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Newsletter #24

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Horse Mania Newsletter #24
June 30th 2000 
Subscriber Count: 933


The NEXT deadline for ALL article writers and things submitted to the 
newsletter is  July 10th. Please let me know if you cannot meet this deadline 
for some reason.

Hi everyone!

	I’m on vacation for the next two weeks, so this means I should have some 
time to work on the website. If you’ve visited the main page recently, you 
may notice that it looks a bit different because I’ve changed the design. 
I have a few ideas for the site which I’ll start working on. The main 
thing I need to mention is the new Horse Mania REVIEWS. Every other week 
we will have a new short review of a horse book or movie up on the 
website. There is also a form to fill out for you to add your own review, 
which I will then put up on the website for everyone to read! Our first 
review is of the popular series of horse books for young horselovers, The 
Saddle Club. Whether you are currently reading the books now, or read them 
a long time ago, we’d like to hear your opinion! You can follow the 
“Reviews” link on the Horse Mania main page or go directly to
	Thank to everyone who has voted in our June ‘Poll of the Month’, on how 
long you have been riding. The results are near the end of this issue. You 
can still vote for it on the ‘Polls’ page on the Horse Mania website, and 
there will be a new feature poll on the main page for July starting 
	Well, that’s about it from me for now! Remember to keep sending in your 
horse poems and  stories, photos of your horse for the Gallery, and a 
short paragraph about your horse for “Tell us about Yours”. And if you 
have a horse website, send me the URL to be put in Horse Mania or apply 
for an award at the website. See you next time!


'\__~	'\__~	'\__~
  \  \	 /   \	 /  / cantering

In this Issue:
-Archer’s Corner
-Thoroughbred Racing
-Horse Care
-Horse Health
-Breeds In Focus
-The Name Game
-Horse Trivia
-Horse Website Reviews
-Tell Us About Yours
-Horse Polls
-Pen Pals
-Newsletter Information



Hi there horse folks!!!!!!!!!!

Well in this issue I’ll refer to one of my favorite world wide known 
trainers, Monty Roberts. As I’ve said before all this Horse Whispering 
stuff became famous with Robert Redford’s Movie “Horse Whisperer” and 
before that with Nicolas Evans book. Well Monty Roberts was one of the 
trainers that inspired Evans to write his best seller.

Monty has written these 2 books  “The Man Who Listens to Horses”  (which 
I’ve had the  pleasure to read) and “Shy Boy” (which unfortunately I 
haven’t). The first one is an autobiography where he also shows his 
training techniques and the second is his true story where he shows how he 
starts a wild Mustang named Shy Boy.  

At least I really recommend this first book. What do you all guys think 
about natural  horsemanship? About horse language? Horse and rider 
communication? I think that  it’s the most important topic of riding!! I 
mean, sure it’s real cool to go hacking (trail riding) being a passenger 
of this animal we call horse. It’s easy to lease a horse and go for a 
ride. But we riders and horse luvers know that there’s more than that in 
riding. Or else why would we clean our tack, muck a stable, groom a horse, 
give the buddy a treat etc? Why do we care? Don’t you  think it’s so cool 
to be on an animal and that he actually does what we ask them, how can 
that be possible? Aaaaaaaaaaahh & & &..that’s communication you know.  But 
who gives the aids huh? We do, us humans. We teach them to respond to our  
legs, pressure, the bridle, spurs, reins, whips etc. What we call AIDS. 
But have you guys thought before that our buddies are doing the 
translation job, we just give orders. What if we did it the other way 
round? What if they gave us the orders and we’d have to respond. Monty 
Roberts is one of the conscious trainers who does just that. He talks with 
the horses, he shows them that we humans can also understand their 
language (Equus). He makes the horses trust in him in only 30 min. I mean 
won’t you trust me much more if I said to you in plain English  “Let’s be 
friends”  instead of   “Oye, seamos amigos.” You won’t trust this Spanish 
talk would ya? It’s the same with horses, you ask them for their trust in 
Equus  and you have more possibilities to have a yes as an answer. But ask 
them with harsh words, whips, hot long battles etc your likely to receive 
a NO and a broken arm!!

