
The Pinata Liberation Organizations Mission 1

Since it's founding in 1923 STOOP has always been an active organization, acting in any way possible that would further its goal of Stopping the oppression of Pinatas. We have staged protests, had boycotts, and provided safe havens for abused pinatas. But, up until now, we have not had the means nor the force to actively liberate pinatas, we did not have any trained individuals who would secretly enter pinata holding facilities and save them. Enter, the PLO, the Pinata Liberation Organization. For years, STOOP has been secretly training these highly qualified individuals in reconnaissance and rescue work, and in through training identical to that of US Special Forces, we have produces some mean, mean, pinata saving machines.

But, no ordinary liberator would work. For years we accepted applications. Crazy, left winged Uzbekistanese were the main applicants, looking for any excuse to shed blood. But, they would not work, they did not have the key ingredient looked for in a member of the PLO. They did not look like a pinata. To go in to a holding facility incognito, we had to locate willing liberators who looked like pinatas, and, after exhaustive searching of the US and Canadian prison systems, the employees of Glaxo Welcome, and the local Elks post #545, we have found the right men for the job. Pictured to the side is the PLO.

One would never suspect these individuals to be trained killers, but, they are. As they were posing for this picture, you can just see them thinking about whether or not break the camera mans neck, and they did. But, these PLO members are not at all limited to hand to hand combat. While they can break a neck faster than it takes a blind man to walk off a cliff, and even though they can use any of 21 pressure points to immobilize someone and then eat them, they are trained in weapons use. They carry with them a variety of arms, mostly smaller, semi automatic pistols. And while they have not been called to action yet, they soon will be, and it will be reported here on STOOP.









