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The Saddle Club


The Saddle Club
Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club is a series of books focusing around three main characters, the horse-crazy Carole, Lisa, and Stevie. These three girls formed their own club, "The Saddle Club" because of their love for horses. The books center around the girls lives.

There can't be many young horselovers who haven't gone through a Saddle Club stage at one time or another! They are one of the most popular (and longest) series of horse books around. As with most series, after a few of the books they become a bit repetative and stick too much to a formula. However, the 'horse content' in the books is high and this makes them a nice easy read for younger horselovers!


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Here is what other people think of The Saddle Club. To have your say, just fill in the form below and I'll add your review here! (If you'd prefer not to have your email address posted just add that in your comments)

Name: scout
Rating: 3
Comments: Considering the age range that is this book is invisibly attracted to I suppose I'd have to give it at least a four. But the content is certainly all to similar to the boring 'series' type scales for books. But to be honest I used to adore the Animal Ark series and it is still taking up a large space on my bookshelf so I have to let the Saddle Club win over the fact that they have a lot of fans and have created a lot more horse lovers. I only came across the Saddle Club once and that book is still sitting alone on my bookshelf to, long as I can find it at some point. The Saddle Club books concentrate on the outside basis of horses rather than any proper topics on the horses. Therefore I drop one point down to 3. It might have been better if they were more descriptive on the horses. Bonnie Bryant is a definate and focused writer and I think she must enjoy using certain methods of writing though.

Name: Emily E.
Rating: 4
Comments: The Saddle Club series was very realistic and descriptive. You could juts imagine the riders and horses. But when they started doing the new covers with real people and re-doing the old covers, I stopped reading them because the girls they had on the cover was nothing like I had imangined them and it ruined the books.

Name: Heather
Rating: 4
Comments: The Saddle Club was once one of my favorite series. I had read #1-90 and was waiting for the next book to come onto shelves. However,then I entered middle school and suddenly the Saddle Club was easy to read. I could read an entire book in a 1/2. So I started reading other horse series that were a bit longer and more time consmuing. Then in August last year, Bonnie Bryant (Saddle Club creator) came up with a new series,"Pine Hollow." About when the girls entered high school. I was delighted with the thick books about 3 wonderful horse-crazy girls, until I read one. It was about boys, groundings, accidents, it was nice and all, but all the sudden horses were not as abundant in these tales. So I stopped reading them until I decided to give them another try. The #6 book, "Ground Training", was about this: Carole gets grounded from cheating on a test, Stevie is losing her good friend A.J., Lisa is trying to tel her boyfriend Alkex about how she she has to leave soon. The only one of them that really spent time with horses was Carole, good ole Carole. The other 2 were far more concerned about other things. It wasn't bad writing, just differant. The original Saddle Club had been great, I had learned about horses and had great times with rambucntious Stevie, Straight-A Lisa and horse-crazy Carole. But they are no longer the characters I once knew. However since it is a differant series it did have to be differant then the original, but couldn't it have still been about horses? Well, if I rated the Pine Hollow series I would give it a 2, buts that just my opinon. ~Heather

Name: Amanda
Rating: 4
Comments: I love Saddle Club books. They're full of horse information all age levels can understand and love to read! It ranges from the mischevious Stevie, to horse-smart Carol, to straight-A's Lisa. I recommend this series to horse lovers of all ages.

Name: Nicole Priest
Rating: 4
Comments: I suppose I might give it a five, as the series is very interesting and exciting. However, there was a lot of the same things. I'd recommend them to all young horselovers.

Name: anonymous
Rating: 4 1/2
Comments: I must say, these books were my absolute FAV and I must've read almost all of them. Now tho they're too easy so I would definitly recommend Throughbred series 4 people that r past saddle club. But they're still great books

Name: Jo
Rating: 4
Comments: I would like ANYONE who has a scanner and one of those :(Pine Hollow, The Saddle Club or Thoroughbred)books to contact me please.

Name: Rebecca
Rating: 4
Comments: The Saddle Club books are really, really good! They're based solely on horses, and have been researched really well. The situations are realistic, and they have interesting content.

Name: Danni
Rating: 4
Comments: I think the Saddle Club is a realistic series, and they are really fun to read. Some of the adventures horse-crazy Carole, mischeivous Stevie and straight-A Lisa get up to can be a bit hard to believe though. I really enjoy reading them, although when I saw the one where they all get bored with horses, I had to force myself not to buy it. I hate it that it's changing and I hate the way the new series (Pine Hollow) is completely different. I think it would be better if they just did drawings on the front covers because the photos are not how I imagined Stevie, Carole and Lisa to be like. It completely changes the whole book. Like, when I first started reading them I thought Lisa was the dark coloured one, but now I know it's Carole. I just imagine them in my own way and I don't like the way they put photos on the front now.

