And Now, a word from our Highly respected, highly honored, much loved, .
A Litttle PP Presentation extoling the virtues of modesty. The respected honorble lovable President most high J.M. Hart
To all the Females I love, and even those I don't;
As the President of MAM, I would like to express
a few words on the purpose of this site. The purpose of this site
isn’t to incriminate or to make females feel like they have contriteness
about them. It is to merely express our opinions on how the female
body should be respected. We believe that a woman doesn’t have to
defile herself to impress anyone. They just have to simply have respect
for themselves and keep their mid-drifts covered. We believe that
by us men, taking a stand and letting the opposite sex know that we do
respect them that we will be able to make a difference. Hopefully
they will start to have respect for themselves and cover up their mid-drifts.
We feel this is a very serious problem that has arisen just recently.
It has bothered not only us members of MAM, but also of other similar organizations
such as SAHP (Spectators Against Hairy Pits), BSA (Bare Shoulders
association), MATTC (Men Against Trips To Cleveland), and MAPIT (Men Against
Public Internal Thermometers). This important subject has even beed
discussed by the FCC (Female Cleavage Committee). Finally, this is
simply a stand on morals. We would rather see women showing no skin
than to expose themselves and show their mid-drifts. Hopefully we
have made a difference in at least one little girl’s heart. Thanks
for your time and support to read all this. You will be hearing more
comments and tips of the day from me in the future. Just look at
the Belly-Button Lint section. It is located at the bottom of MAM.
Thank you again and remember you can make a difference.
Jeremy M. Hart
When I see a modest girl,. I look like this.
When I see a bare mid-drift, I look very sad.
MAM's Belly Button Lint-- Tip for the day
Just remember, after all this brown nosing I have done about respecting females, I deserve a date to Sweetharts. -Jeremy Hart