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This is the FAQ file for the It will discuss SAP products and issues, in which the USENET community is interested.The SAP corporation provides standard software products for business applications, primarily for middle and large sized companies.

A bit of history: As Content Editor for the SAP FAQ since 1994, I have witnessed Andreas Bartelt grow this document from a basic FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), into a rich source of information and resources for the SAP community worldwide. I have been privileged to have been a small part of Andreas' effort, and it is with a strong commitment to continue to build upon his accomplishments that I now accept responsibility for full maintenance and editorship of the SAP FAQ.

I would like to begin that process by asking for contributions, suggestions, comments, hints, etc. I am particularly interested in adding information on new resources, such as books, etc. I would also like to invite some top flight SAP technical professionals to contact me to discuss expanding the FAQ to include some hands-on "How To" guides -- mini manuals perhaps to jump-start the less experienced SAP professional.

This FAQ includes a form for readers' feedback. Please make use of it freely, or simply send along an emailed message of any length and I will respond accordingly. For now, I invite you to make use of the many resources available within the SAP FAQ, and to contribute to its continued growth.

Best wishes,

Kaliana Kellye
Kalamazoo, Michigan USA
September 27, 1996 


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. SAP AG corporation
  3. SAP R/2
  4. SAP R/3
  5. Institutions and Contacts
  6. Network resources
  7. Miscellaneous
  8. Appendix