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Silver Gold Wishes

Lady Sarah looked out her window on the crisp autum morning.

She sighed wholeheartedly as she watched the sun rise against the rolling green mountains of her home.

"I'd give all of this up." she said outloud. "If only I could marry for love."

"Lady Sarah! What are you nittering about by that window. You'll catch your death of a cold!"

Sarah picked up her golden dress and moved off from the windows ledge.

"So? What have you heard Nanny?"

Nanny, for she had no other name, looked her mistress square in the eye and gave a humph. "No good morning Nanny? How are you?"

"I'm sorry Nanny. Goodmorn to, what have you heard? Is it Lord Rickard? Or the Earl, Philip DuFront from across the sea?"

Nanny sat down with a serious look.

"Well!?" Lady Sarah nearly shouted.

"It's the Duke of Fimmet."

Sarah was stunned for only a few moments.

"What!!" Sarah grabbed at a piece of her dress and tore it. "How could she!! That stupid cow of my step-mother...she's convinced my father-"

"No M' was your fathers disicision."

That caught the Lady Sarah up short.


Nanny nodded her head.

Sarah slid against the wall to land in a heap of her silk and golden gown. It billed out around her.

"You will be a Duchess." Nanny tried to help.

Lady Sarah closed her eyes and an image of the Duke of Fimmet rose before her eyes.

A man of substansal wealth, weight and power. He was older then her father! She couldn't bear be married to some PIG!!

Lady Sarah ears picked up at the sound of bells ringing.

"Why are they rining the bells at this time of day?"

Nanny went out to the window. "I don't konw."

"Prepare my hair Nanny. I will go downstairs as soon as possible. Hopefully I can get my father to forget this imposible tie to the Duke."

"Yes M'Lady."


Lady Sarah was the eldest child of the Baron Norton. Her mother had died during her birth and mearly seven years later had remaried a pale blue eyed princess from a far away land. Lady Sarah called her the Ice Princess, for that was how she acted all the time. Her step-mother was in fact only eight years older then Sarah. And had just resently presented the Baron with what Sarah's mother couldn't, a male heir.

Now that that was secure, Lady Sarah would have to be rid of. Sent off to the highest noblemen's bid for her dowery.

Lady Sarah her head high. Her brown curls tumbeling around her shoulders decended the steps to the main hall with the regal weight of a Queen.

Her father and step-mother already sat at the head table.

Her father nodded his head at her apprach.

As always, her step-mother ignored her.

"Why were the bells ringing?" she asked as soon as she'd sat down by her father's side.

"Have you not heard?" her step-mother actually addresed her. "King Marcus is dead. Prince Jearth will soon be coronated as King Jearth."

Lady Sarah watched as her step-mothers face practically glowed. Had she been one of the Princes small fancies for a while? Was she still one of his mistresses?

Her father gave a cough.

"Well, daughter I assume you have been told of my choice of the Duke."


"But with the recent news of the Kings death, no weddings can occur for a full year outside of the royal family. That is until King Jearth marries."

Lady Sarah suddenly felt the day literly brighten. That was right, according to law no marriage would occur before that of the King. The King would have one year to find a sutible bride.

Lady Sarah felt her mind begin to bubble with ideas.

"We will be attending the coronation right father?"

"Of course!" her step-mother responded.

Lady Sarah bit a piece of meed from last nights sup. She wasn't going to marry some Duke she didn't love. Not when she could marry a Prince and rub it right into her step-mothers face.

'What about marrying for love?' her consicounse nagged at her.

Forget love, thought Sarah, who needs it when I can have a country to rule and the ability to finally get rid of my awfull family!