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Newsletter #30

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Horse Mania Newsletter #30
November 19th 2000 
Subscriber Count: 1, 240


The NEXT deadline for ALL article writers and things submitted to the 
newsletter is 
November 29th. Please let me know if you cannot meet this deadline for 
some reason.

Hello everyone!

	Yes, Horse Mania has finally returned! It’s been a while since our last 
issue but I hope to pick up the normal schedule of an issue once every two 
weeks from now on. I’m sorry about the unexpected break, but so many other 
things were going on that I didn’t have the time for Horse Mania for a 
while. Now at last I’m moved into my new house and my final exams are 
over. Thank you to everyone for being so patient and especially thanks to 
everyone who sent me offers of help and godlike, I appreciated that!  Also 
the Olympics here in Sydney were a bigger distraction for me than I 
expected, I went to see the final of the Team Dressage and it was 
	This issue is shorter than usual but hopefully it will be back to normal 
length next issue. I just wanted to get this one out at last and get Horse 
Mania going again. Thanks to the writers that did send in their articles 
and I hope everyone will get their articles in for next issue! (hint, 
hint) :o) 
	I am having some trouble with the Horse Mania website- today Angelfire 
(the host) seems to be down and previously I couldn’t log in to update the 
site. Angelfire’s been giving me trouble for a while so I might have to 
look around for a new host if this continues. This means the site may not 
be able to be updated for a while and all reviews, pen pal ads, awards, 
and polls will be on hold. I hope to get it going again soon though and of 
course if it does change addresses, I will let you all know of the new one.
	If you’re interested in writing regularly for the newsletter, take a look 
at the “Wanted” space in today’s issue, another column’s become available. 
	And last of all, a reader would like to know of any ideas on how to make 
a homemade hay rack for horses which is safe and won’t cost too much money 
so if you have any ideas, please email them to me at 
and I will pass them on. 
  	Thanks, and I’ll see you all next issue!


'\__~	'\__~	'\__~
  \  \	 /   \	 /  / cantering

In this Issue:
-Manes & Tails
-Reviews: Shy Boy
-Horse Trivia
-Horse Story 2 (part 3)
-Reader’s Horses
-Award Winners: September
-Horse Polls
-Pen Pals
-Newsletter Information  



There is another column open in Horse Mania! Here is the description:

THE NAME GAME- every issue you find a photo of a horse on the internet 
(get permission to use it from the owner of course) and include or invent 
all of its details apart from the name. Readers will email you their 
suggestions for names and you will pick the top 3 winners and post them in 
your next column along with the details of a new horse. (See “The Name 
Game” column in issue #28 at for an example)

I am looking for someone to take over the column- you can be of any age, 
but I need someone who will be reliable in getting in their column for 
every issue ON TIME and who is very keen to do it. 

So if you are interested, read the Horse Mania Writing Guidelines at and if you are sure you 
have the time for it and will make the deadlines, email Susan at and introduce yourself and tell me a bit about why 
you’d like to do it. 




Some of you probably already know the story of the
Morgan horse, but hope you will enjoy reading it
again. And for those of you who don't know the origin
of the Morgan, this should be a treat!  This
information is paraphrased and condensed from the
book, "Famous Horses and Their People" by Edna Evans.
    Justin Morgan the man was a singing master and
schoolteacher born in 1747 in Massachusetts.  He loved
horses and served as trainer and breeder for other
people, but was too poor to be able to keep many
horses himself.  His most notable accomplishments was
having and training the little bay stallion he called
Figure, who would come to be known by his master's
    Figure was foaled sometime after the Revolutionary
War.  "Fairly dependable" accounts indicate his sire
was a TB which was STOLEN from a British officer by
colonial patriots.  The horse's name was True Briton. 
Figure's dam was said to have Arab blood and unknown
stock and was referred to as "the Wildair Mare."  So
the little horse who became the foundation sire of one
of America's first native horse breeds was a mixture
of breeds.
     Figure was gentle, willing, and a hard worker,
for he was worked hard by his various owners.  There
was plenty to do and they had no time for fun and
     Figure was small and compact, standing only about
14hh and weighing only about 950 pounds.  But he more
than made up for his lack of height by his great heart
and courage--he proved he could out-pull, out-plow,
and out-race any horse in the county who was tried
against him.  He even managed to outpull draft horses!
 He was simply better than any horse in the entire
area.  Soon, his fame spread, as people began
referring to the remarkable little stallion as "that
Morgan horse", after his owner, Justin Morgan the
singing master.  Since Figure was such a good worker,
Justin often leased him out to local farmers to get
some income.
     After age 20, Figure's last job was pulling
freight in a 6-horse team between two towns.  He could
do it, but not as easily as he once did.  In the
winter of 1821, he was turned loose in a vacant lot
with other horses.  In those days, there were no
stables or vets. Figure was kicked by one of the other
horses.  The wound festered and that was the end of
gallant, hard-working little horse.  But he lives on
through his many, many descendants, all bearing the
same strong compact body type as Figure, the famous
Morgan horses, which are now bred all over the U.S.

