A | B | C |
Abbott Abby Abdul Abel Abelard Abigail Abilene Abrico Ace Acey Addison Adrasta Agamemnon Aggy Akasha Akamis Alexander Alexis Alfy Ali Baba Allura Almanzo Alpha Alex Alphonse Alto Alvin Amadaeus Amaryllis Amber Ambrose Amelia Anastasia Anchovy Andre Andrea Andromeda Angel Angelica Angus Annie Anthony Antony Anxiety Apache Apollo Apple Aragon Arathorn Archie Argola Argos Arnold Swartzahamester Ashes Ashley Arnie Askim (what was his name?) Aspen Asta Asterix Astra Astro Athena Atticus Attila Aurora Autumn Avatar Azure |
Babble Babe Babs Baby Bacon Bagel Bailey Bambi Bandit Bandito Banjo Banshee Baron Basil Bear Bear Blossom Beaver Bella Ben Bernie Bert Bertha Beta Bingo Binky Biscuit Bisquick Blackjack Blanca Blaze Blizzard Blooper Blubberbutt Bob Boba Fett Boris Bon Bon Bond Bonkers BooBoo Booker Bozo Bram Brat Brownie Bubba Buddah Buddy Budweiser Buff Bullwinkle Bungee Bungle Buster Butterball Butternut Butterscotch Buttons Buzz Bob Bob Squit Bobby Bonnie Bon Bon Borris Boulette Brownie Bruno Brutus Buba Bubbles Bubby Bucefalo Buster Butch Butter Finger |
Caesar Calico Calvi Candy Carpincho Carys Chance Charlotte Cappucino Captain Caramel Carmel Casey Caspe Cecil Chainsaw Charlemagne Charlie Charmin Cheeky Chelsea Chester Chewbacca Chicago Chips Chinook Chiquita Chitter Chomper Christmas Chuck Chuckles Cirrus Cleopatra Clinger Clinton Clove Clover Clyde Colombo Columbus Colonel Comet Conan Corky Cosmo Cotton Crinkle Crockett Crystal Cuddles Cupcake Cumulus Curly Custer Cyrus Chewy Chibi (means 'tiny' in Japanese) Chica Chino (means Chinese) Chip Chloe Cinnamen Cinnamon Coco Coco Nose Cookie Creampuff Conrad Cookie Curd |
D | E | F |
Daffodil Daft Dale Dandy Danny Dante Davy Dawn Dax Dazzle Delta Demi Demon Hamster Destroyer Devil Hamster Dexter Diablo Digger Dinsdale Dion Disco Ditto Dixie DJ Dolly Dolph Domino Donut Doodles Dots Dough boy Draco Dream Dreamer Dribbles Dude Duffy Dumpling Duncan Dusty Dutchess Daisy Dale Desert Dessert Diddly Squit Dinky Dolly Dotty Dough boy Dr. Hook Droopy Dutse |
Earl Gray Easter Echo Ed Eek Einstein Elijah Elliot Ellis Elvis Ember Emily Emma Enzo Enzio Erica Erin Ernie Esme Eureka Evil Extra Extraordinary Ezzy Einstein Elmo Elvis E.T. |
Fannie Farley Fawn Fellow Fenway Fergus Fiesta Figaro Fitz Flame Flash Flower Flubber Fluff Fluff Hamster Fluffball Fluffenuget Fluffernutter Fluffy Fluffnutter Fluke Fonzie Forest Fortune Foster Francis Frankenstein Freckles Freddy Freebie Freeloader Frisco Frisky Frito Frosty Fudge Fu-Fu Funky Furbag Furball Furbert Furry Fussball Fuzzball Fuzzbutt Fuzzy |
G | H | I |
Gabby Gadget Galahad Gengis Khan Gem General George Gerber Geronimo Ghost Gigabyte Giggles Gin Gingersnap Gordon Gordy Graham Gremlin Greta Gretchen Griggles Grover Guava Gummie Guy Gypsy Giggsy Gilligan Ginger Gizmo Gus |
Hamlet Hammie Hammy Houdini (very commonly used) Hambone Hampton Hamst Hamster Hannah Hagar Hairy Haley Hannibal Hans Happy Harley Harry Harvey Havoc Hazel Hell Hamster Henry Hera Hercules Herman Hershey Hexi Hitchcock Hobo Holmes Hedgy Helen Holly Honey Honeydew Hooligan Huggins Hugs Hunka Munka Hunter Hydro Herbie |