Well what’s  Equus all about? I had the lucky collaboration of a Horse 
Mania reader named  Kaitlin from U.S.A. She was interested in the topic 
and kindly gave me some great information about Equus. She obviously read 
Monty’s books and gave me a great summary of Monty’s technique. He goes 
what she wrote:

When Monty was a boy between 13-17 he spent a lot of time in the High 
in  California rounding up horses for wild horse races. He studied the 
as he was tracking it and discovered the way that the leader of the herd, 
dominant mare, punished the misbehaving colt/filly. She would square up 
drive him away from the herd. This was a death sentence because of the  
predators looking for an easy target. She told him to stay out there by  
eyes-on-eyes and making her motions square. Once she thought he had paid  
enough of a price for what he had done, she would walk in a circle, lower  
gaze and be more passive by making her motions round. This is exactly what 
Monty does in the round pen.

In the round pen, Monty throws out  a line startling the horse away from 
He keeps him running away >from the  "predator" for his biological flight 
distance (roughly a quarter of a mile),  basically just beyond the 
distance a 
mountain lion would be able to charge.  Soon, the horse begins to signal 
submissiveness by lowering his head and  "licking and chewing". The horse 
asking, "Will you help me? I have run the necessary distance, that thing 
still chasing me, I'm afraid I'm going to die, I need help. I need a 
(Dr. Robert Miller) The only game in town is the man in the center of the 
- Monty. So, once he has made this clear, Monty stops putting pressure on 
and rounds his back, lowering his gaze and not looking the horse in the 
He is inviting the horse back in to "join-up". The horse comes up to him 
Monty, without  frightening the horse, gently strokes his face and rewards 
for coming. Then, when he moves away, the horse follows the leader. This 
called "follow-up". Once Monty and the horse are bonded he can gently 
introduce him  to bit, saddle and rider. This entire process of starting 
or unbroken horses takes only 30 minutes. 

With the case of Shy Boy, it was a big risk. Monty, however, was still 
confident because when he was 17 he achieved join-up with a Mustang in the 
wild and rode it back to town. The horsemen, of course, laughed him off, 
Monty knew he had done it. He was willing to try it again. He adopted a 
small, pony-sized Mustang. They may be small, but they're tough. They 
kick a fly off the wall at 15 feet. When that back leg kicks, it's frankly 
lethal, and their jaws are capable of crushing a man's leg. Mustangs are 
protected by law and are not allowed to be gone near in the wild without 
permission. So, Monty adopted the small Mustang and left it untouched 
the BBC was ready to shoot the film. On Easter Sunday,  Monty headed off 
gentle Shy Boy (the Mustang).

This took him a few days to do. He drove the horse away for a whole day 
night but then finally began to respect his language, equus. Monty showed 
the value of being with him (mounted on his horses, of course, which were 
Red Fox a retired Thoroughbred racehorse, Dually, a hardworking 
The Cadet, and George, a ranchhorse from a local farm) by taking off the 
pressure when  he made any attempt to be with Monty. Soon, Shy Boy began 
respond favorably to Monty's speech of equus. He got a surgincle, work 
and finally a big stock saddle (with, of course, minor difficulties) on 
and soon it was time for him to be ridden. Scott Silvero, a wrangler, put 
foot in the stirrup and Shy Boy struck out with his front legs. Then, 
accepting the stirrup pressure, Scott got his leg over, but jumped off 
Shy Boy reared up, frightened. Then, Scott finally jumped on, sat a buck 
in no time Shy Boy was being ridden as if he had been doing it all of his  

Shy Boy was now, indeed, bonded to the man who had bonded with him in a 
gentle way and, when given the chance, gave up his wild life to come back 
Monty. It just proves that when you treat it right, the horse will want to 
with you.  

Great stuff  huh?? Well that’s it for now, hope you all enjoyed it.

