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Horse Mania

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Pen Pals


Would you like a horsey pen pal? This is the Horse Mania pen pal listing for horselovers of all ages. You can either fill out the form and be added to the list or you can search through the pen pal list and find a pen pal to write to.

If you fill out the form you may leave any of the fields blank that you do not wish to fill out (except name and email address). You will then be added to the online listing on this page and you will also have your listing printed in the next issue of Horse Mania. If you would ever like your listing to be removed, just email me and let me know and I'll take you off! :o)

Please note that you do this at your own risk, do not give out any personal details.

Pen Pals Form

Your name:
Your email address:
