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Newsletter #27

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Horse Mania Newsletter #27
August 15th 2000 
Subscriber Count: 1,072


The NEXT deadline for ALL article writers and things submitted to the 
newsletter is August 25th. Please let me know if you cannot meet this deadline 
for some reason.

Hey everyone!

	As you may have noticed, we are missing quite a few regular articles in 
this issue! This is about half the length Horse Mania normally is. So come 
on guys, let’s try and get them all back for next issue! :o) I don’t know 
where you’ve all got to. If you’re finding that you’re too pressed for 
time to continue writing your column, please let me know because I’ve got 
a few people that are very keen to be a writer but all the column ideas 
are already taken! :o) Thanks.
	We had quite a few people send in their reviews for “Thoroughbred”- the 
series of books. You can find those printed later on in this issue. I’ve 
also added new reviews for Black Beauty & The Saddle Club on the website, 
and you’re still welcome to submit your review of those. However, our 
*NEW* review for this issue is of- King of the Wind! The story of the 
Godolphin Arabian by Marguerite Henry. You can visit to read my review and 
submit your own. All those reviews will be in next issue. 
	And finally, before I go, I have to say Congratulations to all the 
winners of Horse Mania Webpage Awards in July 2000! They are all listed 
later on in this issue. We’ve already had some August winners, so keep 
those applications coming in! I haven’t completely worked my way through 
the ones I have backed up but I’m getting close...finally! 
	Well that’s about it for now. I hope you enjoy this issue and I’ll talk 
to you again soon. And keep all those great contributions coming in!


'\__~	'\__~	'\__~
  \  \	 /   \	 /  / cantering

In this Issue:
-Archer’s Corner
-Reviews: Thoroughbred
-The Name Game
-Horsey Treats
-Hot Horse Stuff
-Tell Us About Yours
-Horse Website Reviews
-Straight From The Horse’s Mouth
-Award Winners- July 2000
-Horse Polls
-Pen Pals
-Newsletter Information



Hey there!!

I’ve been off my horse for over 6 months!!! I haven’t been able to ride 
her ‘cause of a Mosquito bite she got in summer. But even so I still 
manage to get some horsey work and make it fun!! I’ve made an old shed 
that I used for hay into my brand new Tack room. With this I left nearly 
half of my garage empty!! As I did the moving I figured that my tack 
needed a good clean. To clean 4 saddles and more than 6 bridles takes a 
long time and effort but it’s worth  it.

Here are some tips on the topic. 

Just because you may not be riding as often, or  don’t feel like cleaning 
your tack in a cold barn, it’s no excuse for neglecting it. If you stash 
your expensive leather equipment in a tack trunk and close the lid until 
August flowers, you may have a filthy, moldy mess on your  hands.

Leather is a living material which contains natural moisture and oils,  
and needs to breathe and be nourished. Sweat and soap are it’s two worst  
enemies, and will eat away at it if not properly removed. To extend the 
life of your leather saddles, bridles, martingales etc, follow these 
simple instructions:

- Water should be used to wash off dirt and sweat after every ride. Dirt 
left between the stirrup  leathers and saddle flaps can cause a lot of 
rubbing and wear.

- Every 3-5 rides,  clean your saddle and bridle with a glycerin-based 
soap. Water must be used to rinse off the soap film so that the pores are 
not clogged (just like your face!).

- Leather is really just a treated skin (cow skin), and skin is made up of 
aprox. 70-80%  water. Even after the training process, about 25% of the 
moisture remains. After soaping and rinsing your tack, use a leather cream 
conditioner (balsam or beeswax is good. Also the cream you use for 
footwear does the job) to replace the moisture removed during cleaning. 
Don’t apply too much to the girth billets or stirrup leathers; you don’t 
want them to stretch.

- Leather oil  (such as neatsfoot) can be used, but sparingly. Too much 
can cause blotches and  loosen the glue and stitching. It can also sink in 
to the saddle panels and cause the wool inside to pack down. Oil is very 
powerful- applying it too often can actually break the leather down and 
rot the stitching.

- Don’t store tack in plastic bags, or anywhere where there is no flow of 
air. This is just an  invitation for mold and mildew to grow.

- Lastly, use the time you spend cleaning your tack to check it for cracks 
or needed repairs. If  you hate hanging around a cold barn to do this 
chore, then take your tack back  home with you, pop a good horse movie 
into the vcr and clean it in front of the fire in your rec room!! 

