) leg 'leads' - it is 
leg that extends the most in front. For canter to the left the near fore 
leg) leads.
Cantering on the wrong leg is when the horse strikes off incorrectly with 
wrong leading leg. This can be done intentionally as a suppling exercise 
is called counter canter.
I've ridden at many stables and all of them have different techniques on 
to break a horse into canter. The one I'm at now, believes in walk to 
or halt to canter transitions. Which I believe to be different then trot 
canter. So I leave on how to break a horse into this 3 beat gait up to you 
and your riding instructor. This column is merely trying to express 
riding position for you and your horse. I hope you all enjoyed this column 
much as I enjoyed writing it. 


This is a new section of the newsletter. It’s the place for readers to 
communicate. If you have any horse related event to announce, a message to 
post, or a letter about the Horse Mania Newsletter or other horse related 
issue, this is the place for it. It can be anything from a show/event 
announcement to a request for a certain model horse or advice on a 
difficult horse or even just a letter on something in the horse world. 
Just send it in to Susan at and I’ll put it in the 
next issue. 
*Please Note* This is not an invitation for commercial advertisements. 



If you have written a horse related poem and would like to see it in Horse 
Mania, send it in to Susan at and publish it here.

I love all horses,
I read about horses from all sources,
I really would like to have a horse of my own,
it would be nice if it were a roan,
I'd like it to be an Arabian,
if I had a horse of my own,
I'd name him Prince Caspian.

by Georgina 

The smell of the crisp dirt
The excitement in the air around
The wild heart yerns for the freedom of the reins
Then he gets what his heart and sould longed for
he runs with great power
He has already put the rest of the field behind
For he is the wild beast who only wants to win one race....
this race

by Joyce 


If you have a horse related website or would like to suggest a good one, 
send in the address to Susan at and I’ll list it here.

Equine Trends

Horse Magic 



Congratulations to all the following websites which won a “Horse Mania 
Excellent Horse Webpage” Award in May 2000! We have already had quite a 
few winners for June, and all June winners will be listed in the issue 
after next. 

*Excellent Sim Horse Game Award*

HorseKrazy T.J.'s SIM Game 

RACE: Riders And Caring Equestrians

Hand Gallop 

*BRONZE Award*

Pony Pal Page

A Page of Nothing but Horses! (and some dogs, too)

*SILVER Award*

Horse Crazy

Equine Stable

Jaclyn's World Of Horses

For The Love of Horses

*GOLD Award*


If you would like to nominate your horse related site, fill out the form 
located at For the 
full list of winners, visit 

NOTE: If you won an award before I changed the design and would like to 
exchange it for the new design of award just email me at with your site’s name and the award it was given and 
I’ll send you the URL to get the new one.  



I have some Horse Polls on the website for you to vote for your opinion! 
Every month there is a feature poll, which is featured on the main page, 
Past polls are displayed at 

Current Questions:

*feature poll of the month* 
How long have you been riding?
*past polls*
Do you own a horse?
What is your favorite horse movie?
Which of these is your favorite Horse Breed?
What style of horseriding do you prefer?

Current Results for feature poll: (JUNE)

*Riding Poll*
How long have you been riding?

answer - number of votes - percentage

under a year: 5 (11%)
1 to 5 years: 18 (40%)
6 to 15 years: 15 (34%)
16 to 25 years: 3 (6%)
over 25 years: 3 (6%)

Total Number of Votes: 44

Past polls are located at and you can still vote 
for them and view the results. To vote for the feature poll, go to the 
home page at 



Here is the Pen Pal section for adults and kids. The penpal section is 
online at the Horse Mania Website, with the newest ads being posted in an 
issue of Horse Mania as well. If you would like to place an ad, please 
visit For the complete 
list of pen pal ads, go to

Most recent ads:

Name = Racquel
Email =
Age = 12 almost 13
Gender = f
Location = upstate New York
Hobbies = Horseback riding
Likes = Horses. music, art, friends and my family
Dislikes = snotty nasty people
Comments = I love to ride horses. I might just be a little"horse Crazy" 
but, I'm not nutty! I would love to
have a penpal. I promise... I will write back!!! I have a TB Mare and a 
Tobiano colt. I LOVE TO RIDE !! 