I’d really like to know who’s really interested in this topic,  Horse 
Whispering. I’ve got  lots of ideas to write about, but if I bore you 
guys, Archer’s Corner can change topics. So please let me know at my 
E-mail. Thanx and till next  time.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THOROUGHBRED RACING SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I've been so inconsistent with getting the column to ya. My deepest 
apologies. To make up for my tardiness, I will give y'all a treat!
Even though there was no hope for a Triple Crown winner this year, that 
doesn't mean that we can't have a great year in racing anyway......
- Recent Scoop on the Racing World
- Flash Back
Here's the news, the recent scoop on the racing world:
British television and wire services are reporting that jockeys Frankie 
Dettori and Ray Cochrane were injured Thursday in a plane crash that 
the pilot.
According to the Associated Press, Dettori, one of Europe's top riders, 
sustained leg injuries but had called from the hospital to say he was 
his agent Andrew Springer said. Peter Burrell, Dettori's business agent, 
said Cochrane was unconscious.
Britain's Sky News and the domestic news agency the Press Association said 
the pilot had been killed. Burrell said the jockeys were en route from 
Newmarket to race courses at Goodwood and West Sussex when the plane 
on the race course complex--the home of English Thoroughbred racing--in an 
area known as Devil's Ditch.
"All we are thinking about right now is the pilot and his family and 
Frankie and Ray are going to make a full recovery," Burrell said. "They 
a very hectic lifestyle. They are flying all around the world. I am sure 
both Frankie and Ray will bounce back from this."
Trainer H. James Bond confirmed Thursday morning that Behrens missed his 
scheduled workout over the Oklahoma training track at Saratoga and will be 
scratched from Saturday's Massachusetts Handicap (gr. II).
Bond said Thursday that Behrens, installed along with stablemate Pleasant 
Breeze as the morning-line MassCap favored entry, has been ailing from a 
stone bruise on his left front foot. Bond said the injury is not 
serious enough to threaten Behrens' racing career. The
trainer said the horse will have to alter his schedule over the next 
Vision and Verse, who will break from post position three under Jerry 
Bailey, completed his final major preparation for the MassCap Wednesday 
morning at Belmont Park. The Bill Mott trainee, who won last year's 
Derby (gr. II) before finishing second in both the Belmont Stakes (gr. I) 
and Travers Stakes (gr. I), breezed a half-mile in :48 3/5 seconds over 
fast main track. The work was the fastest of
19 at the distance Wednesday. The 4-year-old son of Storm Cat enters the 
MassCap off a 3/4-length victory in a Churchill Downs allowance race on 
With the defection of Behrens, who had drawn the inside post position, the 
other eight horses will move in one position each. There will be no 
morning-line odds posted. The MassCap field consists of:
1. Gander, Shaun Bridgmohan, 110, 15-1
2. Vision and Verse, Jerry Bailey, 113, 6-1
3. The Groom Is Red, Marlon St. Julien, 109, 15-1
4. Makeyourselfathome, (no rider named), 107, 30-1
5. Out of Mind, Eddie Delahoussaye, 114, 9-2
6. David, Aaron Gryder, 113, 5-1
7. Pleasant Breeze, Jorge Chavez, 111, 8-5
8. Running Stag, John Velazquez, 116, 5-2
FLASH BACK: A Year Ago This Month....
The death of a legacy. The death of the leading sire in the world on June 
1999. Mr. Prospector died at the age of 29 of peritonitis.
The racing wondered if the mighty Charismatic had what it took to be the 
next Triple Crown Winner.
Will the 1999 Belmont turn out like the last two? In 1997 Touch Gold 
Silver Charm the Triple Crown and in 1998 Victory Gallop denied Real Quiet 
of the Triple Crown winner title.
All of the questions are answered as Lemon Drop Kid upsets Charismatic as 
the 1999 Belmont Stakes ends tragically as Chris Antely heroically holds 
Charismatic's front left leg just past the wire.
Later this month a year ago, 52 year old Laffit Pincay, Jr. is closing in 
The Shoe's  riding record of 8,833 victories. His riding victories tallied 
up to 8,754.
Excellent Meeting returns to beat the fillies in the Princess Stakes at 
I received this as a forward, something to brighten your day!*
Had Murphy written his famous "law" with horse-people in mind, the list 
would have been endless. as we have all learned, Murphy's Law says that 
that can go wrong (in a normal situation) will go wrong. Because horsefolk
rarely encounter normal situations when dealing with horses, we are used to
things going awry. The following is a sampling of laws that regularly apply
to those who spend much of their life with horses