Remember, cleaning your tack is part of horsemanship, cleaning your barns, 
tack room etc are all too. So keep up the good work and be as tidy as 
possible, it all pays off!!!   



Every two weeks a new review of a horse book or movie is put up on the 
Horse Mania website.There is also a form to fill out for you to have your 
say if you want. Everyone’s review is posted on the website, along with my 
own review and then all of them are printed in the next issue of the Horse 
Mania Newsletter.

Visit to read all the 
reviews, and submit your opinion if you’d like to. New reviews of THE 
SADDLE CLUB and BLACK BEAUTY have been added since last issue, and you can 
still have your say on any of the reviews that are there!

The last review was of THOROUGHBRED, the series of books for young 
horselovers. Here is what people think of it.

Author: Joanna Campbell

Thoroughbred is a series of books mainly centering around the racing 
stable “Whitebrook”. The books switch between which is the central 
character, but all are connected in some way. Each book tells a story 
centering around horses, often about training difficult horses or other 
aspects of horse racing. There are also “Super Editions” and some stand 
alone books on different characters and other disciplines besides racing 
which make a nice change. It is a continuing series, so the characters do 
age and it helps to read the books roughly in order although it isn’t 

The Thoroughbred books are a good “step up” from The Saddle Club, being 
slightly longer. I enjoyed them a bit more then The Saddle Club and the 
main content of the books is about horses and not other things. Of course, 
like all series, after you read a few they start becoming a bit repetitive 
but Thoroughbred has pretty good lastability compared to some. It is 
helped by the fact that it is a progressing story and the main characters 
(both human and equine) change frequently. I recommend this series to any 
young horselover!

RATING:  3 and a 1/2


Name: Nicole
Rating: 4 1/2
Comments: I love the Thoroughbred books, they are excellent! But I agree 
with Susan, they are a bit repetitive. Try them for yourself! 

Name: Lita
Rating: 5!
Comments: I think Thoroughbred is an awesome series! Although switching 
from racing to jumping to eventing themes can be a bit confusing a truly 
enjoy the books, the bond between the horses and kids is great. The books 
are well written, even though they seem to have the same outcome in every 

Name: Dom
Rating: 3
Comments: Okay, so I never really got onto thoroughbreds, the books are 
well written and presented but focused far to much on the racing scene. A 
bit repetitive, but to be expected. It would be easier for me to rate 
this, on a book by book basis, as I do enjoy the books in the series more 
based around other disciplines, rather than just racing. All in all a nice
read. Definitely a step up from saddle club, both in size and actual story 

Name: anonymous
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the Thoroughbred series. But there are some things that I 
do not like about it. For example, Joanna Campbell does not write all of 
the books, there are a few different writers who make up the books. 
Because of this, the story lines often suffer, I think. On the other hand, 
though, they also benefit, because there are fresh ideas incorporated so 
the plots don't repeat too often. It is a great series for any age. 

Name: Amanda
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the Thoroughbred series! I have almost all of the books 
in it. It's so good it makes you want to keep reading and not put it down. 
It's Reading Level 5, but all ages can enjoy these books. I recommend the 
series to everyone. 

Name: Sarah
Rating: 4
Comments: I think that Thoroughbred books were great. Besides being 
repetitive they were good. I read them in order from number 1 to 24 then I 
stopped. The books are not mainly centered around the racing stable 
'Whitebrook'. The first 6 are about "Townsend Acres" and after the first 6 
the books weren't as interesting. I could predict what was going to 
happen. I liked the first 6 better because they were mostly about a girl 
named Ashleigh and one horse Wonder. Then as more books came out they 
started being about Samantha and not Ashleigh and after Samantha they were 
about Cindy. No offense to the author but as more books came out the worse 
the books got. 

Name: Casey
Rating: 5
Comments: These are the best horse series of books! I have all of them. 
they really got me into racing and now I understand it and appreciate it a 
lot more. 

Name: elizabeth
Rating: 4
Comments: i love horse 

Name: Laura
Rating: 4 3/4
Comments: I really like these books! They are a lot better then the Saddle 
Club. I really like the new ones about Christina. They are my favorites. 
The one I like best is the first one I read, the one called Camp Saddle 
Brook. I recommend these books to all horse lovers. 

Name: sarah
Rating: 0
Comments: These books should be burned!! They are the soooo bad!!!!!!! The 
saddle club are so much better!!! Joanna Campbell can't write. Bonnie 
Bryant rules!!!!!!!!!!!! 

