Total Number of Guests 1
Itty Bitty's Home
Record 1
Name: Itty Bitty
Website: Itty Bitty the Russian Blue Cat
Referred by: From AngelFire
From: cyberspace / the universe
Time: 1998-05-04 10:15:43
Comments: Welcome to my Guest Book. I left my small silver-gray body on April 4, 1998 at the Washington State University Animal Hospital in Pullman and am now wherever special cats go when their time on earth is complete. My passing inspired my two human companions, Kathi and Peter, to create this Web site for me, in my voice, so I can live on a little bit in cyberspace -- hopefully touching other people using this new medium just as I brought love and joy into my friends' lives when I was here in physical form. Please feel free to write some of your thoughts in my Guest Book for others to read.

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