        Napoleon's white horses
       The French emperor Napoleon owned many white
horses which he rode in his battles in Europe.  They
were all Arab or Barb.  For many centuries, it was
customary for military leaders to ride white horses so
that their men could easily find them on the
battlefield.  So, white horses have been popular for a
very long time, and their popularity has continue into
modern times, especially with several Western heroes
riding white horses, most notably, THE LONE RANGER and
his magnificent white horse, SILVER.
      Napoleon was a short man and not the best rider.
 He also didn't know or care much about horses, and
was known to ride his mounts until they dropped dead
from exhaustion.  He also had horses literally shot
out from under him on several occasions.
     One of his favorites in battle was an Arab
stallion named MARENGO, after one of the places of his
battles.  (There is a MARENGO street in my hometown of
New Orleans.)  Whenever Napoleon wanted to look his
best on a horse, he always rode MARENGO, his beautiful
white stallion.  MARENGO learned not to shy or rear
when guns were fired close to him, and also learned
not to shy at other things that usually frighten
      Much later in this career, when Napoleon went
into exile, MARENGO was one of the horses he took with
him.  When Napoleon was finally defeated in the famous
Battle of Waterloo, MARENGO carried him faithfully for
8 hours.
      After Napoleon's defeat, MARENGO and another of
Napoleon's horses were bought by a Frenchman and went
to an English estate.  MARENGO lived  the rest of his
life there, surviving to the ripe old age of 36, dying
in 1829.  He outlived his master by 8 years.
      MARENGO'S bones were then bought by an
institution, mounted, and put on display in London. 
It was one of the most prized relics in that society
at that time.
      Finally, and this is somewhat gruesome, one of
MARENGO'S hooves was preserved and made into a snuff
(tobacco) box.  It was a military tradition for many
years to pass it around after dinner in a London
palace.  There was an inscription inside the silver
lid of the box which said that it was MARENGO'S hoof,
the horse Napoleon rode in several of his battles.
     Next issue, read about the man and horse from
England who finally defeated Napoleon.



Every two weeks a new review of a horse book or movie is put up on the 
Horse Mania website.There is also a form to fill out for you to have your 
say if you want. Everyone’s review is posted on the website, along with my 
own review and then all of them are printed in the next issue of the Horse 
Mania Newsletter.

Visit to read all the 
reviews, and submit your opinion if you’d like to. 

The last review was of SHY BOY, the second book by Monty Roberts.

Shy Boy
Author: Monty Roberts

The methods of Monty Roberts ("the horse whisperer") have become famous 
among the horse world (and also outside of it) only recently during the 
last few years, even though he has been using them for decades. He uses 
"Equus", the name he has given to the language of horses, to communicate 
with horses and achieve a more humane, faster, and more effective way of 
training horses. This is a step up from some of the more traditional 
methods of horse breaking which involved punishment and forcefully 
asserting control over the horse, often resulting in the horse acquiring a 
fear of humans. Monty Roberts has developed a new way of starting young 
horses, known as "Join-Up". Join-Up involves communicating with the horse 
using Equus by mimicking the actions of horses in the wild. Through Monty 
Roberts' books, videos, and live demonstrations he is sharing his 
knowledge with people all over the world, so they too can use his methods 
and as quoted by Monty Roberts, “My goal is to leave the world a
better place, for horses and people, than I found it.” 

“Shy Boy” is the second book written by Monty Roberts. It comes after his 
biography (“The Man Who Listens to Horses”) and focuses on the forming of 
his relationship with one horse in particular, a wild mustang known as Shy 
Boy. Although he makes some references to his first book, it is not 
necessary to read that one first before enjoying this one. Shy Boy is the 
center of the book, and the reader follows Monty Roberts as he joins up 
with this mustang in the high Nevada desert using only his gentle methods 
and under the eye of professional observers. The book also contains other 
descriptions of some of Monty Roberts' experiences with both horses and 
people. Accompanying the text are picturesque colour photographs (by 
Christopher Dydyk) of the horses in the wild and the join up with Shy Boy. 