On the website our new review is of KING OF THE WIND, the story of the 
Godolphin Arabian by Marguerite Henry. To read the review and have your 
opinion heard, visit
The reviews will be printed in the next issue of Horse Mania.



Hey everybody!!  
Has everybody been having a great show season so far this 
year? Hopefully!! Mine hasn't been too bad, not the best, but pretty good! 
I've had some great shows and some kinda bad ones, but I'm pleased with 
the  season so far!  My next show is Abydos, on the 19th!! I don’t know 
where everybody out there lives, but is anybody else gunna be there? I'm 
looking forward to it, I've never been. Well, the name I chose for the 
Arab stud, was "Arabia's Prince of Darkness" sent into me by Angie!!  I 
had a lot to choose from, and usually I don't like the names that are 
quite that long, but I really liked this one! Thanks to Angie, and 
everybody  else who sent in names to me! Now for the horse for this week: 

Breed: Anglo-Arab    
Gender: Filly        
Colour/ Markings: Chestnut     
Sire: Farthest Flung     
Dam: Sweet Sensation     
Body Type: light    

Everybody think of some awesome names for this little girl, and send them 
in to me! Buh-bye, til next time!!



I will be starting school August 7th, so I might not get some of my 
in. I`ll give credit to where I got them from. If you have a good horsey
recipe, send it to me at
This Weeks Recipe Is:
Silver's Favorite ( I got it from

Dry Mix
10 cups flour
1 2/3 cups instant nonfat dry milk
1/3 cup baking powder
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 2/3 cups shortening

1 or 2 carrots, coarsely grated
2/3 cups water
1/4 cup sugar (optional)
Combine dry ingredients in a large Tupperware container that
can be covered and refrigerated.  Add shortening and mix with a blender
mix looks like fine crumbs, it will last 3 months in the fridge.
Take three cups Dry Mix
1 or 2 carrots, coarsely grated
2/3 cups water
1/4 cup sugar (optional)
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Combine Dry Mix, carrots, and sugar in a large bowl, gradually add water to
dough soft, but not sticky.  Knead dough on a floured board about 15 times.
Divide roll in half and roll each section our flat, about 1/4 inch thick.
Cut with a cookie cutter bake about 10 min until lightly browned.

I hope your horse enjoys it. But remember, you should have adult 
Well, till next issue, I`m out! ----Emily

Next Issue: A Party Mix for you and your horse



- News from the Horse World -

1~ Ever wonder if the farrier could figure out another way to put on your 
horse's shoes? Well, there is. Some horses at the track have their shoes 
 on instead of nailed! The glue is very strong, but the farrier probably 
a substance to loosen up the glue before removing the shoe to replace it. 

2~ Have a young horsey friend? Then show her Barbie Riding Club! It's a 
game for young girls which allows you to name, trail ride, race, jump and 
on adventures with your choice of four horses. It's a lot of fun for young 
riders. You are Barbie and you guide her to finding a mystery horse, going 
adventures, advancing in levels, racing others, etc! Great for young 

3~ Do you wear a helmet when you ride? If you don't, you should! It can 
prevent serious injury and even save your life. Even if you ride 
Dressage or Western, you should still have a helmet on your head. In fact, 
you don't, you could be arrested! New York State now has made it a law 
you must wear a helmet whenever you are on a horse. Other states may 
(hopefully) follow suit, so start the habit now, so you don't get caught 
then! :)


This a section where you can tell us about your own horse, or the horse 
you ride.Send it in to Susan at and I’ll put it in the 
newsletter. We love to hear from you! If you like you can also submit your 
horse’s photo to Horse Mania’s online gallery of readers’ horses at 

“Horse: Solid as a Rock (aka: Rocky)
Color: Bay
Breed: Welsh Cob / Paint
Gender: Gelding
Age: 4
Height: 14.1hh
He's a sweetheart. On the ground, he's perfect...almost bomb-proof I tell 
you. He's very smart. The first time I brought him to a "bridge" he just 
looked at it and studied it. After some encouraging, he decided it was 
and went over it perfectly a zillion times! *lol* He knows better than to 
kick or bite, although he does nibble out of respect (horses like to 
back, they don't know you're not a horse). Although, he is young and when 
ride him he can be the biggest brat...but that's a pony for you. Think 
they're easier than horses? Ha! You've never ridden a real pony 
he! Tossing his head, fighting the bit and being a dork are some of his 
enduring traits, but he learns quick and has been progressing in his 
training. We pop over fences at about two feet - no need to rush him. Next 
year we'll probably do Hopeful Hunters (2' for green horses in their first 
year of showing o/f) or, if he's good maybe some Novice or Pre-Green 
(probably 2'3"-2'6" but I'm not sure). Anyways, I love my dad 
feet, over 200lbs) has ridden him. He's VERY solid...Solid as a Rock. He 

