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Chapter 8


It was huge, to say the least. The structure loomed out beneath Garanda Pass as if it were alive. If it were a base of some kind, the effect would not have been so impressive, but it was a single structure.

The five members of TKR and the lone rider that accompanied them stood in awe of it. Jenny stood close to Jake, somehow deriving more strength from him than from Kyle. She found this a little bit surprising.

Ever since TKR began, she'd had certain feelings for the leader of the team. Now, though, she found those feelings being overcome by, could it be called passion, another kind of feeling for the stoic figure she stood by. He was mysterious, that was for sure. There were parts of his past he just wouldn't reveal, the identity of Melissa, for one. He didn't let anyone in, and didn't try to reach out to anyone. Could that have been the reason she was feeling this way about him, because he was unattainable? No, he let her stand close, which meant he thought himself attainable, but not reachable.

Some sort of deep pain was there, and that, she realized, was what was driving him. This pain was the reason he built COBRA, not the high-minded stuff he said back in the Strategy Room. He wasn't willing to share it, but he dwelt on it constantly.

She knew it had something to do with KRO. An image crossed her mind at that time, the image of a young, naïve Dr. Victor Frankenstein trying to do something nobody else thought of, and building a monster consequently. Dr. Frankenstein finally confronted the monster and ended up triumphant, but the result was he lost his own soul.

Still, she knew he had a soul. He had to, or else he wouldn't have saved them the way he did. Perhaps that was it. She saw him as an image of strength, but he did have weaknesses. She could feel that they were constantly at the forefront of his mind.

As she mused on this, COBRA suddenly beeped. "Jake, lad, I think I've got somethin'."

He raised the watch, the watch so much more sophisticated than theirs, to talk to it. "What?"

The Scottish voice rang out. "There's jus' one structure, an' it controls and builds the damned things."

Jake considered it a moment. "Okay. Any life forms inside?"
COBRA's voice sounded a little bit like he was wondering that himself. "Nae. If there's any, I canna read it."

He went into his thinking process again. "Where's the main terminal?"

COBRA's superior sensors played out over the massive structure beneath them. "In the centre, next t' a large stockpile of explosives."

Jake stayed rooted for a moment, something that surprised Jenny. "What's going on COBRA? Why'd he stop?"

COBRA was the only other one there that knew the answer. "Well, lass, that's 'is way of thinkin' when 'e needs to devote 'is entire brain to it. 'e started it back when 'e was thinkin' up the Compact Disk, and 'as been doin' it ever since."

At that, Jake broke out of his trancelike state. "Okay COBRA. We're going on a new mission."

He looked over to Kyle. "Me and COBRA are going to try and ram that thing."

Kyle looked at him in shock. "No."

Trek caught on to what he was saying. "It makes sense Kyle. COBRA's got the deflector grid, the superior shell, and a full stock of weapons on board. He and Jake can go through the base with no problem if he fires all the weapons at the entry point and goes in with the ramjets going at full blast."

Jake smiled and nodded at his contemporary. "Exactly."

He knew the possibility. He knew that COBRA would, probably, be destroyed with this. And, with that, himself as well. He knew it, but didn't let it show. He had to get on with his own mission after this, the one COBRA was built for.

He went to Kyle and extended a hand. "Thanks Kyle."

Kyle nodded, not sure what to do. He went to Duke. "Take care of these guys Duke."

Duke shook his hand as well. "Someone has to."

He went to Trek. "Remember, Trek, it's not what you know that's important. It's how you put it to work."

The words of wisdom sounded familiar to him. "Thanks. I'll remember that."

He went on to Erica, but, instead of a handshake, took her in his arms. "You know. You could make someone else a very happy man if you used your talents wisely."

She shook her finger in his face. "I was trying to make you that happy man."

He laughed at that. "I know. But it's not me you have to do that for."

At that, he turned to Jenny. He had to admit that, if it weren't for this obsession he had, he could find himself falling in love with her. She reminded him so much of Melissa in certain ways, with her ready smile and quick wit. And she was beautiful too. He touched her face in a manner that was familiar to him. "You could have the happiness you've always craved if you know where to look."

She took his hand. "Thanks Jake."

And they embraced. It seemed, to the others, to be a bit longing on his part as well as hers, but they never mentioned it. This was a goodbye for Jake, and they knew it.

He broke off and climbed into his car. "COBRA, I think a highlander march is in order here."

Gladly, the car started to play it as he closed the door. Jake looked at them all again as if to say goodbye, but his eyes stopped on Jenny. Something else passed between them, something that, for a long time, neither one would realize.

Then he faced forward. "Fire the 'jets COBRA."

TKR watched as COBRA rocketed down the gulley that was Garanda Pass. The black car sped up, going as fast as it possibly could. DANTE kept a countdown. "COBRA will reach his mark in five"

At the count of one, COBRA's weapons fired all at the same point. The last they saw of the car was it barreling into the structure. Kyle said it best. "Godspeed."

They turned around, but, a moment later, spun back at the sound of a tremendous boom. The structure exploded outwards, fire eating everything within.

Jenny ran up to where COBRA was parked just a moment before. "JAKE!"

Mobius slammed his fist down as best he could. "Damn."

He flipped another switch, and saw the car again. He knew what had to happen now. He had to find some other way to accomplish his goal. He was so close there, but the black Corvette stopped him.

TKR stood over the ashes of the base, reading everything they could. They had to know for sure if COBRA had survived the wreckage.

Duke had his sensor out, going over every inch, as DOMINO read what she could from the rubble. At the end, however, they could find no trace of the composite fiber that made up the Computer Operated Baseline Reaction Automaton.

They went back to SkyOne with more questions than answers. None of them knew what had happened to Jake Schuyller and COBRA. Officially, they were listed as missing. Unofficially, however, Jenny started to dream about a tall, muscular man with an immeasurable IQ and a long mane of hair. She thought of him often enough. She wondered where he could've gone to.

Where Indeed.

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