“Shy Boy” is a fascinating read for horse lovers. It will especially 
please people interested in these new methods of horsemanship, but any 
horse lover will find this incredibly interesting. There are some people 
who follow Monty Roberts’ methods to the letter, and there are some people 
that disagree with him, but I think that no matter where you stand this 
book still deserves to be read. It is a smooth read, the text flows along 
nicely and the photos are excellent. Definitely recommended! 

Rating: 4 (out of 5)


Name:Jamie Smith
Rating: 5
Comments: This second book by Monty Roberts was even better than his 
first! I LOVED it! Besides telling about how he tracked and captured the 
mustang he named SHY BOY, he also tells about some exciting and difficult 
training experiences he has had with Thoroughbreds, one in particular who 
was his greatest challenge yet, a horse named Blushing E.T., who had a 
terrible phobia in starting gates. Monty also recounts how a young girl 
acquired a problem horse and using Monty's techniques, was able to retrain 
the horse to be more manageable, much to everyone's surprises and 
admiration. But the best part of the book was the last few
chapters, where Monty decides to turn SHY BOY back to the range and let 
the horse choose which life he preferred. I don't want to reveal the 
ending in case some people have not read the book, but you will be glad 
you did. It is truly inspiring. 

Name: Kelsie
Rating: 4.5
Comments: Shy Boy was a great book! I don't think it was as good as his 
first, but you really get to know the horse and see things from his 
perspective. Monty rocks!!! 

Name: Jess
Rating: 5
Comments: Shy Boy is amazing! Monty Roberts is the horseman we all should 
know. This book is so informative, and the pictures are absolutely 
gorgeous!! I learned a lot about some training techniques from this book. 
I would really recommend it to anyone!!! FOUR HOOVES UP!! 

Name: Daphne
Rating: 5
Comments: Shy Boy is the best book! a lot better than 'the Horse 

Name: zoe baggelaar
Rating: 5
Comments: I really enjoyed this book, the pictures are excellent and the 
story of what happened is breathtaking. If you loved 'The Horse 
Whisperer', 'Shy Boy' is a must to read!! 

Name: Laura
Rating: 5!!!
Comments: This book was so much different from his first, the horse 
whisperer was about Monty's developing talent with horses, a typical 
marketing technique for a new trainer trying to outdo John Lyons when it 
comes to popularity. I liked his first one, but found it to be more story 
than real training help. Shy Boy was really good because it focused on 
what Monty didn't mention in his previous book. The devotion Shy Boy and 
Monty had for each other is on every horse owner hopes to one day achieve. 

The next review is postponed until the Horse Mania Website is working 
properly again.


HORSE TRIVIA by Natasha 

Hello everyone!
I am glad to say that I am "Horse Mania's" new Trivia Columnist. Since 
this is my first issue, take it easy on me and don't laugh if the 
questions are too easy! Anyway, I will ask about 6 to 10 questions in each 
issue and you must pick the best answer in multiple choice (A,B,C,D..) and 
email me at with your answers. In the next 
review I will post up the answers and the 3 top winners (the ones with the 
most questions right.) Please feel free to write to me with any 
suggestions or comments about my trivia. You can also send me some 
questions or topics which you would like me to ask. Thank you and Good 
Luck to all!! :)

1. Which horse won the 1998 Kentucky Derby?
   A. Charismatic
   B. Real Quiet
   C. Silver Charm
   D. Victory Gallop

2. Which of the following breeds is considered as a "pony"?
   A. Kabardin
   B. Wielkopolski
   C. Sorraia
   D. Maremmano

3. Which of the following is considered an abnormality in foals which have 
just been born?
   A. Heart rate of 90 bpm 
   B. 8.5 hours before first urination
   C. Temperature is 99-102 degrees F 
   D. Attempt to stand within 60-120 minutes