Ice Ice Cream Ichabod Iggy Igloo Igor Ickle Indy Issac Itchie Ivan Ivory Izzy Infernal Hamster Iron Fox Isis |
J | K | L |
Jabba Jack Jacko Jacque Jade Jake Jane Jasper Java Jeckle Jeeves Jelly Bean Jess Jewel Jim Joey Jonah Jonathan Jordan Joshua Josie Jove Juan Jubilation Judas Judd Judson Judy Jumpy Junior Jupiter Justin Jadzia Jarod Jasper Jazz Jessica Jewel Jo Joe Cool Joey Joy Jule Julia |
Kaayak Katie Kaneli Keiko Ken Kenny Keno Keyboard Khaki King Tut Knabble Kodiak Koki Kokomo Krishna Kubla Kumquat |
Laa-Laa Laguna Lance Lancelot Laser Lazarus Leo Leonardo Liberty Libra Lillith Lilly Lincoln Loki Lolita Lombard Lotto Louie Lucas Luke Luna Lupe Lily Lil' Fluff Little Bit Little Buddy Little One Lucky Luna Lunch (rescued from being a Python meal!) Lunchee Lunchette |
M | M | N | O |
Macaroni McGyver Macho Mack Madison Mage Magic Magnolia Magnum Maisie Malo Mandy Mangus Mara Marcel Mario Mark Mars Martini Marty Matilda Maude Max McDuff McGee McZee Meander Meelee Megabyte Megan Mercedes Merlin Michael Micky Midget Mike Milo Mindy Mini-me (AustinPowers 2, for dwarfs) |
Misty Moby Mojo Mokie Molotov Monet Monster Monty Moocher Moonlight Morris Mouse Moxie Mozart Muffin Muffy Mugs Munchkin Murphy Murray Manchugo Marie-Sophie Mary Maurice Mckee Meatloaf Mickey Mieko Milky Minnie Missy Misty Morpurgo Mouse Mr.Bean Mr. Bob |
Nacho Napoleon Nash Nattie Nellie Nemo Nero Nerf Nick Nike Nilly Nipper Nippy Nixon Noah Noel Noisy No-name Norbert Nosey Nougat Nova Nugget Nuke Nutmeg Natasha Nibbles Nicholas Nikita |
Oatis Ollie Omega Omen One-Eyed Oodles Ooklah Oreo Oscar Oswald Orson Otto Ozone |
P | P | Q | R | R |
Pacarana Paco Page Paprika Pasha Patches Patter Paws Peaches Pearl Peachpit Peanut Peanutbutter Peewee Pele Pelurnia Penfold Pepsi Petrina Penelope Penny Pepe Pepper Pepperoni Perseus Pete Peter Pharoh Phoebe Pickles Piebald Pierre Pinky Pip |
Pipsqueak Pitter Plato Pog Pookie Poopy Porter Precious Princess Psyche Pucette Pudge Pudgie Puff Punky Punt Phil Phoebe Pilsbury Pinky Squit Pinky Winky Poopsie Porkchop Pouches Powder Powdered Sugar Python |
Quentin Quincie Quinn |
Rachel Rags Ralph Ranger Rascal Red Reebok Reject Rex Ricola Ribena Riddles Ringo Ripley Rocko Rocky Rodney Rolly Roman |
Romulus Rosebud Rosemary Rosie Roxanne Roxy Ruby Rudolph Ruffy Rumpus Runt Rusty Remus Ripple Rockey Ruby Rufus |
S | S | T | T | U |
Sable Sage Sarah Sasquatch Sassy Satin Scruffy Secret Shadey Shadow Shakespeare Shananigan Shane Sherlock Shortcake Shredder Sidney Siesta Silver Sinbad Skeeter Skittles Skitzophreniac Slinky Sloopy Sleepy Slurpee Smidgen Smoke Smokey Smudge Sneaky Sneezy Sniffles Snuffles Snow Snowball Snowdrift Snowy Snuffer Snuffy Snuggle Snuggles Snugglebutt Sam Samantha Sammy Sasha Scrappy Silver Fox Simon Smushy Sneek Snickerdoodle Sniglet Snowflake |