     1 .. If you have all afternoon to tack up and take a leisurely ride, 
your horse will standing in its stall clean and blanketed. If you have 
exactly 35
minutes to tack up and exercise, the horse will be at the end of the 
pasture, coated in mud, wearing half his blanket with the other half 
snagged on a
fence post.
     2 .. Your trailer only gets a flat tire when you're at the farthest
point from home and after the nearest gas station has closed.
     3 .. If you have taken every precaution to check your trailer tires,
hitch, wiring, and ramp, your truck will break down.
     4 .. If a part of your tack is going to break, it will wait until 
you're in the middle of a hunt, or in the show ring. Which part breaks 
depends on
the horse; if the horse pulls like a train, the curb rein will snap; if the
horse bucks, the breastplate will go and the saddle will slide over it's
     5 .. There is no such thing as a neutered barn cat
     6 .. Bailing twine multiplies in the dark.
     7 .. The top of any bottle or can of hoof dressing or linseed oil,
opened while your holding a horse, will immediately roll under the farthest
corner of the tack box.
     8 .. No one ever notices how ride until you fall off.
     9 .. The least useful horse in your barn eats the most, requires
corrective shoeing every three weeks, and requires the services of a vet at
least once a month.
    10 .. No one really learns how to swear until they learn to ride.
    11 .. Ninety-eight percent of all horsefolk consider themselves above
average riders.
    12 .. A horse's misbehavior is in direct proportion to the number of
people watching you ride it.
    13 .. When you want to prove a certain horse is a complete pig, it will
perform flawlessly --- and vice versa.
    14 .. The item you need to find quickly will be at the bottom of the 
trunk under two blankets, a box of leg wraps, and your heavy - duty 
    15 .. the tack you hate the most never wears out. Blankets you cannot 
destroyed,. Horses you cannot work with will never be sold and will outlive
    16 .. Balance is not hereditary.
    17 .. Clipper blades become dull only when a horse is half finished.
Clipper motors quit only when you have half the horse's head left to trim.
    18 .. If you wonder whether you latched the pasture gate, you didn't. 
you wonder if you left the water in the barn on, you did.
    19 .. A horse that performs perfectly during a schooling session always
behaves abysmally in the ring.
    20 .. Boots are easier to get off than on. breeches are easier to unzip
than zip. Once you remove riding gloves, you'll get them back on.
Thanks for tuning in to this "issue" of Thoroughbred Racing. Have a great 



One of the first questions you have to answer after
getting your first horse is "Does he need shoes?". The
answer depends on the quality of foot he has and the
kind of ground he is on. When you are evaluating your
horse's feet, several things should be considered.
First, examine the hoof wall for cracks. A brittle
wall is a potential problem because it lets in dirt,
bacteria, and fungus which leads to abscesses, seedy
toe, gravels and white-line disease. All of these
conditions result in a lame horse which we would like
to avoid. A brittle cracked wall is primarily a
genetic problem. A bad-footed mare produces a
bad-footed colt. If your horse has the problem,
putting shoes on will help because it holds the foot
together so less chipping occurs. Adding biotin and
methionine to the diet also helps produce a better,
thicker wall. These additives are easy to find cheap
and they really do help.

The second consideration is the shape of the foot. Is
there too much toe? Does the heel angle too far under
the foot indicating under-run heel? Is the sole of the
foot too close to the ground indicating
flatfootedness? These are all important questions to
answer if one is to fully evaluate the foot's shape.
Again, shape abnormalities predispose the horse to
lameness. Corrective shoeing can help minimize these
problems so a good farrier is critical.

The third factor is the type of ground the horse is
kept on. Many horses with poor feet get by on clay but
when changed to a sandy soil go lame. this is because
the sand fills up the bottom of the foot and adds sole
pressure. Thin-soled horses or those with flat feet
have trouble. Clay soil also holds moisture better
than sand and therefore adds more moisture to the
foot. This is important for a healthy foot! A brittle
hoof wall will get worse as it dries out. So in the
sandy soil of the southeast and California, good foot
care takes on a whole new meaning. It has been
estimated that as much as 70% of lameness problems in
field trial and endurance horses if hoof-related.
Many, if not most, of the problems could be avoided if
the time is taken to evaluate the horse's feet
properly and take proper precautions. It's better to
spend time building a stronger house than figuring out
what to do when the roof falls in! 