4. Which of the following is the correct order in which the name of the 
jockeys who have won the Kentucky Derby range from greatest to least?
   A. Bill Shoemaker, Isaac Murphy, Eddie Arcaro, Ismael Valenzuela.
   B. Ismael Valenzuela, Eddie Cararo, Isaac Murphy, Bill Shoemaker.
   C. Eddie Arcaro, Bill Shoemaker, Isaac Murphy, Ismael Valenzuela.
   D. Isaac Murphy, Ismael Valenzuela, Bill Shoemaker, Eddie Arcaro
5. Which of the following is not a symptom or sign of Navicular Disease?
   A. Choppy, Shuffling gait
   B. History of lameness
   C. Pointing one foot, then the other
   D. Walking heel first instead of toe first

6. Where in Canada is the world famous "Spruce Meadows" facility situated?
   A. Bromont, Quebec
   B. Calgary, Alberta
   C. Carlsbad Springs, Ontario
   D. Vancouver, British Columbia 

7. What does Livery mean?
   A. A boarding stable for a horse
   B. A brownish colour of a horse
   C. A disease which your horse an oversized liver
   D. A type of obstacle in a jumping competition

8. How many hours to horses usually spend grazing in the wild?
   A. 12-16 hours
   B. All day
   C. 5-10 hours
   D. 20 hours
Good Luck!!


HORSE STORY 2: “Opal, A Climb to a Celebrity” by Northern Dancer

This is a continuing story, here is the third part and it will continue in 
future issues of Horse Mania. If you missed previous parts, you can read 
them all in the archives starting with issue #28, at

(PART 3)   

Chapter 5: The Deal

Katherine rode with the man all the way back to the barn. After she had 
the horse she was riding, Morning Glory, she ran to the office, and before 
entering collected herself. She entered and the man beckoned her to sit 
in the chair opposite him. She seated herself comfortably in the leather 
chair and listened.
"Well, well Katherine, I see you are interested in my deal" he said 
"Aren't you?"
"It depends what it is, sir" replied Katherine cautiously
"Please, girl, call me Mr. Winston" he said "Sir, is not a name fit for 
Katherine nodded, not knowing what to say.
"You know Marguerita Lopez, top amateur women in Horse Trials?" he asked
"Yes, Mr. Winston, I heard se left for Hawaii to take a clinic with a 
Olympic Eventer" she said getting excited
"Yes, you are well informed" he said pausing then "She rides here, she 
trains my eventing horses"
Katherine stared at him wide eyed then shook her head to clear her mind.
"Yes, Katherine it is true" he said "And I want you to start training Opal 
for her... And me"
"Well... Um...." fumbled Katherine "Well..."
"That horse out there, Morning Glory, is he yours?" asked Mr.Winston 
"Uh, him, no. I ride him occasionally for his owner Lara Frayne, top 
Show-Jumper" she said proudly
"Well, if you can give him up, and convince your parents to live in one of 
the cabins down here for the whole summer, June, July, August, and half of 
September, until school starts, I'll let you train him" he said smiling 
"How much will it cost???" Katherine asked expecting some Large price
"Free, as long as you do it we'll!" he replied
"Oh! I would love to, just let me talk to my parents!" squeaked Katherine 
really wanted to buy him, but you bought him!"
"And now i let YOU ride him" he replied "Let me talk your parents in to 
I have some substantial points to make"
"There's only one problem" said Katherine "The show season, it's important 
for me, points and stuff"
"Well, you can enter Opal in some Halter classes, and you can take my 
Beauty in all the other classes you wish, you can ride her during the 
weekend to practice and in all your other free times" he replied pensively
"Oh, yes! That would be wonderful!" she replied
"But I expect you to feed and water both of them, exercise Beauty too, and 
muck their stalls and such" he replied "Are you up to this?"
"Am I EVER!" laughed Katherine with delight "Yes!"
Once out, Katherine threw herself around Morning and laughed until she 
cried from happiness. That night after her parents had agreed, Katherine 
started packing for the summer ahead of her.

Chapter 6: The Summer Ahead-

Katherine felt really nervous as she pressed the doorbell on Mr.Winston's 
doorbell. She had packed everything she needed for the summer such as 
training books, protection boots, blankets, grooming things, lunge rein, 
lunge whip. And she also had packed a small bag with clothes, her mom 
bring her new ones later.