Solomon Sonic Sony Soo Ling Sooty Sophie Spanky Sparky Spartacus Spazz Speedy Spencer Spike Spirit Sprockett Spud Spunky Squeeky Stacy Stalin Stanley Star Stargate Stay-put Storm Strawberry Streaker Stretch Stripe Sugar Suger Sultan Summer Sunday Sunflower Sunlight Sunrise Sunset Sunshine Sweetpea Sweetums Swinger Sybil Sydney Sylvester Snyeg Special Patrol Group Speedy Spice Spike Spock Spot Sprite Squeaky Squealer Squirt Squish Squishey Stacy Sunny |
Tabitha Taboo Tad Taffy Tammy Tang Tangelo Tansy Tao Tarot Tarzan Tater Tater Tot Tawney Taz Teacup Tequila Terry Terror-nipper Tess Tex Theodore Thistle Thumper Thyme Tia Pan Tick Tiera Tilon Thomas Thor Tigger Tike Tiny Toby Todd Tony Topaz Topper Topsy Tornado |
Trinket Troubles Truffles Tsar Tucker Tuffy Tulip Turbo Tut Tweedles Twinkles Twitches Tyepan Typhoon Tyler Teddy Theadore Tisha Todos Tofs Travis Trev Trevor Trey Trixie Tubby Twiggy Bug Twinkles |
Ugly Ulysess Uncas Uriah Ursa |
V | W | W | X |
Valentine Valentino Vanilla Vanity Vega Velcro Venus Victor Vertigo Victoria Violet Virgil Vulcan |
Waffles Waldo Walker Wally Warlock Watson Wave Weenie Wesley Whiney Whiskers Whiskey Whitney Wiggles Wilbur Wiley |
Willow Willy Wilson Winky Winnie Winston Wiskers Wizard Woodstock Wrinklebutt Wumpus Wyatt Wanky Wavis Weezy Wheezer Woody Wookie |
Xanadu Xander Xavier Xena Xerox |
Y | Z | |
Yahoo Yale Yankee Yeller Yoda Yogi Yoohoo Yukon |
Zachery Zack Zebra Zebedee Zedri Zeke Zelda Zen Zephyr Zero Zeus |
Ziggy Zinnea Zippo Zippy Zoey Zola Zonker Zoom Zorba Zorro Zip Zippety |
Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc |
Tom and Jerry Sprout Spurts Run-away Basket Clare Claud Cremes Cori Charlie Scrags Greg Gary Doves Dargs Horace Hobbit Derek Duncan Jayne John Isaac Isengard I-Bed I-Gary I-Bucket Dunedain Merry Monty |
Ben Mrs Fuzz B.B (Black Beauty) Boris Bernie Nerva Luthien Bed Bilbo Bucket Calufrax Daisy Darrius Dean Dita Duracell Duralinium Dyllan Dynatrope Energy Pack "Energy" Kultahippu "Hippu" (Eng. Goldchip) Mayday Carmen Sylva Grace |
Ebony Eckersley Edain Eldrad Elendil Ellington Elrond Fabian Faramir Faroon Farrell Fedorin Fendahl Fenric Flavia Franzine Frodo Galadriel Gandalf Gaynor Gil-Galad Gloria Gothmog Harriet Hecate Hepesh Icthar Isildur Izlyr Jaconda |
Kastria Katherine Kling Lakertya Lazlo Legolas Lenin Lethbridge-Stewart Light Lin-Futu Linx Locusta Lothlorien Lukoser Mawdryn Merlin Nemesis Nero Nicky Norman Peggy Peladon Peter Powerpack Ragnarok Rani Revel Robbie Rohan Rubrick |
Salyavin Scotia Shada Skagra Smaug Ulysses Urbanka Venturi Vervoid Victor Vinny Wallis Wat's Wife Watson Waverley Weng-Chiang William Willow Wilma Wraith Wring Xoanon Yetaxa Yikes Zarbi Zygon Hippie Brownie Kinji Ginji |
Shiro New Potato Buttermilk Bacon Chewbacca Chewie Hurby Soni Tess Britt Daphne Gressa Cinnabar Harley Galleon Oliver Twist Annie Marmek Megara Tutterfly Cassiopeia Corinne Polar Bear Mountain Tyle Kuro Kuri Haippie |
Alora Danan Jett Stream Tidal Request Chloe Marina Lea Merecobi Seal the Gates Sea Nic McKeal Marahl Tasia Lady Jasmine Air Blaine Hanorah Jasper Dale Rhannon Witch Hazel Darien Crystal Brooke Oasis Drizzle Mist Dewey Fin Raziel |