This month's topic was suggested by a Horse Health subscriber, and the 
is laminitis. I think it's an important topic, and I'll tell you how to 
prevent, recognize, and treat it. Read on for more info on this topic!

- Laminitis -

This condition is generally found in the front feet, but it other cases it 
can involve all four feet. It is an inflammation inside of the hoof of the 
laminae (the tissues that connect the hoof wall to the coffin bone) that 
cover the pedal bone. Many horses experience mild cases of laminitis 
showing overt symptoms. It can leave permanent scars in a horse's feet, if 
not treated quickly and effectively.

- Why It Happens (Causes) -

There are numerous causes, many of which are still unknown to us today. To 
name a few - ingestion of an excessive amount of grain, drinking large 
amounts of water (especially cold) while still hot after exercise, being 
exposed to excessive amounts of lush pasture or severe exercise on hard 
surfaces (like paved roads or gravel). Lush spring grass seems to be the 
most common cause. Even being obese can cause it. Also the retention of 
placenta after foaling, diarrhoea and other gut disorders.

- Recognizing It (Signs) -

The most common sign is lameness. Also, the affected feet feel hot because 
of inflammation and increased arterial blood flow. Or if your horse 
refuses to eat, and trembles.

- Treating It (Treatment) -

Contacting a veterinarian would be the most obvious and safe thing to do, 
rather than cure it yourself. You can try things before the vet arrives, 
like maybe if the horse had been eating excessive amounts of grain, put 
on a grain-free diet. Cooling the feet would also help. You can do this by 
hosing them off or icing them. Move the horse about frequently to keep the 
circulation in the feet stimulated. To mix a gentle laxative, feed the 
a warm bran mash. A farrier might need to be contacted for effective 
long-term trimming and shoeing. Full recovery time varies for different 
horses. It can take as long as one year for a horse to fully recover. If 
don't treat it and allow full recovery time, it could lead up to founder - 
the second leading cause of horses' death.

- Preventing It (Prevention) -

Avoid leaving your horse turned out in a pasture where lush (spring) grass 
is growing for long periods of time. You might try turning out in the 
pasture for an hour, moving them to a round pen, or area without grass and 
giving them hay to munch on for a few hours, then back to the pasture for 
hour or less. A few more important methods of prevention - don't feed 
excessive amounts of grain OR let your horse drink alot of water if 
not properly cooled down after exercise.

- Sources -

My sources for this topic were a variety of links relating to Laminitis on 
the Internet and my book - "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Horse & Pony 
Care" - printed in England. It includes a list of A-Z common diseases and 
problems ~ great resource book! If you'd like more information, purchase 
this book or check out

Thanks for reading! Until next time- goodbye!



The Quarter Pony

Breeding: The Quarter Pony is not really a new or an old breed and where 
originated is not completely known.  It was bred from Quarter Horses that 
did not meet the old AQHA standard height of 14.2, (which is now 

Height: The average height is 13.2 hands high, and weighing between 800 
900 pounds.  Although more and more are being bred to be larger, such as 
to 14 hands an over 1100 pounds.

Color: Any color or combination of colors is allowed in a Quarter Pony, 
unlike a Quarter Horse.

Temperament: Very calm and even disposition.

Bred For: The Quarter Pony was bred with a compact size, sturdiness, 
and eye appeal for competing with other horse and pony breeds.  It is very 
well balanced, sound, and has become one of the most popular pony breeds 
the the US today.

Conformation: This breed has Quarter Horse conformation, only in smaller 
proportions.  The head is short and broad with wide set eyes, showing 
strength, while the neck is medium sized and slightly arched.  The 
are deep and sloping, leading into a deep, broad chest.  The forelegs are 
wideset and heavy,with short cannons, sound feet, and are very powerfully 
muscled.  The back is short, and leads into the hindquarters which are 
broad, deep, heavy, and full, with great driving power. The legs and bones 
are flat and clean, settled well under the pony.