Suddenly the doorbell opened, and standing before her was a guy about her 
age, smiling, then his grin disappeared. And he asked quite impolitely:
"Who are YOU?" he demanded
"I'm here to help train Mr.Winston's new horse Opal's Fire" she replied 
just as much angryness. She new she was being rude, but oh well he was too.
"Oh" he said slowly nodding, then he looked down at her bags "You know we 
HAVE all that stuff here!"
"I'm more comfortable with my own things" she replied
Suddenly Mr. Wiston appeared behind the guy.
"Katherine, welcome!" he said cheerfully "This is Travis, my sister's son, 
suppose you have already met"
"Yeah, yeah" Travis said and left in direction of the stable.
"Well, Katherine come in, Mrs.Winston will show you your room, you can 
unpack and then Travis will show you the stable, and the two horses!"

15 minutes later, Katherine walked to the colt barn. She didn't need that 
Travis person to help her, so she just went there. She quickly located 
there, and in the stall was Travis, grooming him and talking to him 
Opal seemed to enjoy it.
"Hum, ummm" she coughed "That's my horse this summer!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry" he said without sympathy and walked out of the stall.

Katherine entered, and stroked Opal's nose. he nickered to her and turned 
his head towards the brushes, she smiled and got a halter, lead him out of 
his stall and ground tied him. And groomed him for a full hour. She bathed 
him, shampooed him, show sheaned, him until he was gleaming with health 
cleanness. She quickly glanced at her watch, 11:15! Already! She lead him 
one of the pastures and looked around. On the door, there's was the names 
the horse to be residing in there, and she found his in the back pasture 
with the other horses. She let him out and walked back to the stable with 
her lead-rope in her pocket. She had exactly 35 minutes to do his stall. 
found a unoccupied wheelbarrow and grabbed pitchfork from the stall door. 
When she arrived at the stall. She found a groom starting on his stall. 
quickly dismissed him and picked out all the manure. Added some sawdust, 
the stall. Looking at his feed schedule she saw that he needed two flakes 
local hay, she put some in his haynet. Filled his water buckets, fetched 
and put him back in his stall. Then she ran as quickly as she could 
the house.

Mrs.Wiston greeted her at the door and quickly handed her a water bottle, 
sandwich and some cookies, and told her if she wanted she could eat with 
rest of them in the house or go to the paddock and dream about Opal, while 
eating. Katherine laughed, and Mrs.Winston smiled handed her her lunch and 
headed back inside.

After settling down in the paddock, she watched the beautiful gelding Opal 
had come with prance around in his paddock. And eventually after finishing 
she went to the Mare barn, where she quickly located Silent Beauty. 
Katherine was shocked, the mare had perfect conformation, and seemed to be 
really sweet. She quickly did the stall, and seeing that he had been fed 2 
hours before. Found some tack and brought her into the ring.


This a section where you can tell us about your own horse, or the horse 
you ride.Send it in to Susan at and I’ll put it in the 
newsletter. We’d love to hear from you! If you like you can also submit 
your horse’s photo to Horse Mania’s online gallery of readers’ horses at 

"I lease a 14.2 quarter horse cross mare. Her name is Just One Look 
but we all call her Megan. she is 11 years old and she LOVES to jump! 
I love her a lot too. She is a chestnut with a stripe. I need a crop 
with her because she is pretty slow in warm up but after we jump a 
course she gets hyper! She doesn't like to be left a lone and and 
loves attention!"



To have your horse website listed here, just email the title and address 
to Susan at

Hooves of Fire




AWARD WINNERS- September 2000 

Congratulations to all the following websites which won a “Horse Mania 
Excellent Horse Webpage” Award in September 2000!  These are all excellent 
sites, so you might like to take some time out to visit them. I will get 
to the many award applications I have had sent in recently ASAP as I 
wasn’t able to visit any while Horse Mania was on its break. I’m sorry 
about that!

~~*Excellent Sim Horse Game Award*~~

Hoof Beat Acres

Galloping Hooves


~~*BRONZE Award*~~

Leahs Horse Page

ShowJumpers On-Line!