“Name: Willie
Breed: Appaloosa POA
Age: 8  
I work at a stable in exchange for riding.  Willie used to be a showpony, 
he went to nationals and did extremely well.  He was bought to be a 
children's horse to learn on, but is very stubborn and I am the only one 
can handle him, so I always ride him.  He is usually pretty sweet to me, 
he can certainly be a handful!  Like last week when we went around a 
in the woods and were face to face with a bear..........................”, 13



The  theme for this issue is fun:) horse websites and clubs you can join!! 
Hope you like em!! Remember, if you know of ANY good websites or themes, 
lemme know!!! Okay, I know this is off the subject, but I just heard of a 
good way to get rid of rain rot. After the horse gets rained on, you wash 
her/him with regular water and that usually solves the problem. If you 
forget, then put sulfur soap on and leave it on. *=terrible  *****= awesome
Fun Horse websites
is a 
cool club you can join
This site is put together pretty well, and has a lot of good stuff!****
Horse kids club
while it isn't put together as well as the top one ^, it has lots of good 
Horse Country
This is a more proffesional site, with pics, pen pals, everything!!*****
      The next issues theme is going to be websites that will help you 
your horses health, and pages by vets. 



If you have an event to announce, or a comment to make on something in the 
newsletter or in the horse world, send it to Susan at 
to be included here. Sorry, but this is not a place for commercial 

“I just wanted to let you know about a problem that has happened a lot 
Many people have bought horses from horse sales. One of my friends bought 
horse that was said to be 10-12 years old. It was a tricolor paint. After 
getting the horse she had its age checked. Come to find out the horse was 
years old and could not be ridden. I just wanted to tell you to make sure 
that you know what you want and get the horse checked before buying it.”



Congratulations to all the following websites which won a “Horse Mania 
Excellent Horse Webpage” Award in July 2000!  These are all excellent 
sites, so you might like to take some time out to visit them. All August 
winners will be listed in the issue after next. 

~~*Excellent Sim Horse Game Award*~~

Galloping Trees 

HorseMania SIM Game

The Horsey Ranch

~~*BRONZE Award*~~

Absolutely Horse Crazy

Ultrares Show Kat's Stall

Mustangfilly's Horse/Dog Homepage

The Coolest Horse Club

~~*SILVER Award*~~

Jobi Farm

Foaling: The Birth of Kenos China Rose

~~*GOLD Award*~~

The Horse

If you would like to nominate your horse related site, fill out the form 
located at For the 
full list of winners, visit 



Every month there is a feature poll, which is featured on the main page, 
Past polls are displayed at 

Current Results

*AUGUST feature poll of the month* 

Do you wear a helmet when riding?
answer - (number of votes) - percentage

Always................  (49) 71%
Most of the time......  (4) 5%
Sometimes............  (6) 8%
Never..................  (10)  14%

Total Votes: 69



Here is the Pen Pal section for adults and kids. The penpal section is 
online at the Horse Mania Website, with the newest ads being posted in an 
issue of Horse Mania as well. If you would like to place an ad, please 
visit For the complete 
list of pen pal ads, go to

Most recent ads:

Name = Tara
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = Female
Location = Oregon
Hobbies = n e thing outdoors, nintendo, listening to music, reading. 
writing, etc
Likes = alot of things
Dislikes = people who r fakes and people who r racial 

Name = Rianna
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = f
Location = Canada
Hobbies = Riding etc..
Likes = horses and anything to do with them!!
Comments = Hey every1!! i like riding english (hunter/jumper) and anything 
that has to do with horses!!! mail me if i sound interesting!! 