Action:  The Quarter Pony has a very powerful, collected action, showing 
great ease and balance in turns and halts.


All in all, the Quarter Pony is a rising breed, and very well could be the 
pony breed of the 21st century.



Hey everybody!!  Show season's starting to heat up around here!  Hopefully 
it is for everyone else too! Sadly though, my gelding, Ming, is out of 
commission for a little while, to a puncture wound he got on the bottom of 
his off fore. He's being treated though daily now, and he's  healing!  I 
got a lot of response from everybody about the Appy filly I had in the 
last issue, and I chose the name Honestly, sent into me by Kimberly 
(you're right, she does have that look about  her!). For this weeks issue, 
I picked a nice gelding, and when I got the pic of him, I was told he was 
a Gypsey Vanner. I've never heard of the breed before, and if anybody 
knows anything about it, I'd really appreciate some information. There 
were a bunch of other Gypsey Vanner's displayed there, and they looked 
good. Like a mini draught or something.  They sure have a lot of feather, 
and the one shot they had was the coolest, it showed one pushing off into 
a gallop, from behind, and that thing had one major butt on him (being a 
jump rider, I have to respect that in a horse)!  Anyway, all I know about  
them is what I observed from pics, so if anybody knows anything about 
them, some info would be great. Anyway, everybody must get sick  of me 
blathering on, so I'll just get to the point. Here's the horse for  this 

Breed:   Gypsey Vanner          
Gender:  gelding         
Colour/  Markings:  piebald, with star, wide blaze, adn snip          
Sire:  Patriotism         
Dam:   Flying Colours         
Body Type:  solidly  put together and a thick build. 

As usual,  just send me in any and all names you can think of, that might 
suit this big guy  here!  Oh!  And one thing, most of you have been, but 
just as a  reminder, would everybody please put their name on the end of 
their  emails.  Thanks!!  C ya all next issue!! 

-Megan-  (i finally stopped writing my email  here!)



 1. The earliest ancestor of the horse was:
a) Eohippus

2.What color was Mr. Ed, the talking horse?    

3. What horse was won the three Triple Crown raceslast, in 1978?    
a) Affirmed
b)Spectacular Bid
c) Seattle Slew

4. The Coggins test tests a horse for:    
a)Equine Infectious Anemia
b)West Nile Virus
c) Potomac Horse Fever

5. Which of the following is not a horse breed?

6. True or False: Horses don't have gall bladders.    

Email your answers to



Here are some good websites to look on if you want a stud to breed your 
to, a horse for sale, a horse for lease, ETC.

*= this site stinks  *****= awesome

horse Classifieds
  it is the easiest one and better than others. *****

Dream Horse *** 1/2
 it isn't as good as horseclassifieds because if you are looking for a 
for some uses, you can only say one. You can't say eventing, English 
pleasure, ETC. you can only say eventing, because they only let you pick 
This site did have more horses for lease then horse classifieds did though.

This site is smaller than dreamhorse and horse classifieds, and didn't 
many horses when I checked. ***

Wolf Creek Pony Express Horses for sale- 
in Siouxland area
There is a major bad thing about this site- only in Siouxland area! But if 
you live near there, its a good site.***

Horse For classifieds **
this is just a bunch of ads all stuck together you can look in categories 
there is no search engine.

Hope you liked my horse- for- sale websites! I will have more of a 
category next issue!



This a section where you can tell us about your own horse, or the horse 
you ride.Send it in to and I’ll put it in. It can any 
length you like.

Do you have a photo of your horse on the computer? Horse Mania has a photo 
gallery of reader’s horses. If you have a pic, send it to me as an 
attachment or URL to 
Include your name, your horse’s name, your horse’s breed and any other 
information you would like to add. It will then be displayed on the Horse 
Mania website in the photo gallery so that everyone can admire your horse! 



I have some Horse Polls on the website for you to vote for your opinion! 
Every month there is a feature poll, which is featured on the main page, 
Past polls are displayed at 

Current Questions:

*feature poll of the month* 
How long have you been riding?
*past polls*
Do you own a horse?
What is your favorite horse movie?
Which of these is your favorite Horse Breed?
What style of horseriding do you prefer?

