Press Kit
from El Clarín
Forest Ranger on the
She (Gianella Neyra), hiking in Iguassu, fell on
an animal trap. He (Facundo Arana), ranger,
rescues her and takes her to his cabin. Yago
(Telefé) -name of the novela and leading
character- notices her sore ankle and treats it
with fresh potatoes cut in half. Since the girl
screams, he asks: "Cold?". They look at
each other for quiet some time. He touches it
again; she utters her pain again.
"Hot?", he asks on purpose. He might be
playing naive, but turned out to be pretty fast.
Summary |
First-hand experience
Yago (Facundo Arana in, Yago, Telefé) lived in
Misiones for many years as a park ranger in
Iguassu. Hence, it was not strange seeing why in
his second scene in Buenos Aires, he left his
motorcycle unlocked. Oversight which of course
prompted getting is motorcycle stolen
immediately. "You're not from around here,
right?", asks someone who witnessed
everything. Next, he gives him his first
"city" advice: "what rules in here
my brother, is the law of the jungle". And
with no park rangers.
Summary |
Looking for the killer
Mario Alarcón's character in Yago (Telefé, a
las 13) comes in to a hotel and walks towards the
counter. Facundo Arana's character (Yago himself)
shoots a question: "Are you Roberto
Cárdenas?". Since the other guy replies
yes, Yago burst out "You killed my
mother!". "Tell me why! Tell me! Look
at me!", while holding him in a weird way
from the neck. In a weird way because it wasn't
clear whether he wanted to strangle him or give
him a mouth kiss.
Summary |
At the speed of light
The bus taking Yago (Facundo Arana) back to
Misiones left a little while ago from Buenos
Aires. Sitting next to him, is a pregntant woman
with whom the leading actor of Yago, pasión
morena (Telefé) starts talking with. In the
following scene, the woman who until that point
had shown no symptoms of giving birth, suddenly
has a contraction. And on the next contraction,
she gives birth to a beautiful and healthy baby
girl. Although not as healthy as her mother, who
gave birth without any sweat and without the
tiniest stain on her dress. How enviable.
Summary |
Jail talk
Federico Olivera in Yago, Pasión Morena
(Telefé) receives a visit in jail from his
mother. Their talk takes place behind a thick
glass and through phones; otherwise, they're not
supposed to hear each other. But, the system in
use is questioned because you could clearly hear
their voices from the other side of the glass and
without the use of the phones.
Summary |
Loves that Kill
This week, Facundo Arana in Yago, Pasión Morena
(Telefé) went through a hard time. He's locked
in jail and Gianella Neyra, his love, is about to
marry someone else. Yago escapes prison and goes
to where the wedding takes place. As soon as he
kidnapps her, they run away, this time to the
roof of a building where the couple is surrounded
by the police on one side and empty space on the
other. Decision time. Holding hands, sticking to
their love, they jump. Like Thelma and Louise,
but funnier.
Summary |
Promos from |
You'll need Quicktime to play it. It takes a
while to download.
24 Horas
Interview - Peru
June 17, 2001 interview
with Gianella Neyra and Facundo Arana.
Including Videomatch and Versus clips.
Elogio de la Notera
La actriz Mariana Briski hacía el papel de
notera despistada de programa de espectáculos en
Maru a la tarde (Telefé). La
"víctima" de la entrevista era Facundo
Arana, el protagonista de Yago, pasión
morena. "¿Cómo fue eso de trabajar en
las Cataratas? ¿No te picó un
mosquito?..." Antes de cualquier respuesta,
arremetió con la segunda parte: "¿Vos
sabés nadar? Porque yo veía las escenas y me
daba un miedo...". Como parodia, super real.
| Celebración
de los 100 capítulos de Yago
La tira festejó los primeros cien programas en
Ribera Este y Facundo, siempre adorable y
caballero, nos concedió esta nota en la que
habla de sus compañeros, la música, la
actuación y asegura que es muy groso seguir
contando cuentos para quien los quiera escuchar.
Parte 1: "No hay
nadie en todo el equipo a quien no quiera darle
un abrazo enorme"
2: "Estamos vivos y
haciendo lo que nos gusta"
3: "Hemos sido varios
los que pasamos por el subte"
4: "Yo con contar el
cuentito estoy feliz"
5: "Que el mundo no
entre en guerra"
Entrevista: Laura Abramowitz - Cámara: Ari
Kaplan Nakamura |