Name = Kerry
Email =
Age = 16
Gender = Female
Location = USA
Hobbies = Horse and everything about them
Likes = Horses
Dislikes = I can't think of nothing yet.
Comments = I like almost everything.As you know I love horse.I have 4 of 

Name = Samantha Yerdon
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = female
Location = New York
Hobbies = Singing, dancing, listening to music
Likes = *NSync, Britney Spears, LFO, Jessica Simpson, 98 degrees, 
Christina Agularia, BBmak, Westlife, Michael Fredo, 
Dislikes = ppl who dont like *NSync and singers like eminem or limp bizkit 
or stuff like that
Comments = I LOVE *NSync.. I would love to chat with anyone with the same 
hobbies as me or anything you want.. 

Name = Princess Nina
Email =
Age = 15(b-day november)
Gender = female
Location = TN
Hobbies = roller blading,hanging w/friends,and more
Likes = youth group&church
Dislikes = mean people(sorry)
Comments = hi everybody if you want to know more about me just email me 
and ask 

Name = Shawn
Email =
Age = 39
Gender = Female
Location = Olympia
Hobbies = Horses-Crafts~ Swimming 
Likes = Any do with what I love to do for hobby
Comments = I just love just hanging around the horse barns and horse shows 
and watch people do with their horses or my crafts it's is my home 
business but I don't do horses clothes or hummas only hot pads pillows 
place mats coasters any colors you wish I only just make them and shipped 
them to u 

Name = Nicole
Email =
Age = 11
Gender = Female
Location = Montana
Hobbies = Horseback riding
Likes = horses
Comments = I am looking for a friend to talk to about horses and western 

Name = Rachel
Email =
Age = 15
Gender = Female
Location = Montana
Hobbies = Horseback riding
Likes = horses,dogs, and most any other animals
Dislikes = Arabs(dont be mad if u like them please)
Comments = I have been riding since i was 2 and i have ridden and showed 
both english and western. I am also going to start barrel racing. I am 
looking for someone to talk to about mostly western riding but will talk 
about english also!! Hope to talk to u soon!! 

Name = Jaci
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = Marwayne, Alberta, Canada
Hobbies = Rodoe,Barrel Racing,Riding Bareback,Hockey, baseball
Likes = Wrangler jeans,cowboys,horses,all animals
Dislikes = People who can't ride pretend they can and only watch rodeo"s
Comments = I want someone who enjoy's just riding.And if you enjoy barrel 
racing bonus please e-mail me. 

Name = Marcelle
Email =
Age = 20
Gender = Female
Location = Malta
Hobbies = reading, swimming, horses
Likes = horses, cats, dogs and almost all animals 

Name = Bri
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = female
Likes = looooves horses
Dislikes = nothin much
Comments = lookin to talk to anyone my age who loves horses! 

Name = LaureL 
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = Female
Location = Illinois
Hobbies = Showin' Breyer Horsies.. Riding & Jumping...Web Design
Likes = Arabians, Breyers, NSHs, Saddlebreds..
Comments = I'm really into Breyers.. and I like Arabian Horses, and I ride 
one. =] Dont have one yet though.. 

Name = Amy
Email =
Age = 21
Gender = female
Location = ON, Canada
Hobbies = riding, reading, writing
Likes = horses, romance novels
Dislikes = most sports
Comments = I own an Arabian gelding and ride mainly English. I love to do 
gymkhana and jump. 

Name = Jess
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = f
Location = Canada
Hobbies = horse riding!!!! talking, guys, parties, friends!!!, shopping, 
the usual
Likes = alotta things!
Dislikes = anything that has poverty, animal abuse or bad stuff like that
Comments = hey wasuupp?! Email me and i'll talk about lotsa stuff mostly 
horses! I ride english and hope to be competing in the masters someday 

Name = Claire L. Mousley
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = girl
Location = Oakvill
Hobbies = Cheerleading and swimming 

Name = Alex
Email =
Age = 11
Gender = Female
Location = Kentucky!
Hobbies = Horses, soccer, reading, running
Likes = horses, horse racing, anything that has to do with horses, see 
Comments = I would love to have a penpal. I ride western and do own 



Horse Mania is a free email newsletter that is sent out twice a month 
(every other week). 


Any questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback can be emailed to Susan 

Missed an issue? Want to see a back issue? Remember that all Horse Mania 
issues are archived at 

If you have changed your email address and would like to receive the 
newsletter at your new one, just fill out the form at and I will notify you 
when I’ve changed your address.

If you would like to unsubscribe, go to

Any horse related contributions to the newsletter such as stories, poems, 
or articles are always welcome. Please send them to Susan at to be included in the next issue of Horse Mania.

Horse Mania- the free online email newsletter  


End of Horse Mania Newsletter #27