Current Results for feature poll: (JUNE)

*Riding Poll*
How long have you been riding?

answer - number of votes - percentage

under a year: 15 (10%)
1 to 5 years: 58 (39%)
6 to 15 years: 54 (36%)
16 to 25 years: 11 (7%)
over 25 years: 10 (6%)

Total Number of Votes: 148

Past polls are located at and you can still vote 
for them and view the results. To vote for the feature poll, go to the 
home page at 

*There will be a new feature poll on the main page for JULY starting 



Here is the Pen Pal section for adults and kids. The penpal section is 
online at the Horse Mania Website, with the newest ads being posted in an 
issue of Horse Mania as well. If you would like to place an ad, please 
visit For the complete 
list of pen pal ads, go to

Most recent ads:

Name = Jennie Ladtkow
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = female
Location = Denver,co
Hobbies = Swimming Softball, Horseback riding
Likes = Horses and Sea life
Dislikes = Nothing 

Name = Chelsea 
Email =
Age = 11
Gender = female
Location = Pennsylvania
Hobbies = soccer, and riding my horses
Likes = horses 

Name = Katie
Email = 
Age = 12
Gender = Filly (girl)
Location = Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Hobbies = HORSE-BACK RIDING!!!!!
Likes = HORSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dislikes = Non horse-crazy boys (such as my brother!)
Comments = I'm 110 (or more) percent horse crazy. I don't have my own 
horse (yet), but I lease one, a gelding called Rupert. I'm in Pony Club. 
I'd love to be pen-pals with you if U love horses!!! 

Name = Kim
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = Teen girl
Location = Alabama
Hobbies = barrel racing, horse related activities
Likes = horses, wolves, marine mammals
Dislikes = bugs, homework
Comments = I own a greenbroke Appy gelding who I'm going to train for 
barrel racing. I'm running barrels on a neighbor's QH until he is trained. 
I also want to do endurance riding as a hobbie. My other favorite animals 
are wolves and killer whales. I hope one day to join the mounted police 
and/or own a ranch. 

Name = Annie
Email =
Age = 15
Gender = F
Location = Winchester, Kentucky 
Hobbies = Horses, Soccer, Swimming, Going out with friends
Likes = animals, swimming, being spontaneous!
Dislikes = inconsiderate people, people who mistreat animals
Comments = hey everyone, i think it would be really cool to have a pen 
pal, and i promise i'll write back and we can get to know each other! 
Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon! :) 

Name = Kasey
Email =
Gender = female
Location = MD
Hobbies = Horseback riding, camping, back packing, rock climbing, hiking, 
biking, etc. 
Likes = HORSES! I am especially interested in the Rocky Mountain Horse, 
which I want to learn more about. 
Comments = I am looking for someone that can help teach me about the Rocky 
Mountain Horse. Someone that can answer my questions about the RMH and 
maybe even give me some advice. I am not a beginner horseback rider (I 
have ridden most of my life), but I have never ridden a gaited horse 
before. So if you own or are familiar with the RMH e-mail me. Thanks! 

Name = Amanda
Email =
Age = 14 ( on July 3 ) 
Gender = Female
Location = South Jersey
Hobbies = Horseback riding and soccer
Likes = Dressage and Hunters
Dislikes = Nasty, stuck people!
Comments = Hi, I'm looking for a penpal for the internet. Male or female, 
no preference. I'm completely horse crazy, my friends are always telling 
me to shut-up about my "little" horses! I don't think their considered 
little at over 17 hands! hehe. Anyway I check my mail pretty much everyday 
so i'm always avaible to talk. I don't own a horse yet, but i'm hoping to 
lease one soon, so if you can help with that it would be helpful. I've 
been riding for over 2 years, i walk-trot-canter-jump up to 2ft-and school 
Training level dressage, which i absolutly love. I'll talk to
english and western riders, a horse is a horse no matter what saddle! 

Name = Lindsey
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = female
Location = USA
Hobbies = riding, soccer
Likes = being outside and around horses
Comments = I love having penpals of all ages... write me please. Will talk 
to anyone, anytime. 

