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Horse Mania

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There are plenty of horses out there in the media- in books, magazines, movies and TV shows. This section is the place to review them. Every other week I'll write a short review of a horse book or movie and give it a rating. There will also be a form for you to fill out if you'd like to add your own review to the page!

Rating Scale

The rating system is done in horsehoes, like the one on the left. The scale is from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best. Halves are permitted.


(most recent at top of list)

Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry

Horse Stories that Really Happened by Diana Kimpton

Flaming Star by Nicky Millard

Shy Boy by Monty Roberts

Pony Pals by Jeanne Betancourt

King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry

Thoroughbred by Joanna Campbell

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

The Saddle Club by Bonnie Bryant