Name: anonymous
Rating: 4
Comments: The series is really great. They share problems with each other and generally help each other out. I would recommend that Bonnie Bryant write longer books about the three girls in the same way they are in the short series. They are great like they are but the books should be longer and more time consuming. I would also like anyone with a scanner and Pine Hollow or Thoroughbred books to email me .

Name: Kelsie
Rating: 5
Comments: I am 17, and am not embarassed to admit that I still read and cherish the Saddle Club books. I grew up with Stevie, Lisa, and Carole, and learned more from them than I learned in my riding lessons! :) In my mind, they grew up too, even though they mysteriously stayed 13 all the way through the series. I still read and buy the books, and will probably never stop!

Name: Laura
Rating: 2
Comments: I admit it, these are not the best books I ever read. Only a few of the books are really good, And I think the subject gets old, fast. Sorry this one I have to give a 2.

Name: Alana
Rating: 5
Comments: The Saddle Club is one of the best series I have ever read. They are always full of mystery, adventure, and friendship. My favorite character is definetly Stevie! Bonnie, you are an awesome author.

Name: sarah
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the saddle club!!!! I have been reading them for 8 years of my life so I grew up with the saddle club.Pine Hollow books are ok but there not the saddle club.I liked the drawings better then tyhe reall photos.The books are easy to read for me but I still love them!!!! Throughbred sucks! The biggest Bonnie Bryant fan ~*Sarah Robertson*~

Name: Heidi
Rating: 4
Comments: I really like the Saddle Club series, I love how it's all about Horses and the girls are always having new adventures! I think the books could be longer, i fly through them! I don't like the Pine Hollow series, the girls are too old and I hate how Lisa is going out with Stevie's brother, come on! I agree with Sarah, the drawings on the cover were great and they were a lot better than the photographs and ususally they don't include horses in the photographs so I really miss the drawings, they were so good! Oh well, the content inside the book is still great!

Name: Rachel
Rating: 4 1/2
Comments: The saddle club are brill! What more could we want.. totally horse crazy and not too expensive they are a good read. So maybe they are a little repetitive and unrealistic in some ways but you've got to admit they are much better than the thoroughbred series. I am from England and I have always had photos on the cover and I reckon they are much nicer then the pictures ( I saw them on I dont care if they are easy to read or not- I am so horse mad I even read the Pony Tails series at the age of 12! ( and no I am not thick I am just horse mad)

Name: Memphis Tacouri
Email: southbend2000_2000
Rating: 5
Comments: This is absolutly the BEST series I've ever read. I love horses and I love to read. I've tried Pine Hallow books but they're kinda confusing and Thoughbred is okay but Saddle Club is the best.(somtimes i read pony tails too.)I LOVE BONNIE BRYANT'S BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: horse nut
Rating: 5
Comments: I like the older saddle club books more because they are based on realistic characters. the new series doesn't talk about horses as much as they talk about guys and school. I walked into a book store and there were two titles from the saddle club. quickly scanning the back cover I saw that the word horse was mentioned once . if the author of these books ever reads this comment ,please, make your books like they were before, add more horses and less guys, unless they talk about riding

Name: Carolyn Muttony
Rating: 5
Comments: I think the saddle club books are great.I also like her other series (Pine Hollow and Pony Tails).The caracters in her book are very interesting.Her books are always exciting.

Email: kmzabik
Rating: 5
Comments: I read all books about horses and ponies. I would like reading about Saddlebred, Morgan, Icelandic,and more that would be nice

Name: sam
Rating: 5
Comments: Hey all you saddle club fans! The saddle club is coming to tv!!!REALLY!!!

Name: peruvian paso
Rating: 5
Comments: i started reading the saddle club books about a year ago and i think they are the best! i have now subscribed for the books to be sent to me. i love the saddle club books! after reading these books all the other books i read seem so boring. i also love how bonnie seems to squeeze some riding tips into her books. bonnie bryant is probably the best writer in the world!!! peruvian paso :-)

Name: lana
Rating: 1000000
Comments: I would say Saddle Club books are the best books ever because they give infomation and are very good fun to read + they have imagination good jokes and some people can relate to their problems

Name: Bohbii
Rating: 2 1/2
Comments: I think the stories are about the right level for a 3rd grader. They have potential for a good plot, but get to predictable and repetative. Idid enjoy the western ones, though.

