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Jareth leaned his head against the thrown and stiffled a yawn.


His eyes snapped back open. "Yes! Right away!"

Beside him, Hoggle, his squire rolled his eyes. "You were falling asleep...again Highness."

Jareth sat up straighter and tried to smile. "It's hard to stay awake, when the lights are so low and the constante display of Princessces and ladies is straining on my eyes."

Hoggle flicked off an imaginary piece of dust from his royal blue coat. "Most men your age Highness would find it wonderfully to watch a processtion of ladies walk before them."

Jareth leaned his cheek against his palm.

"Yes Hoggle, but those men would not be looking for a QUEEN."

The next young maiden who came forward looked like a stuffed strawberry, all decked out in reds and whites.

Jareth felt his stomach turn. He couldn't take anymore of this! He was about to jump up and run out of the room any miniute!

Hoggle placed a restraning hand on his shoulder before he could jump up.

"That was the last one Highness."

"Good." Jareth jumped up and waved his hands. "Thank you one and all for coming here tonight, it was a pleasure to see so many beautiful...faces."

Suddenly Jareth's voice trailed off. He looked beyond the crowd and saw a young woman in a beautiful deep green dress standing by the curtains.


"Yes Highness?"

"Who is that?"

Jareth made the mistake of pointing his finger at the girl. Suddenly everone in the room had turned their heads and stared at the poor girl.

"I do not know Highness."

"Bring her here."

Hoggle waddled down the steps towards the mysterious girl but suddenly she jumped back and disapeared behind the curtains.

"Wait!" Jareth cried as he ran down the steps.

He found himself envelovped in a massive wave of young women in huge ball gowns.


Hoggle pulled down the royal bed room curtains and out of the corner of his eye watched his master.

"Still sulking highness."

Jareth looked up and shook his head. He reached down and picked up a black ribbon from his dresser. While tieing back his hair he walked around his room.

"Why would she run away?"

Hoggle shook out the royal green bathrobe. "I really can not say Highness."

Jareth rubbed the back of his neck. He leaned against the bed post of his bed. "Find her Hoggle."

Hoggle startled at the almost menesing tone in the Prince's voice. "Highness?"

Jareth crossed his arms over his chest. "That girl...who ever she was. Something about her, something I need to find out about."

Hoggle nodded his head and quite his masters room


Jareth spent the next day wandering about the gardens in his castle grounds. Around him as always were the crowds of young women, all pining to be the Queen.

Today however, Jareth was on the look out for the girl in the green dress.

"Your highness." Hoggle said coming quickly up to him.

"Have you found her?"

"Possibly your highness, one of the gaurds reported saw her get into a carriage baring a plat that looked like this." Hoggle handed him a sketch.

"Do we know who the family is?"

"Could be a baron, there are only twenty barons locally in the city limits."

"Then we must search out which ones have daughrters and then visit them."

Hoggle bowed and quickly left to carry out his masters orders.


Lady Sarah laid the green dress out on the bed, she called it her lucky gown. And what luck!

She'd heard that all the palace was in an uproar because the Prince had been quite taken with a young girl at the ball from a few nights ago.

A young girl in a green that was discribed exactly like hers.

Her mother was even curious as to who the girl was. Of course, Sarah wasn't about to tell her parents that she'd slipped away that night to attend the ball.

Lady Sarah twirlled around the room, a bright sunny smile on her face.

A commotion from down in the court yard made her stop and look over the window.

Sarah gasped. "Oh no! This isn't how it was going to work!"

Prince Jearth's coach had just entered their courtyard, followed by the royal gaurds.

Sarah ran over and grabbing the green dress shoved it under the bed. What was she going to do?! Yes, she wanted his attentions...but away from her parents.

"Oh no...oh no!!"

Nanny opened the door to her room. "Lady...what's wrong?"

"Please don't tell me that's Prince Jearth that has just arrived!?"

Nanny was puzzled. "Yes, of course it is. He's just pulled up and your father wants you dressed and downstairs quickly."

Sarah shook her head. "NO! I can't go...I'm not feeling too well."

Nanny shook her head and went over to the closet to pull out a new gown. "You looks good and healthy to me, young lady. Now come on, let's get you into this dress."

"What is he doing here Nanny?"

"I have no idea M'Lady, I ain't privy to the mind of a Prince."

Sarah obentiently stepped into her gown and Nanny pulled it tight. It was one of her better gowns, all red and flower gold colours.

"Don't have time to fix up your hair, just have to go down with it down. Here, let's twist just a bit of it back though."

Sarah's feet felt like leed, she couldn't move. She didn't want to move. Mabye he wouldn't recognize her. Her hair had been up at the time...and she was wearing a green dress...and...who was she kidding?!

Nanny pushed her out the door and down the hallway.

They neared the main hall and Sarah's breath came shorter and quicker.

Nanny had to give her a good shove to get all the way into the main hall.

"Finally, Your Highness, may I present my daughter, the Lady Sarah."

Sarah smiled, but felt her heart drop to her feet when the Prince turned around and smiled at her.

"Lady Sarah?"

Sarah curtised low and came back up.

She felt some relife when it looked like he hadn't recognized her.

He took her hand and kissed it lightly. "So wonderful to see you again Lady Sarah."

Her step mother perked up. "Again? You've meet the Prince before daughter?"

Sarah shook her head and opened her mouth to argue, but Prince Jearth inturputed her.

"Of course, she was at the ball not four days her beautiful green gown."

Sarah's eyes closed and she stiffled a groan.

"Ball?! What ball?!" Her father asked.

Prince Jearth smiled at her when she opened her eyes. "Oh, dear. Was that a secret?"
