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Joanna Campbell

Thoroughbred is a series of books mainly centering around the racing stable “Whitebrook”. The books switch between which is the central character, but all are connected in some way. Each book tells a story centering around horses, often about training difficult horses or other aspects of horse racing. There are also “Super Editions” and some stand alone books on different characters and other disciplines besides racing which make a nice change. It is a continuing series, so the characters do age and it helps to read the books roughly in order although it isn’t necessary.

The Thoroughbred books are a good “step up” from The Saddle Club, being slightly longer. I enjoyed them a bit more then The Saddle Club and the main content of the books is about horses and not other things. Of course, like all series, after you read a few they start becoming a bit repetitive but Thoroughbred has pretty good lastability compared to some. It is helped by the fact that it is a progressing story and the main characters (both human and equine) change frequently. I recommend this series to any young horselover!


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Here is what other people think of Thoroughbred. To have your say, just fill in the form below and I'll add your review here! (If you'd prefer not to have your email address posted just add that in your comments)

Name: Nicole
Rating: 4 1/2
Comments: I love the Thoroughbred books, they are excellent! But I agree with Susan, they are a bit repitive. Try them fro yourself!

Name: Lita
Rating: 5!
Comments: I think Thoroughbred is an awesome series! Although switching from racing to jumping to eventing themes can bea bit confusing a truly enjoy the books, the bond between the horses and kids is great. The books are well written, even though they seem to have the same outcome in every book.

Name: Dom
Rating: 3
Comments: Okay, so I never really got onto thoroughbreds, the books are well written and presented but focused far to much on the racing scene. A bit repetitive, but to be expected. It would be easier for me to rate this, on a book by book basis, as I do enjoy the books in the series more based around other disciplines, rather than just racing. All in all a nice read. Definately a step up from saddle club, both in size and actual story lines.

Name: anonymous
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the Thoroughbred series. But there are some things that I do not like about it. For example, Joanna Campbell does not write all of the books, there are a few different writers who make up the books. Because of this, the story lines often suffer, I think. On the other hand, though, they also benefit, because there are fresh ideas incorporated so the plots don't repeat too often. It is a great series for any age.

Name: Amanda
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the Thoroughbred series! I have almost all of the books in it. It's so good it makes you want to keep reading and not put it down. It's Reading Level 5, but all ages can enjoy these books. I recommend the series to everyone.

Name: Sarah
Rating: 4
Comments: I think that Thoroughbred books were great. Besides being repetitive they were good. I read them in order from number 1 to 24 then I stoped. The books are not mainly centered around the racing stable ìWhitebrookî. The first 6 are about "Townsend Acres" and after the first 6 the books weren't as interesting. I could predict what was going to happen. I liked the first 6 better because they were mostly about a girl named Ashleigh and one horse Wonder. Then as more books came out they started being about Samantha and not Ashleigh and after Samantha they were about Cindy. No offense to the author but as more books came out the worse the books got.

Name: Casey
Rating: 5
Comments: These are the best horse series of books! I have all of them. they really got me into racing and now I understand it and appreciate it a lot more.

Name: elizabeth
Rating: 4
Comments: i love horse

Name: Laura
Rating: 4 3/4
Comments: I really like these books! They are a lot better then the Saddle Club. I really like the new ones about Christina. They are my favorites. The one I like best is the first one I read, the one called Camp Saddle Brook. I recommend these books to all horse lovers.

Name: sarah
Rating: 0
Comments: These books should be burned!! They are the soooo bad!!!!!!! The saddle club are so much better!!! Joanna Campbell can't write. Bonnie Bryant rules!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Caitlin
Rating: 5!
Comments: I LOOOOOVE Thoroughbred books! They are wonderful! Although the first books about Ashleigh could be for any age of gender, the newer ones, about Christina and Dylan and Parker, seem to be more for older girls. I only say this because the newer books get into boys and dating.

Name: Karen M Zabik
Rating: 5
Comments: I have read several books of Thoroughbred and Ashleigh series, I love them, they are great. But I am serious about Saddlebred and Morgan. Of course I love reading all books about horses and ponies in world

Name: unknown
Rating: 5
Comments: The Thoroughbred books are the best books I've ever read. I've been reading them since they first came out. Granted I'm a little old to be reading about Ashleigh and Samantha and the rest of the gang, but I can't tear myself away from the fabu story lines. My all-time fave was Ashleigh's Diary, that one had me in tears. I would reccomend this series to any horse lover!!!! Superb books!

Name: Horse lover!
Rating: 5!
Comments: I LOVE HORSES! I love these books! I think that the saddle club are just as good, but Thoroughbred books are realy good! I love to read any books about horses but think that the Saddle club and Thoroughbred rule! I definately give these series a 5 out of 5 and if I could I would give them a higher score!!!

Name: Kate
Rating: 5!!!
Comments: These books are the greatest. I have every single one. I`ve read the Sadddle club books they wher awful. Joanna Campbell rules

Name: Leslie
Rating: 4 3/4
Comments: I love Thoroughbred series but i wish they had the topic of showjumping!

Name: Rebecca
Rating: 5
Comments: This series is the absolute greatest. Iv'e been reading them since the beginning and I love them even though i'm getting a little old for them. For those of you who havn't read them before start at the beginning where they are really good, farther on they get montonous. The all time best books are 1 through 24 after that you hit Christina and all the newer gang.

Name: Allie
Rating: 2
Comments: I don't think that the Thoroughbred books are very well written. My personal favorites are the Saddle Club, as I find them more interesting, in-depth, and more FUN! The best part about the Saddle Club is how they center around three main characters. The Thoroughbred books change over a period of time, with different characters, and with the earlier characters, whom you grew attached to, aging and not seeming quite as realistic and entertaining. My overall impression of the Thoroughbred books is not very good. I do not recommend them, but I highly recommend the Saddle Club and Pine Hollow books! Bonnie Bryant is an excellent writer. Joanna Campbell is talented, but I feel she could put her writing talent to a far better use.

Name: Alyssa Gersony
Rating: 5
Comments: I personally love the Thoroughbred books.They have so much action and dramatic parts too.I easpesily enjoyed#25 because I found it interesting how they found out that Melinie`s horse was blind.I defenetly recomend these books to you.

Name: Sadie
Email: Na
Rating: 5
Comments: I love her writing, The descriptions of the horses are so wellwritten that you almost feel like your there.

Name: HorseGirl
Rating: 5
Comments: These are the best books ever!!!!I'm going to read the whole series!!!!I'm only at #14,but they have been great so far.Everybody should read one!!!!

Name: Amanda Chan
Rating: 5
Comments: Thoroughbred is the best!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE thoroughbred!!!!!!!!!! Ms. Campbell!!!!!! Please continue the Ashleigh series! Thanks alot and please contact me! Bye

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