STOOP used three methods to make money from this event. First, we charged to get in. With the overwhelming popularity of this very charitable cause called STOOP, we had a great turnout, and with a $50 a head entrance fee we made a killing. People are more than happy to be generous for a charitable cause such as STOOP.
The second thing we did was to allow for the placing of bets, we had a couple of bookies come in a handle that, and we took a small percentage of their earnings. It was surprising to see how many people wanted to bet on who could scarf down the most hot dogs.
The third thing STOOP did to profit from this hot dog eating contest was to allow corporations to advertise their products in the arena where this event was held. We also allowed sponsors such as Beano, Tums, Gas-Ex, Pepto-Bismol, and other such medicinal manufacturers to sponsor contestants. It was amazing.
Having explained the contest, on with the documentation. For this event, we found three professional hot dog eaters, pictured below, to come in and partake of the goodness of hot dogs. After a short interview in which they where probed on their skill as eaters, they were ready and willing to eat. Look at the hunger in their eyes
Meanwhile, in a back room, hundreds of hot dogs where being cooked to satisfy the healthy appetites of these three women.
Having cooked the dogs and interveiwed the women, the contest was ready to go. Oh, but wait, what about the buns?? We provided pleanty of buns to compliment their wieners, all grown from completely organic wheat, and here you see them from our Bun Cam(©), from all angels!!!
Buns, weiners, women, these are the things that are needed to make a Hot Dog A Thon, and we had them all. Having assembled all needed iteams, we dumped the hot dogs in a trough, and let the ladies eat.
Now, this is the sad part of this competition. Have you ever seen a pack of hungry wolves, having spotted a three legged cat, attack the poor thing, rip it to shreds, grunting, howling, and yelping as they do so? Well, this is the kind of thing that the attenders of the Hot Dog A Thon experienced. Now, we here are STOOP are family oriented, and we would not post anything on this site that may be dangerous to children or weak hearted women. So, we have opted not to post the footage of the actual eating at this time. Needless to say, it was nasty, but, after 20 minutes and 366 hot dogs, we had a wiener, I mean, winner. Nedra, our grand champion is seen here doing her victory dance.
Having competed, the three women stood to get their pictures taken, but, unfortunately, because of everything that was riding on this contest, the losers were progressively bitter as we go down the losing ladder. Here are our contestants.
Nedra, our winner
Wanda, second place
Belinda, the ever bitter loser
Hot dog eating is very dangerous, not only do you have to worry about choking, heartburn, bloating, exploding and all such other problems associated with fast consumption of foods, you also have to worry about problems associated with just eating hot dogs, e. coli, salmonilla, trichinosis, and tapeworm. This is a very dangerous sport, so leave it to the professionals. We had a guy that, after seeing our contest, thought he could handle eating hundreds of hot dogs at a time. Unfortunately for him, the police found him the next day, dead from Hot Dog Disease (HDD).
Photo courtesy of NYPD