Name = Kimski
Email =
Age = 39
Gender = female
Location = CT
Hobbies = reading,horseback riding,drawing 
Likes = horses, dogs, cats, good food enjoyed with good friends, camping 
with our horses 
Dislikes = people who dislike Mustangs and all horses
Comments = I'm married w/2 children, have 3 1/2 horses...a reg. Morgan, a 
grade Haflinger and a BLM Mustang and 1/2 interest in a Palomino Paint. 
Operate 2 businesses with my husband. Love to trailride and would like to 
hear from people who enjoy trailriding and horses in general. 

Name = Ellis
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = Female
Location = Virginia 
Hobbies = Riding my quarter horse mare, reading, writing, swimming, 
running, having a good time, horseback riding! 
Likes = HORSES, my mare Hollywood, any HORSES! The internet, HORSEBACK 
RIDING! Swimming, writing, reading, animals, school 
Dislikes = Rap music, smokers, when I can't go riding, people who aren't 
Comments = I have a bay quarter horse mare. I am in the midst of getting 
her to the point where I can ride her comfortably. Any pointers would be 
greatly appreciated. I would love to talk to anyone, male or female, 
anywhere in the world (as long as you speak english and adore horses!) I'm 
on the internet almost everynight and I'm an avid talker! 

Name = Kayla
Email =
Age = 11
Gender = female
Location = AZ
Hobbies = Riding my Quarter Horse!!!!
Likes = I love riding!!! I ride my horse in barrel racing, and anything 
Dislikes = um.......i do NOT like Arabians!! (no offence to the people who 
like Arabs out there!! ) 
Comments = I love riding western! I would love to have a pen pal who loves 
horses, and rides western!! 

Name = Stephanie
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = Female
Location = Southern Texas
Hobbies = Reading, writing stories, messing around on the internet, 
playing in rpgs 
Likes = Horses, wolves, almost any other animal, reading, writing stories, 
the internet, rodeos 
Dislikes = Any kind of oriental food, snobs, school, people mistreating 
Comments = I don't own any horses and although I've taken lessons for a 
few years, I'm still a beginner rider and ride only for pleasure. My uncle 
has an arena where he holds ropings and team pennings and my great uncle 
has a ranch where I get to ride horses. I would like a penpal who doesn't 
own any horses so they know how I feel but it doesn't matter that much. 

Name = Angi
Email =
Age = 24
Gender = Female
Location = Duluth
Hobbies = horses,reading,sports,shopping,animals
Comments = Looking for someone in WV or SE Ohio to communicate with. I'm 
moving to Parkersburg, WV soon to attend Meredith Manor and would like to 
know someone in the area. I've never been anywhere even close, so if 
someone just wanted to tell me about it, I would really appreciate it. 

Name = darby hoff
Email =
Age = 32
Gender = female
Hobbies = horseback riding, gardening, outdoor things
Likes = horses, cats, chocolate 

Name = Betsy
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = Female
Location = South Carolina
Hobbies = Soft-Ball,B-ball,Horseback riding,swimming,listing to music, and 
playing on the computer 
Likes = horses,dogs,shopping,e-mailing
Dislikes = SCHOOL!slaughter houses,animal abuse,brothers, and fish
Comments = I have a registered Arabian mare. She is five years old.I would 
like a pen-pal who likes horses,and sports. It doesn't matter whether you 
are a girl or a boy or how old you are! e-mail me! bye!!*** 

Name = Brett
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = South Carolina
Hobbies = HORSEBACK RIDING,basketball,softball,tennis,cross-country
Likes = Horses,shopping,Cory Renyard
Dislikes = MY BROTHER!,horse abusers
Comments = I have 5 horses and 1 on the way. My horse is Cassy. She is a 
registered 8 year old overo paint mare.Her baby is a registered bay overo 
filly that is 1 year old (Dixie). My dad's horse is half Arabian,1/4 
QH,and 1/4 paint that is 6 years old (Selena the one that is expecting). 
My old horse now my mom's horse a half QH half Paso fina that is 18 Years 
old(Misty). Last ,but not least Rebel a 2 year old Morgan gelding I bought 
the other day. I
love all of my horses and show them in big and local shows. I would like a 
pen-pal that loves horses as much as I do. I run timed events and show 
both english and western. 



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End of Horse Mania Newsletter #24