Now, you may be wondering what STOOP has already done to help the cause of the poor pinatas. We are an active organization, and so we have again acted. We have taken the initiative to buy several VW Buses from various junk yards and have them towed to a back lot on some land owned by STOOP.
We have converted these buses into homes for battered pinatas. If a pinata has been abused and has somehow escaped its probable death, it can have a home with us. These pinatas can live in this community, amid pinatas with similar plights. We have regular visits by a psychologist licenced for helping pinatas. He helps these poor souls to get over the traumatizing lives they have gotten out of and to be able to again become independent. Any pinata who has been the victim of the above atrocities can come and have a happy home with us.
Not only does STOOP provide the housing( the VW buses) free of charge and the psychologist but we also have a schedule for fun activities for the members of the community to enjoy. Some of the favorites are knitting, basket weaving, toothpick making, and Spamery( a form of pottery, but you use Spam, not clay). Any battered pinata is welcome to come and enjoy our home, dedicated to improving the plight of the poor pinatas.
Here is a picture of the Home For Battered Pinatas, a project of STOOP.