Petula Philip Perry Pippin Penelope Nora Nigel Ultima Tom Melissas Elliott Amaryllis Elovena "Venla" Eloisa Sabine Comet Serengeti Serene Lea Apollo Caspian Django Daiquiri Jagaroth Kronos Xsara Xantia Xena Castellan Tripod Wirrn |
Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | |
Kure Petunia Sylvia Moron and Putz Homeboy and Homegirl Buddy Badger Donut and Bagel Cheweey Noid Jaelong Cuddles and Screwball Jay and Silent Bob Gorby and Ivan Rushkie, Gorbie and Natasha Jasmine & Aladdin Niche and Pelle Mushy Nipsu Napsahdus Itchy Zydrinsky Bearlie Kukku Nicky and Magie Cheeko & Charlie Minnie Cutie & FuFu |
Pooh Oswald Cleo and Elmo Rosemary Hopalong Cassidy Sable & Satin Calvin & Hobbes Thorax the Semi-Great Madison, Roxi, Grover, Joey Snicklefritz Skippy & Hazel Candy and Sweetheart Thunder and Lightning Walnut Squishy Bean Oreo Bunny and Smoky Beethoven Pee Wee Kit&Kat Thelma and Louise Sweety and Squeaky BG (Big Guy) Bugsy and Whitey (albinos) Brett and Bert Deardoll Boris Chesher Blizzard Mickey Hurcules Wizzer |
Chirp Slave Chip and Dale Peppi Skrutten Falco William (Willy) and Lilly Ren and Stimpy Chip and Speedo Zipper & GusGus Itchy & Scrachy Tiger and Izzy Bert and Ernie Vanna White\Whitey Sugar and Spice Brunhilda Clotilda M.C. Hamster Digger & Munch Aqualung Pepperoni and Mozzarella Itsy & Bitsy Frodo and Chewbacca Pebbles Peper Panchito |
Mearle and Pearl Tubie (he hangs out in tubes) Naguli Stonewall Jack (Jackson) Gen. Lee (General Lee) Pickle Furry and Fuzzy Nibbelz Pinky & The Brain Wedgey Wedgee Wedgie Stinker Hoagie Miekel Tinkerbell Sunshine(Sunny) Mary Lou Sweetie Robban Nez Weeble and Wobble Rascal Yogi and BooBoo Radish & Niblet Roco Caesar Yoda Nannerl Rocky and Rosie Brownie Whitey Maggie "Rat" (lovingly nicknamed) |
Nezumi-chan (Jap= mouse) Shippo (Jap="tail") Monkey Gidget and Jesse Micah and Andy Pinkie Snuggle Fluff & Scruff Kalissa Pavla & Malukha Snuffles Pepi (with one "p") Chibi and Dizzi Thumper "Masha(-kins)" my munchkin Amelia Radar Snicklefritz the 1st Claw and Knuckles Cyndy (Cinderelly, Cinderelly) Crackers Tao and Te Yin and Yang Zen and Buddha Jumpy and Whitie Nimmie Wild Thang Lilla Arne Cash and Cheque Cosmo Kodak Twinkie Trot |
Squeaker peeker Jerry Wicket Cachou Zoé M&M Cornflake Zachina Murphy Cubby Non and Su Mr Spock Pixie and Dixie Zelda Wickily Skippy Scrappy Napoleon Buddha Hazel Squeekie Sydney Pamper Snifbutt Panter Cherio Winnie Tweedledee and Tweedledum Sparkie Misha & Mina Hans Spiky Jigsaw Giavonna |
Thor the Thundergod!! Suzie Bob Dole Timbit Putchkin Harvey Cokey (she's brown) Mr. Nibbles (he's brown) Frosty (he's a winter white) Snoball (winter white) Kerby and Clyde (winter white) Tommy and Chuckie (white) Tornado Batman and Robin Maxim and Maurice Cricket Daria Noah Frances Nosey and Itchy Barnaby the Prawn Whiskers Sandy Zip Mr. and Mrs. (Hamster) Dust Bunny and Flurry Amanda Linyx (pronounced Linux) Nutty Squirrel Fireball Sherlock Freedah |
Pucette Speedy Gonzales Slowpoke Rodreguez Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Mocha Wizzard Eldenberry and Applegate Chunky Pitter and Patter Chewie Little Guy Mellow Fellow Romeo and Juliet Donald and Daisy Critter & Twinkie Herbie Furball Sergei Rowan and Willow Peevie (My pet peeve) Milt and Bradley Penelope Cream and Vicious |