Name = Sarah
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = female
Location = Kodiak, Alaska
Hobbies = I enjoy riding, drawing, talking, watching, and dreaming HORSES, 
riding my dad's Harley with him, camping and anything outdoors, chatting 
over ICQ with my friends, riding my bike, reading anything and horse 
books, making stuff- craft stuff, collecting figurines and Breyer horse 
models- I now have 22 and two huge barns, hanging out with my best friend, 
and lots, Lots, LOTS of other things. 
Likes = I like all of my hobbies, including watching movies, mostly horse, 
on my bedroom TV, cooking- making messes in the kitchen and e-mailing my 
Dislikes = I dont like people who are mean to horses and treat them badly, 
seeing horses in pain or terrible treatment, swearing and such, um... 
various food, heights, bugs in general- especially bees and spiders, being 
bossed around, and tests/schoolwork. 
Comments = Hi! Here's a little bit about me, so you can decide if you want 
to be an e-mail Pen-Pal with me. Please accept. Here'Goes!: I volunteer 
and therefore get free riding lessons at a local barn. I will be working 
for pay at another nearby barn this summer. I've ridden where I volunteer 
for three-four years. I plan to be an assistant instructor next year and 
show. The various horses I've ridden there are the following: a brown 
Morgan/QH mare, an Appaloosa gelding, a chestnut QH gelding who is the 
Morgan's sire, and my current mount is a bay Morgan gelding name Dancer. 
He bucked me off at my first show last year. This summer, a friend from 
Palmer is coming down with four horses and has a National Show 
Horse/Saddlebred mare for me to ride... Well, I've obviously gone WAY off 
the short commentary (but I enjoyed it!). If you are interested, please 
e-mail me. I would very much like a Pen-Pal near my age, and will reply 
immediately as an answering e-mail is rec! ieved. I love horses, if that 
is not quiet evident, yet, and would like to see if you love horses as 
much as me. :-) I promise to write back, always, and will enjoy an e-mail 
Pen-Pal. Thank You!!! 

Name = Amy
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = F
Location = Australia
Hobbies = Horse riding (What else!)
Likes = Horses!!!
Dislikes = ?????
Comments = I'm leasing a horse for a while and I just want a penpal! 

Name = BJ
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = Pennsylvania
Hobbies = Horse back ridding
Likes = horses, pets
Dislikes = brothers, spiders
Comments = Great site! 

Name = Madelaine
Email =
Age = 10
Location = westcliff ,Essex,England
Hobbies = horse-riding,horses,music
Likes = horses,sclub 7,chocalate,fun
Dislikes = school 

Name = Mary
Email =
Age = 15
Gender = Female
Location = UK
Hobbies = Horse-riding
Likes = All animals except spiders(they don't count)
Dislikes = Spiders, most food (I'm a really fussy eater!
Comments = Hi! I'm 15 & live in England. I've been riding for six years 
now, & have jumped 4ft. (But only by accident!) :-) I don't own my own 
horse~~yet!~~but I've been working at the stables near where I live since 
I was 11. I love piebald horses, and shaggy welsh ponies! I love tack 
cleaning and mucking out, but I hate grooming and sweeping the yard! 
(weird, I know!) My ambition for the year 2K is to ride on a beach. 
There's one at the bottom of the road from our stables, but the owner 
won't let us ride on it :( **I want to write to anyone Male or Female, 
about my sort of age, that's horse-mad!** 

Name = Jessica Everett
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = Female
Location = Indiana
Hobbies = Horses Friends Family
Likes = Horses school
Dislikes = mean people 

Name = Bethany Radford
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = Ontario, canada
Hobbies = Horsebackriding of all kinds, training horses, running, and many 
more sport/things. 
Likes = HORSES
Dislikes = Show Offs, lots of food.
Comments = If u are between 11 and 14, luvs horses,and music,then email me 
at Female or make it doesn't matter! 

Name = Lindsay Tutwiler
Email =
Age = 19
Gender = Female
Location = USA
Hobbies = writing, reading, music, and animals
Likes = dogs, cats, listening to music
Dislikes = snakes, heavy metal music, smoking
Comments = Hi! I'm looking for someone with some of the same interests 
that is friendly and fun. 

Name = Lin-Z
Email =
Age = :*:12:*:
Gender = FeMaLe
Location = :*:Maryland:*:
Hobbies = All animals especially horses and cats!
Likes = Horses and Cats RULE!
Dislikes = People who hurt horses 

Name = Abby
Email =
Age = 10
Gender = female
Location = Missouri
Hobbies = riding,collecting horses
Likes = all animals
Dislikes = my brother 

Name: Georgina 
Age: 11 years
Gender: Female
Location: Ohio
Hobbies: Horses, Insects (especially ants), and writing and reading (I 
read a lot).
Dislikes:Math, BSB, and Brittany Spears
Comments: no comments 


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End of Horse Mania Newsletter #23