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Shy Boy


Shy Boy
Monty Roberts

The methods of Monty Roberts ("the horse whisperer") have become famous among the horse world (and also outside of it) only recently during the last few years, even though he has been using them for decades. He uses "Equus", the name he has given to the language of horses, to communicate with horses and achieve a more humane, faster, and more effective way of training horses. This is a step up from some of the more traditional methods of horse breaking which involved punishment and forcefully asserting control over the horse, often resulting in the horse acquiring a fear of humans. Monty Roberts has developed a new way of starting young horses, known as "Join-Up". Join-Up involves communicating with the horse using Equus by mimicking the actions of horses in the wild. Through Monty Roberts' books, videos, and live demonstrations he is sharing his knowledge with people all over the world, so they too can use his methods and as quoted by Monty Roberts, “My goal is to leave the world a better place, for horses and people, than I found it.”

Shy Boy is the second book written by Monty Roberts. It comes after his biography (The Man Who Listens to Horses) and focuses on the forming of his relationship with one horse in particular, a wild mustang known as Shy Boy. Although he makes some references to his first book, it is not necessary to read that one first before enjoying this one. Shy Boy is the center of the book, and the reader follows Monty Roberts as he joins up with this mustang in the high Nevada desert using only his gentle methods and under the eye of professional observers. The book also contains other descriptions of some of Monty Roberts' experiences with both horses and people. Accompanying the text are picturesque colour photographs (by Christopher Dydyk) of the horses in the wild and the join up with Shy Boy.

Shy Boy is a fascinating read for horse lovers. It will especially please people interested in these new methods of horsemanship, but any horse lover will find this incredibly interesting. There are some people who follow Monty Roberts’ methods to the letter, and there are some people that disagree with him, but I think that no matter where you stand this book still deserves to be read. It is a smooth read, the text flows along nicely and the photos are excellent. Definitely recommended!


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Here is what other people think of Shy Boy. To have your say, just fill in the form below and I'll add your review here! (If you'd prefer not to have your email address posted just add that in your comments)

Name:Jamie Smith
Rating: 5
Comments: This second book by Monty Roberts was even better than his first! I LOVED it! Besides telling about how he tracked and captured the mustang he named SHY BOY, he also tells about some exciting and difficult training experiences he has had with Thoroughbreds, one in particular who was his greatest challenge yet, a horse named Blushing E.T., who had a terrible phobia in starting gates. Monty also recounts how a young girl acquired a problem horse and using Monty's techniques, was able to retrain the horse to be more manageable, much to everyone's surprises and admiration. But the best part of the book was the last few chapters, where Monty decides to turn SHY BOY back to the range and let the horse choose which life he preferred. I don't want to reveal the ending in case some people have not read the book, but you will be glad you did. It is truly inspiring.

Name: Kelsie
Rating: 4.5
Comments: Shy Boy was a great book! I don't think it was as good as his first, but you really get to know the horse and see things from his perspective. Monty rocks!!!

Name: Jess
Rating: 5
Comments: Shy Boy is amazing! Monty Roberts is the horseman we all should know. This book is so informative, and the pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! I learned a lot about some training techniques from this book. I would really recommend it to anyone!!! FOUR HOOVES UP!!

Name: Daphne
Rating: 5
Comments: Shy Boy is the best book! a lot better than 'the Horse Wisperer'

Name: zoe baggelaar
Rating: 5
Comments: I really enjoyed this book, the pictures are excellent and the story of what happened is breathtaking. If you loved 'The Horse Whisperer', 'Shy Boy' is a must to read!!

Name: Laura
Rating: 5!!!
Comments: This book was so much differant from his first, the horse whisperer was about Monty's developing talent with horses, a typical marketing technique for a new trainer trying to outdo John Lyons when it comes to popularity. I liked his first one, but found it to be more story than real training help. Shy Boy was really good because it focused on what Monty didn't mention in his previous book. The devotion Shy Boy and Monty had for each other is on every horse owner hopes to one day achieve.

Name: Anicette Labont
Rating: 5
Comments: Dear Monty I'm a young Canadian from Callander, Ontario. I read your book on Shy Boy I must say I was touched and inspired by your work with horses and people. Tell me what was the most challenging thing you had to do with horses? Another admirer: Anicette Labont

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