Sassey & Sable Kirby Lulu Cloud Major Moses Buffy Sniffy Priscilla and Elvis Leland Fidget and Tootsie Humbug Teeny and Tiny Bubble and Squeak Martin and Luther Max and Emma Mr. Sniffy Buzzard Nosey, Pokey Stevie and Diamond Roadrunner Tigger and Piglet Munk and Guinevere Francis Chu Chu Boy-Boy Chippy Ball Lily Rolly Fong Chia |
Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc | Misc |
Shiv and Shank Stareye Gus-Gus Rug Rat Bham Van Dam Miss Bianca(Disney Rescuers) Emme Feebe Pavel(Russian for small) Titan Willy-Winston Malcom Jamal Hamster Mary Poppins & Bert Fat Boy Sprinkles Tank Winston Pumkin and Pie Gerber Ivy Naya Leia Indy & Charlotte Molly Bug Keebler Spike |
Socks Craig and Ariana (the Spartans) Timmy and Tim Spanky, Binny, Alfie Hugs and Tugs Starre Angel Elyzabeth Chiquita (Chucki) Shaggy Wiggles Zork & Smeep Chewbacca and Bill Clinton Leah of the Hairy Back Chippy Chandler (after Kyle Chandler) Billy (after Billy Zane) Michael (after M. Crichton) Norman Chubby Puffin (after the beaniebaby) Cadbury (cadbury cream eggs!) Kiwi Skittles and Scruffy Duncan (Duncan Idaho) Fizzgig Mysty Cupcake and Pepper |
Sugar and Sweetie Michaela and Sully Baby Rosie Tiger and Jessica Gorby, Nikita, Boris Polo Tia & Maria Brutus Dewy Josh Prellings Dopey Camille (Cammie Hammie) Fussball Gunter Lilliput (Gulliver's Travels) Crassus (it's Latin for chubby) Cottonball Buster and Babs Big Foot Bundles Brigitte Black Jack Bonnie Cha-Cha Charlie Combo Corrie Comet Chubby Cooper |
Sassey & Sable Kirby Lulu Cloud Major Moses Buffy Sniffy Priscilla and Elvis Leland Fidget and Tootsie Humbug Teeny and Tiny Bubble and Squeak Martin and Luther Max and Emma Mr. Sniffy Buzzard Nosey, Pokey Stevie and Diamond Roadrunner Tigger and Piglet Munk and Guinevere Francis Chu Chu Boy-Boy Chippy Ball Lily Rolly Fong Chia |
Dakota Duke Flying Wolf Gunner Julie Jazz Lakota Little Guy Lilly Mambo Max Nanook Princess Poochie Patti Patrick Pat Ralph Rambo Ripple Rockie Sara Savage Scoot Sharron Shasta Smallfrie Spike spunky China Heidi Smirnoff Marlon |
Tango Tike Tigger Hamst Laura Ludger Whiskers Scuffles Scampers Harrods Pippa Tobacco Chewbecca Cigar Dum Dumb Snoepie Little Dude Happy Spunndle Fiz Rockett Butterball Silver Squeaky Teddy Stoli Pinky Shelby Uptighty White Bitey Flighty |
Wilbur Doc Sunflower Taz. Jr Waffle and Syrup Mushroom Nastasia and Mischa Nicky & Lexie Riche Mindy Pippy Cheeky Sparkie Lollie Phoebe Miffy Sweetie Little Star Bitey Mom Holly Jumpys Stickers Bean Crunch Tango Shania Rasputin and Nicholas Poppy |
Diana Dinah Castanjette "Tanja" Pudding Beauty Superham Little Baby Tin Tin Win Win To To Lok Lok Na Na Jison Kira Dax Kit Sadie Squirt Cat and Nip Stephan Scamper Pudge Mouse and Ham Cain and Abel Einstein George Stinkie Butt Evil |
I have them lined up according to alphabetical order(at first), but there were TOO many of them(its a hard chore!) and well, now if you see a name you like, juz remember it!