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The Prince followed Lady Sarah out onto the balcony with a very stiff back.

Jearth wondered what kind of minx this young woman was. She'd obviusly disobaid her parents to attend the ball, and yet seemed annoyed that he had taken notice of her.

Wouldn't that have been her point?

Sarah was muttering to herself. "Wonderful, just wonderful."

Jearth had never befor encountred such a woman like the Lady Sarah. She seemed to be paying little or no attention to her.

"Lady Sarah?" he asked.

She turned around, glared at him, then turned her back and continued to curse.

Just as Jearth was about to ask her if she had any manners to speak of, she whirled around and pointed a dainty finger at him.

"This is all YOUR fault! If you hadn't come here, I wouldn't be in trouble. All I wanted was to go to one last ball before I was married...and you've gone and ruined it. Now I doubt he'll want to marry me at all...oh hang you with bogs of mice and rats!!"

Jearth would have laughed at her outburst if it wasn't for the fact that she looked close to tears.

"Please Lady Sarah. I mearly wanted to know who you were...where is the harm in that. And who won't marry you?"

"The Duke Fimmet."

Jearth couldn't stop his eyes from widening. He knew this Duke of Fimmet...he was at least twenty years older then the Lady Sarah, and five times wider. Why on earth would she be worried about not marrying him...unless it was the title.

"You want to be a duchess that badly?"

"NO! But if I don't marry him...then Papa will ship me off to the convent!"

Jearth shook his head, even worse! What kind of situtation had he landed himself in this time?

"Come come my dear. Dry your eyes. Nothing ever came from crying." He handed her one of his hankerchiefs.

"We are in the same situtation you know, Lady Sarah. You must marry or be shipped off to a nunnery. And I must marry if I wish to keep my crown."

Lady Sarah sniffled. "But YOU get to chosse your wife. I don't get to choose my husband. I was lucky enough with the Duke's preposal."


Sarah looked out of the corner of her eye at the Prince. She had him! He actually belived her whole! Was this ever easy, she'd turned a lossing game into a winning situation.

What Prince couldn't refuse a crying woman, and the idea of a forced marraige. He'd have to help her! He'd have to!!

She gave another convinencing sniffle and pointed her head to her chin. She hoped she looked pittiful enough.

"There there, Lady Sarah. It's not all that bad, come to think of it, I know a way to make it much better."


The Prince turned her chin up to make her look at him.

"How about if I asked your parents to alow you to be a courtier for a month at the palace. Then at the end of the time, I will be present to make sure the Duke is there to sign a formal bethrothal contract. How does it sound."

Wreched! Sarah wanted to scream, but instead smiled and flung herself against the Prince, hugging him.

"Oh THANK YOU! Your highness." She exclaimed.

Thank you for giving me a month to make you fall in love with me.

The Prince smiled and helped her to her feet. "Come, let us ask your father."