~~*SILVER Award*~~


~~*GOLD Award*~~


If you would like to nominate your horse related site, fill out the form 
located at For the 
full list of winners, visit 



Every month there is a feature poll, which is featured on the main page, 
Past polls are displayed at 
You can vote for both the feature poll and the past polls by visiting the 

Current Results

*SEPTEMBER feature poll of the month* 
(There will be a new poll when the Horse Mania Website is working again)

Barn Chores Poll

Which of these is your least favorite barn chore?
answer - (number of votes) - percentage

Feeding/Watering...................................................(2) 1%
Grooming............................................................(4) 2%
Cleaning Tack.......................................................(19) 
Mucking Out.........................................................(30)  
I don’t mind any chore as long as it’s to do with a horse!.....(126) 69%

Total Votes: 181



Here is the Pen Pal section for adults and kids. The penpal section is 
online at the Horse Mania Website, with the newest ads being posted in an 
issue of Horse Mania as well. If you would like to place an ad, please 
visit For the complete 
list of pen pal ads, go to

Most recent ads:

Name = emily
Email =
Age = 10
Gender = f
Location = Sydney
Hobbies = reading ,horse riding,writing
Likes = horses,horses and horses
Dislikes = maths 

Name = Kim Thayer
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = female
Location = Washington, usa
Hobbies = animals, band,friends
Likes = horses,animals,friends,
Comments = I would like a penpal 13 or 14 that loves horses, but will talk 
about other things too 

Name = jocelyn
Email =
Gender = female
Hobbies = riding horses
Comments = I am horse crazy!!! I love horses and would do any thing to 
help one. Plus i love nsync. but thats all i can tell you. bye!!! 

Name = Veronica
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = Female
Location = UT
Hobbies = Horses....Horses...HORSES
Likes = Horses!
Dislikes = Nothing!
Comments = I LOVE HORSES! 

Name = Mary
Email =
Age = 19
Gender = female
Location = Edgar, WI
Hobbies = writing, drawing and horses.
Likes = see above
Dislikes = whinos
Comments = I live on a dairy farm in central wisconsin. I have a five year 
old mare named sadie. I am currently a sophomore in college studying 
Agricultural Journalism. 

Name = Daria 
Email =
Age = 1986
Gender = female
Location = Moscow, Russia
Hobbies = music, collecting coins and post-cards
Likes = life and fun! And penpalling!
Comments = Hi! Nice to meet you in this large world! Please, write me and 
I hope we can get friends soon! 

Name = amanda
Email =
Age = 9
Gender = female
Location = Hong Kong
Hobbies = reading, horses
Likes = horses
Dislikes = brothers
Comments = I wish i had a horse! 

Name = Shelby 
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = female
Location = MD
Hobbies = Making things
Likes = Going outside,riding,hockey,gymnastics
Dislikes = prissy girls,pink,dresses,annoying people
Comments = I'm a big tomboy. I love playing sports! I play softball 
,gymnastics. I love watching hockey. 

Name = Rachel
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = cowgirl
Location = California
Hobbies = horseback riding - duh - volleyball, basketball, church and 
hanging with my friends Likes = horses, ppl, cute guys, horses, sports, 
Dislikes = horse slaughter, snobs, ...let me think
Comments = hey there!! i LOVE to horseback ride, and fortunetly i get to a 
lot. i also love volleyball, and other sports. I ride western, but have 
done a year of english. i have ridden for 2 1/2 years. I don't have a 
horse yet, but i hope to someday. I have AOL instant messenger, and my 
screen name is rae4horses. add me to ur buddie list and I'll talk to u 
(except no one over age 17) well, e-mail me soon!! ~*Rachel*~ 

Name = Ingrid Morel
Email =
Age = 22
Gender = female
Location = Tallinn, Estonia.
Hobbies = horse riding, volleyball, music.
Likes = horses, music and art.
Comments = i am 22 ears old law student, horse-mad. I am seeking 
pen-friends from anywhere. Must be horse lovers. Will reply to all 

Name = Shannon
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = female
Location = sunnyvale,Tx.
Hobbies = Riding horses,basket ball and other stuff
Likes = Horses, dogs, soft ball, basket ball and roller blading
Dislikes = none
Comments = I have a horse his name is Hollywood. I send most of my time 
playing, grooming or riding him. 

Name = Lozza
Email =
Age = 12 (year 2000)
Gender = Female
Location = Australia
Hobbies = Acting, reading, writing and computers
Likes = TV, horses, Softball, books and e-mailing people
Dislikes = Brussel Sprouts, people who abuse horses, grose stuff... My 
Comments = I"m looking for a pen-pal, any gender, must be around my age 
(look what year I wrote this in first)Hopefully have the same intrests as 
me. E-MAIL ME PLEASE!!!! From Lozza 

Name = Courtney 
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = female
Location = Australia
Hobbies = Horses
Likes = horses
Dislikes = spiders!
Comments = any penpal, any age, any gender, any nationality, just write 
and I'll reply! 

