Page of Most Common Offenses, so you can know how not to look

For all of you who do not know what is bad and what is good, look here for a bad example.  Below you will find examples of all the types of immodesty going on at SSHS.  While looking at these pictures, remember, while males may seem more attracted to you if you look like this, they will respect you less.  They will be attrackted to you like a dog is to a fire hydrant, they just want to do their buisness and go. Also, remember, these are pictures taken of students at SSHS, so, if you do not want to appear here, be modest, or we will take a picture of you and post you.

The Most Common and most dangerous offense.  Courtosy of MAM. The Bare Mid-Drift


A vile and ever occuring phenomona, The Bare Shoulders, courtosy of BSA


SAHP also remindes all females to shave your armpits.  Please, do not look like this.