Name: Leslie
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the saddle club! I learned so much from them than I did from anything else. I like how all of their personalatys fit in with eachother. My mom says they are to small for me but I want to read them forever. I even reread them.

Name: Sarah Hardinge
Rating: 4.5
Comments: i enjoy mostly all horse books but Pine Hollow and Saddle club are my FAV. I like them because I feel that I'm with them whereever they go. Carole is my FAV because she loves and cherishes Starlight.i recomend these to any horse lover ever!!

Name: Amanda
Rating: 5
Comments: I love Saddle Club books. They are my favorite. I have 66 of them and have read every one of them more than once. I say keep up the good work and write some more, please! I think every person that's as horse crazy as me should read and read these books, they're great!

Name: lover
Rating: 5+
Comments: I definetly agree with those of you saying that you hate how they changed the covers to photos, but what really bugs me is that the drawings were very descriptive about the story, buth the photos now are only the girls and horses. But I do love the stories- I liked them better when they had a drawing, though.

Name: Sary
Rating: 4
Comments: I LOVE the Saddle Club books. I stared reading them 10 years ago, and I'm still reading them (at age 19!). Sure, they do stick to a formula. And some of them are kind of boring. And if you've read the first three or four pages of one, you can skip those pages in all the rest -- all they do is describe the characters' personalities in excruciating detail. But I still love to read these books, just because they put me in such a horsey mood! As for the Pine Hollow series, *glckchh!* (That was the sound of me gagging.) They're not about horses at all. Furthermore, the characters are totally different. They're not even close to being the girls they were. Sure people change when they get older, but criminy! Look at me! I may be taller, in college, and a little more mature, but I'm still *me*! And I still love horses! But the worst thing about the Pine Hollow series is that Lisa doesn't have a horse. Which means she can never have a horse, ever, in the Saddle Club. That just stinks. If I were Lisa, I'd sue! :P


Rating: 5
Comments: I grew up with the Saddle Club, and almost all the books in the series have a place on my bookshelf. I found Bonnie Bryant's writing to be very realistic and descriptive, and the best part was the large amount of horse content. I feel like I know and have known all three members of the Saddle Club all my life! They have those great qualities and also those character flaws that can be found in everyone. You find yourself wishing you could just jump right into the story and experience things with the Saddle CLub! I highly recommend this series to all young riders and horse fans. Older readers can enjoy them as well. I have to admit, there is a slight repetitive formula, but I love the books too much to dwell too long on that aspect of the series. Bonnie Bryant is certainly a very talented author, and I hope, for all horse-lovers' sakes, that the Saddle Club books last a lifetime. Note: I was not impressed by the quality and subject of the new "Pine Hollow" books. Where have the horses gone? I suppose, older readers, who are not so much "into" horses as they were, would appreciate the realistic life sequences and the story lines. But I bought the first three, and found them to be quite uninteresting. Lisa with Alex? Wherever did that idea come from? Carole "into" guys in book 3? It had to come some time, but they were so much better when they were younger. READ THE SADDLE CLUB BOOKS! They're great!

Name: Margaret D.
Rating: 5.0
Comments: I love the saddle club about a year ago I hated reading. I thought it was so boring.....until I discovered The SADDLE CLUB!!!!!!!! We have this small library near by and they have probably about 35 of the saddle club books , Iread most of them. So I went to this other library thats a little bit farther away , but it was worth coming there because they almost had every one of the saddle club books!!! unil about a month later they removed all of them and replaced them with some stupid new fonny bollonie new series Thourghbred!!!!:( I was so mad, but then I had to stop reading for a little while because my neighbors had this horse that Ive been riding for 3 1/2 years and it got very sick and she colapsed in her stall and a few days later she had to be put to sleep....I was devistated,depressed,so so sad,I felt like the whole world turned on me just like carole did when coblat died . On the night when I said my final goodbies I prommised Sunday that when I get a ho! rse I will name her Sunday I promisse I pressed this horse neclese to her shoulder and named the necles "My Promise to Sunday" and to this day I hadnt taken the necless off for more than 1 day I sleep with it I take showers with it . There is not a night that goes by that I dont think of the mare. Anyway sorry that I trailed of like that but the saddleclub books help me get through my difficult time. -Margaret

Name: Rebekah
Rating: 5
Comments: I love the Saddle Club

Rating: 5
Comments: i love bonnie bryants books so much they are great my friends vanessa and kristie love the saddle club to

Name: ozz and taz
Rating: 5
Comments: the saddle club like rules we just like really love it i mean it's so funny. bonnie bryant is so cool i know just as much as carole! one question though, in england how come half way through carole changes colour? i mean whats that all about? later

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