Name = Cecelia Burnett
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = female
Location = ????????????ca
Hobbies = collecting horse stuff(breyer modles)
Likes = HORSES
Dislikes = i don't know
Comments = i really love horses and wish i had one of my own. I do know 
lots about them and take lessons once a week. 

Name = Shannon
Email =
Age = 12
Gender = filly
Location = Texas
Hobbies = Horse,horses and more horses
Likes = horse , and other stuff
Dislikes = snotty rude know it all people.
Comments = Hey!!!!! ya'll I like ALOT of stuff like HORSES,basket ball and 
other stuff. I turning 13 in 1/25 I don't care about ages I just want 
somebody to talk to... PLEASE E-mail me : ] 

Name = Jemma
Email =
Age = 13 on the 10 of November
Gender = F
Location = Australia
Hobbies = horses
Likes = horses
Dislikes = distreatment to horses
Comments = Please e-mail me i would like someone my own age. bye bye 

Name = mary sue
Email =
Age = 15
Gender = female
Location = b.c
Hobbies = raising animals
Likes = horses
Dislikes = animal haters 

Name = Amanda
Email =
Age = 18
Gender = female
Location = oregon
Hobbies = riding,music,playing pool 
Likes = music,horses
Dislikes = snobby people
Comments = hi, i am looking for a pen pal, with a kickass personality like 
me. some one who loves to joke around and have fun. 

Name = *Dani*
Email =
Age = 10
Gender = Female
Location = Oklahoma
Hobbies = horses,Riding,Sports,Out doors
Likes = Horses
Dislikes = Make up,Boys who show off,and clothes shopping,animal abuse.
Comments = Hi.I Love horses.I am 101% horse crazy. I know pretty much 
about horses and the sicknesses that they can get and how to treat them.I 
am a tomboy.I am looking for a penpal around my age that loves horses!:) 
see ya 

Name = Ally Birch
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = Female
Location = California, USA
Hobbies = Horseback riding
Likes = HORSES!!!
Dislikes = Pink, purple, snobby people
Comments = I've been riding English style for 3 years and Western for 2. I 
recently started jumping, but can do 2nd and 3rd level dressage. My 
favorite horse breed is an Arabian, and my favorite event is dressage. I 
also like trail riding, barrel racing, pole bending, and gymkhana. 

Name = Cerise
Email =
Age = 16
Gender = female
Location = California, but I wish I were back in my home state of Texas
Hobbies = well horseback riding of course, I also like making people laugh 
and being around friends 
Likes = just about anything, but especially horses!
Dislikes = people who think they know everything
Comments = hey hey! I like to talk (a-lot) and would love to have a 
pen-pal to talk horses with. I have friends here but they just dont 
understand my love for horses. I tell them I love everything about horses, 
even the way they smell, and they look at me like I just turned blue. Well 
I would love to hear from you! 

Name = Laura
Email =
Age = 17
Gender = female
Location = USA
Hobbies = art, horse riding + racing
Likes = eventing, steeplechase, Standardbred + Thoroughbred racing
Dislikes = western riding, reining, etc.
Comments = I'm interested in finding somebody who's into english riding, 
particularly showing. I'd like to talk with somebody outside the USA, but 
I'd have no problem talking to somebody here. Hope to hear from you soon. 

Name = sidney
Email =
Age = 13
Gender = girl
Hobbies = horses and fishing
Likes = horses
Dislikes = People telling me I am worthless.
Comments = I hope I can be a good pen pal for aney one who picks me. 

Name = Chelsea North
Email =
Age = 14
Gender = female
Location = NC,Uinted States
Hobbies = jumping,cross country,dressage,mounted games,driving
Likes = pony clubbing, shows, riding, and reading
Dislikes = mucking stalls
Comments = i like everything that has to do w/ horses and looking for 
someone to talk to because im begging to drive my family crazy with so 
much horse talk!! Please answer soon!! 



Horse Mania is a free email newsletter that is sent out twice a month 
(every other week). 


Any questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback can be emailed to Susan 

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issues are archived at 

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Any horse related contributions to the newsletter such as stories, poems, 
or articles are always welcome. Please send them to Susan at to be included in the next issue of Horse Mania.

Read the writing guidelines at and then email your idea 
for a column to Susan at As long as no one else is 
already doing it, it’ll probably be fine!

Horse Mania- the free online email newsletter  


End of Horse Mania Newsletter #30